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Are You Worried About Coronavirus?

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  • Originally posted by Valerie928 View Post
    I talked to my cousin, an actual human in the medical field. She is a pediatric nurse practitioner and works in the PICU at our largest children's hospital here in my city. I asked her if she is worried about the virus. She said compare it to the flu minus a vaccine. Just wash your hands and do your best to stay healthy.
    I personally don't think all this quarantine stuff is worth it. It's just delaying the spread.
    Originally posted by Jo123ABC View Post
    I disagree and think the social distancing is worth it. There need to be doctors, nurses, and equipment ready for those who need it. If everyone gets sick at the same time medical professionals won't be able to keep up.
    I agree with both of you. It important that we slow the spread. If we could manage this disease with medicine and healthcare like any other treatable disease we could get back to living life normally. Everyone in the world has contracted the cold or flu by a young age, this should be no different. Currently it is our boogeyman. There is hope that the trials which started yesterday in New York using hydrochloraguine will be one of the drugs which will be effective. These next two weeks will tell us a lot.

    If the flu did not have a vaccine, and we were counting every death and infection, it would look similar. We need treatment and a vaccine.

    Every year the common flu mutates as a killer of up to 40,000 a year in the US. We manage it even with those mortality rates.
    Last edited by Michael; 03-24-2020, 10:47 PM.


    • Originally posted by Michael View Post
      He’ll get them on Thursday
      Thank you!!! It will make such a huge difference here until the supply chain gets re-established. happyface
      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


      • Originally posted by Jo123ABC View Post
        I disagree and think the social distancing is worth it. There need to be doctors, nurses, and equipment ready for those who need it. If everyone gets sick at the same time medical professionals won't be able to keep up.
        Dr. Fauci has said that COVID-19 is 10 times more lethal than the seasonal flu and that it spreads faster:

        "I can say we will see more cases and things will get worse than they are right now," said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

        Since we don't have a vaccine or a cure for Coronavirus yet, it seems well worth it to me to take social distancing seriously.


        • Yesterday it was announced that a one month old baby has tested positive , this is in addition to the 10 month old and 5 yr old.


          • Speaking with the local department of health agent this week after I had to chase them down to notify them of possible spread. This is NOT 'the flu' it is a viral pneumonia.

            She said that the local health offices opinions are that since they are only tested the worst case scenarios, the mortality statistic is skewed a bit. There aren't enough tests to administer unless the person needs medical intervention. Many people are not even seeking treatment/diagnosis because they are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms.

            My friend's 12 year old with severe asthma spent one night under observation after she tested positive and went home the next morning. She's recovering nicely. Same thing happens every time she gets the flu, too. Now Mom thinks it's 100% media hype and I have to tell her I'm too busy to chat because she is straight conspiracy theory crazy rn. ::

            That being said, I'm still not taking any chances as a young-ish healthy adult. Social distancing is an easy thing to do. I'm already 80% hermit anyway. (Cancelled plans? YAY)


            • Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
              Speaking with the local department of health agent this week after I had to chase them down to notify them of possible spread. This is NOT 'the flu' it is a viral pneumonia.

              She said that the local health offices opinions are that since they are only tested the worst case scenarios, the mortality statistic is skewed a bit. There aren't enough tests to administer unless the person needs medical intervention. Many people are not even seeking treatment/diagnosis because they are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms.

              My friend's 12 year old with severe asthma spent one night under observation after she tested positive and went home the next morning. She's recovering nicely. Same thing happens every time she gets the flu, too. Now Mom thinks it's 100% media hype and I have to tell her I'm too busy to chat because she is straight conspiracy theory crazy rn. ::

              That being said, I'm still not taking any chances as a young-ish healthy adult. Social distancing is an easy thing to do. I'm already 80% hermit anyway. (Cancelled plans? YAY)
              I had to laugh when you said "cancelled plans, yay".........I am the exact same. I like being home. I only go out 1× week now because I have to buy food for my family. But now that the virus is everywhere I may do online/grocery pick up.


              • Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
                Speaking with the local department of health agent this week after I had to chase them down to notify them of possible spread. This is NOT 'the flu' it is a viral pneumonia.

                She said that the local health offices opinions are that since they are only tested the worst case scenarios, the mortality statistic is skewed a bit. There aren't enough tests to administer unless the person needs medical intervention. Many people are not even seeking treatment/diagnosis because they are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms.

                My friend's 12 year old with severe asthma spent one night under observation after she tested positive and went home the next morning. She's recovering nicely. Same thing happens every time she gets the flu, too. Now Mom thinks it's 100% media hype and I have to tell her I'm too busy to chat because she is straight conspiracy theory crazy rn. ::

                That being said, I'm still not taking any chances as a young-ish healthy adult. Social distancing is an easy thing to do. I'm already 80% hermit anyway. (Cancelled plans? YAY)
                Ugh there are *still* people who don't believe this virus is more of a killer than anything else that's ever passed across the planet? Stupid stupid. Yes, the whole world has been upended for no reason.
                And I'm a hermit too. I love it when there are no people around. It's very stressful when there are. Actually, there are maybe 3-4 people, besides my 3 adult kids, that I love spending any time with. The rest of humanity can lengthen that social distance wayyyyy out.


                • Originally posted by Josiegirl View Post
                  Ugh there are *still* people who don't believe this virus is more of a killer than anything else that's ever passed across the planet? Stupid stupid.
                  EBOLA is a mind-blogging killer and far more deadly. It is contagious when it is apparent. COVID-19 is spreading because its not apparent. At some point this will be managed as any other disease is. It is more virulent than the flu but its structure is consistent which means each year's vaccines will be able to project and control it. The advances we see now against COVID-19 are coming from our previous successes with SARS.


                  • Originally posted by Josiegirl View Post
                    Ugh there are *still* people who don't believe this virus is more of a killer than anything else that's ever passed across the planet? Stupid stupid. Yes, the whole world has been upended for no reason.
                    And I'm a hermit too. I love it when there are no people around. It's very stressful when there are. Actually, there are maybe 3-4 people, besides my 3 adult kids, that I love spending any time with. The rest of humanity can lengthen that social distance wayyyyy out.
                    This is not the deadliest thing humans have encountered. There are other far more devastating things.


                    • Same store, same meat display two weeks later. Everyone had panicked here and overbought. At the time I thought that these stores, two weeks later, would have food sitting on the shelves that no one needed. Now, No more restrictions on how much you can buy. I can understand people needing more food since they are home and not going to restaurants but someone needs to explain why there is no toilet paper or any other paper products. I’m fortunate bought enough supplies for several months back when life was normal.
                      Attached Files


                      • Holy cow! $4.99/lb for ground beef? ::

                        It’s about $3.25 here for same


                        • Our grocery stores in my area are locally owned. The family that owns them are hoarders in a way so they’ve managed to keep all the shelves full. Thank goodness


                          • Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                            Holy cow! $4.99/lb for ground beef? ::

                            It’s about $3.25 here for same
                            You should be a detective. You have an inquisitive mind. Don’t get me going on how expensive everything is here. They tax “everything”. Gas is still $3-$4 a gallon.


                            • Originally posted by Valerie928 View Post
                              This is not the deadliest thing humans have encountered. There are other far more devastating things.
                              Ok fine, that's true but we haven't seen the end of it either.


                              • Originally posted by Michael View Post
                                Gas is still $3-$4 a gallon.
                                Gas here is less than $2/gallon.
                                I think today it's $1.85

                                Things are definitely more expensive over your way.... I am floored at some of the prices I've seen in photos of empty store selves people have posted.

