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Are You Worried About Coronavirus?

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  • Are You Worried About Coronavirus?

    I am trying not to be. But social media has inflated this and made it so scary. Is stopping the virus/containing the spread worth it? Should we accept it into our lives and stop trying to stop it? To me, it seems like another flu virus or similar. Some people infected will recover quick, some not so much, some pass away. Just curious as to what you folks are thinking?

  • #2
    The media needs to sell ads and print.

    The precautions are exactly the same as for any virus.
    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


    • #3
      Not at all.

      Practice the same health precautions as with anything else and always have a stockpile/preps in place for any emergency - not just coronavirus.


      • #4
        I am slightly but with any illness right now since my husband is currently going through chemo and his white blood cell count is always low.


        • #5
          Yes! Iowa public health department just put out a webinar for providers to learn how to prevent the spread in daycares. Obviously they think it will be bad. the webinar is an hour long.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            Yes! Iowa public health department just put out a webinar for providers to learn how to prevent the spread in daycares. Obviously they think it will be bad. the webinar is an hour long.
            That's kinda extreme. I mean the virus has been around for 1 month and there are only 15 infected/ quarantined/ almost all recovered US persons. I understand being prepared but influenza has killed at least 30,000 people this season so far.


            • #7
              I'm kind of an alarmist but I read that upwards of 70% of the world's population will contract Coronavirus. It seems to have a 1 - 3% mortality rate. That would equal up to 150 million people dying and as many as 5 million in the US. Still the odds of contracting and dying from it seems to be only a very rare possibility in America.

              Fear will only drive down the economy and immobilize people. I agree with keeping to sanitary environments, washing hands, taking vitamins, staying healthy and going about our daily lives.

              Fear of the Coronavirus will do much more harm. The majority of is will deal with it as we do the cold or flu.

              As a footnote: I was at the local coffee shop with about 15 other people and sitting at a table with my wife. I felt a sneeze coming on and put my face in my sweatshirt and sneezed. The barista said "bless you" and no one ran out of the store. Seems like no one cares.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Michael View Post
                I'm kind of an alarmist but I read that upwards of 70% of the world's population will contract Coronavirus. It seems to have a 1 - 3% mortality rate. That would equal up to 150 million people dying and as many as 5 million in the US. Still the odds of contracting and dying from it seems to be only a very rare possibility in America.

                Fear will only drive down the economy and immobilize people. I agree with keeping to sanitary environments, washing hands, taking vitamins, staying healthy and going about our daily lives.

                Fear of the Coronavirus will do much more harm. The majority of is will deal with it as we do the cold or flu.

                As a footnote: I was at the local coffee shop with about 15 other people and sitting at a table with my wife. I felt a sneeze coming on and put my face in my sweatshirt and sneezed. The barista said "bless you" and no one ran out of the store. Seems like no one cares.
                Been watching the stock market tumble🙄 Until just yesterday, I was completely unaware that the swine flu (H1N1) of 2009-2010 was a pandemic.


                • #9
                  More people have died already from the seasonal flu and less have had the flu. Also some of the stats are taking into account people proven to have had covid-19 not people who have had it and recovered without being tested. Also those deaths were in places with sketchy healthcare and people over 70 yrs old. The difference is we know less about it and do not have a vaccine.

                  My main fear is the panic and shortage of resources due to that panic. I carry hand sanitizer everywhere I go so have a good stockpile already but my mother in law is travelling and when she went to buy hand sanitizer it was completely sold out. I also worry about my husband who has severe asthma and my parents who are both over 70 and having to take care of them. I also worry about people bringing their kids to my house even though they are not working. Will I shut down?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Valerie928 View Post
                    Been watching the stock market tumble🙄 Until just yesterday, I was completely unaware that the swine flu (H1N1) of 2009-2010 was a pandemic.
                    Yes! I had just had my daughter when that started so I dragged my butt down to the arena to get the vaccine because they recommended it for people taking care of infants. When I got there and saw the thousands of people hoarded into these rooms I thought “how is this a good idea”:confused: Luckily nothing really came of it. Not sure social media was as crazy back then either so there was much less panic.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Ariana View Post
                      My main fear is the panic and shortage of resources due to that panic. I carry hand sanitizer everywhere I go so have a good stockpile already but my mother in law is travelling and when she went to buy hand sanitizer it was completely sold out. I also worry about my husband who has severe asthma and my parents who are both over 70 and having to take care of them. I also worry about people bringing their kids to my house even though they are not working. Will I shut down?
                      I've pretty much been stocked up with n95 face masks, surface cleaners and I bough 6 bottles of DAB-they use to advertise on When I used it last year I did not get sick. I wasn't using it this last winter and got a cold. May just be a coincidence but I am again using it all day.


                      • #12
                        I think people hear the word "Pandemic" and panic thinking it means something it does not. It does not mean immediate global infection, hide in your basement, bring out your dead.

                        It simply means "the worldwide spread of a new disease."

                        CoV19 is just that, new. Novel. Novel means new. Novel COVID-19. New coronavirus from bats 2019, mutated from new coronavirus from bats 2002 (SARS-CoV-2). SARS= severe acute respiratory syndrome.

                        MERS= Middle East respiratory syndrome. But it came from camels. Also a novel=new virus. (2015-ish)
                        - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
                          I think people hear the word "Pandemic" and panic thinking it means something it does not. It does not mean immediate global infection, hide in your basement, bring out your dead.

                          It simply means "the worldwide spread of a new disease."

                          CoV19 is just that, new. Novel. Novel means new. Novel COVID-19. New coronavirus from bats 2019, mutated from new coronavirus from bats 2002 (SARS-CoV-2). SARS= severe acute respiratory syndrome.

                          MERS= Middle East respiratory syndrome. But it came from camels. Also a novel=new virus. (2015-ish)
                          Yep, I believe this is the 6th SARS/ Carona type virus. Not sure why manufacturing a vaccine would even matter as the virus seems to mutate every time it comes back. Doesn't that render a vaccine useless?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Valerie928 View Post
                            Yep, I believe this is the 6th SARS/ Carona type virus. Not sure why manufacturing a vaccine would even matter as the virus seems to mutate every time it comes back. Doesn't that render a vaccine useless?
                            My understanding is that they are going for the part that allows transmission from animal to human. They have not quite figured that out, yet? Some of it is also research for the military as well to keep an offensive stash against the development of biological weapons.
                            - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                            • #15
                              It takes a lot to freak me out, so no. I had the flu this year and felt terrible but got over it in a week. I don’t care for infants and my kids aren’t very young.

                              My mom yelled at me once (I was maybe 19 or 20 at the time) because there was a tornado in the vicinity and instead of running to hide I called her at work to tell her how crazy the sky and wind were. As I’m describing this to her and she’s yelling at me to get in the house a tree in our front yard broke in half and the top part blew off down the street...that’s when I decided maybe I should freak out. ::

