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Are You Worried About Coronavirus?

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  • I love when things are worked out in a positive way

    COVID makes life stressful for everyone but we (as a group) don’t have to let it turn us against each other :hug:


    • :hug::hug:...thank you


      • Originally posted by Valerie928 View Post
        I am concerned now as my husbands coworker whom he is with daily has tested positive as of yesterday. I am trying not to be afraid but I am afraid of the unknown. I am not making my husband seclude himself from us. I just don't feel like this will much matter and part of me just wants to acquire the virus and have natural immunity. This may sound crazy, I am just rambling here. Pray for us.
        I will keep you in my thoughts and hope for the best scenario that you don't have to deal with it at all!!

        Originally posted by Valerie928 View Post
        Very glad to hear both you and your husband are ok!

        Originally posted by VictoryCare View Post
        I'm not a bad or mean person, and I do not mean harm or ill will to anyone. It is getting to close to home here and I dont not feel that I or my fiance would come out ok if we contracted this virus
        Hugs to you VictoryCare; it's on everybody's mind. The hard part is not knowing how it would affect us and/or our loved ones. Stay safe and healthy; it sounds like you're doing everything you can to be cautious.


        • Hugs to you VictoryCare; it's on everybody's mind. The hard part is not knowing how it would affect us and/or our loved ones. Stay safe and healthy; it sounds like you're doing everything you can to be cautious.[/QUOTE]
          Thank you....:hug:


          • Originally posted by Valerie928 View Post
            I am concerned now as my husbands coworker whom he is with daily has tested positive as of yesterday. I am trying not to be afraid but I am afraid of the unknown. I am not making my husband seclude himself from us. I just don't feel like this will much matter and part of me just wants to acquire the virus and have natural immunity. This may sound crazy, I am just rambling here. Pray for us.

            We went through the same thing last month. DH had it and our house is small so we really weren't able to isolate from each other. I never did get it though, even though at the time I (kind of) wanted to just get it over with. My DH fared ok, and hopefully yours will too if he gets it.


            • Originally posted by MyAngels View Post

              We went through the same thing last month. DH had it and our house is small so we really weren't able to isolate from each other. I never did get it though, even though at the time I (kind of) wanted to just get it over with. My DH fared ok, and hopefully yours will too if he gets it.
              If there is ever a good chance of my husband catching the virus this is it. His coworker that has it, caught it from his wife who is a front line worker, an RN. So, I figure given the timeline my husband would start showing symptoms today or tomorrow. I am with you though on kinda just wanting to catch it and get it over with. But I am scared of the unknown. How will we react. If my husband does become I'll, I won't seclude him away.

              May I ask how old you and your husband are. We are mid 40's. Did your husband isolate?


              • Originally posted by Valerie928 View Post
                If there is ever a good chance of my husband catching the virus this is it. His coworker that has it, caught it from his wife who is a front line worker, an RN. So, I figure given the timeline my husband would start showing symptoms today or tomorrow. I am with you though on kinda just wanting to catch it and get it over with. But I am scared of the unknown. How will we react. If my husband does become I'll, I won't seclude him away.

                May I ask how old you and your husband are. We are mid 40's. Did your husband isolate?
                We are both in our mid-fifties 57 and 56. He has a few underlying conditions (diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea) but they're all well controlled. He mainly got fatigued and ran a fever off and on for a couple of days. When the health department called they said the number one most common symptom was loss of taste and smell, so BOLO for that. Also, if either of you gets it you might want to pick up a pulse oximeter. My DH's doc told him that if your oxygen level drops it's important to get medical help.

                We both quarantined here together for 10 and 14 days respectively, but we weren't really able to isolate from each other. We have a small house and only 1 bathroom, but we did try not to get too much in each other's spaces.

                We found out yesterday that my DD, who's 32, has had it at some point and just never knew it, no symptoms at all. She's a paramedic so it makes sense.

                You guys take care, and I'll keep you in my thoughts.


                • Originally posted by MyAngels View Post
                  We are both in our mid-fifties 57 and 56. He has a few underlying conditions (diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea) but they're all well controlled. He mainly got fatigued and ran a fever off and on for a couple of days. When the health department called they said the number one most common symptom was loss of taste and smell, so BOLO for that. Also, if either of you gets it you might want to pick up a pulse oximeter. My DH's doc told him that if your oxygen level drops it's important to get medical help.

                  We both quarantined here together for 10 and 14 days respectively, but we weren't really able to isolate from each other. We have a small house and only 1 bathroom, but we did try not to get too much in each other's spaces.

                  We found out yesterday that my DD, who's 32, has had it at some point and just never knew it, no symptoms at all. She's a paramedic so it makes sense.

                  You guys take care, and I'll keep you in my thoughts.
                  Thank you for sharing your experience with covid. It's always a bit comforting to hear good outcomes. I purchased a pulse oximeter back in May as I heard people with covid can be hypoxic and not even know it.

