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Are You Worried About Coronavirus?

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  • Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
    Had a 45 minute discussion with a parent about why I don't get hazard pay or a back up payment (from who?) if any of my DCK's are out for quarantine as the parent doesn't think they should have to pay me when it's not their choice to have to quarantine and be excluded from care. Well it's not MY choice either so why should I lose income?
    I have been getting that a bit too, even though I have not closed and it was the parents who were quarantined from their own personal choices (parties, vacations, flights). I only received a one time grant for cleaning supplies, with the option of using it for tuition assistance. I am not using it to cover their tuition. I would have kept a kid overnights if necessary, though. For a fee. Families should have emergency funds, too. Not just me. They are raising kids on purpose even in the event of an accidental pregnancy. No excuses. >flame suit zipped, personal opinion, teen mother, myself<

    Many of the state grant writers (all states) have been doing advertising campaigns telling parents that our grants can also be used to cover tuition for parents effected by the virus.

    Some states have even mandated it. No extra help for the providers to offset added expenses, just tuition assistance for the parents. They feel since it is going to the provider, it should benefit the parent. Essentially allowing the provider to break even but the parent to profit since most were still receiving unemployment or salary while out.

    That said, I do know some parents (like providers) who don't qualify for unemployment or salaries and actually do need some help. I don't know a single provider who does not know which family of theirs needs that help and has not found a way to provide it. It is what we do. It is only the forced double standards and the notion that we should always be the ones going without while doing more we resent.
    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


    • Originally posted by Valerie928 View Post
      This thread is not about your political standing. Please stop.
      It is about if we are afraid of covid, that is part of my fear, that nothing is being done about it and that we have to wait until Jan to hopefully get something done, and please don't speak to me that way


      • Originally posted by VictoryCare View Post
        It is about if we are afraid of covid, that is part of my fear, that nothing is being done about it and that we have to wait until Jan to hopefully get something done, and please don't speak to me that way
        I have a kids book "Miss Moo goes to the Zoo" where the zoo animals continually ask Miss Moo "who are you and what do you do?".

        So VictoryCare, "who are you and what do you do" other than giving covid info.


        • Originally posted by Valerie928 View Post
          Prayers for all right now! All of you are in my thoughts and prayers.
          Thank you! I'm praying for you and yours:hug:


          • Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
            I have been getting that a bit too, even though I have not closed and it was the parents who were quarantined from their own personal choices (parties, vacations, flights). I only received a one time grant for cleaning supplies, with the option of using it for tuition assistance. I am not using it to cover their tuition. I would have kept a kid overnights if necessary, though. For a fee. Families should have emergency funds, too. Not just me. They are raising kids on purpose even in the event of an accidental pregnancy. No excuses. >flame suit zipped, personal opinion, teen mother, myself<

            Many of the state grant writers (all states) have been doing advertising campaigns telling parents that our grants can also be used to cover tuition for parents effected by the virus.

            Some states have even mandated it. No extra help for the providers to offset added expenses, just tuition assistance for the parents. They feel since it is going to the provider, it should benefit the parent. Essentially allowing the provider to break even but the parent to profit since most were still receiving unemployment or salary while out.

            That said, I do know some parents (like providers) who don't qualify for unemployment or salaries and actually do need some help. I don't know a single provider who does not know which family of theirs needs that help and has not found a way to provide it. It is what we do. It is only the forced double standards and the notion that we should always be the ones going without while doing more we resent.
            Here, essential workers have not paid since April 15 and it ends Dec. 31; and up to Aug 31, there were grants to cover private pay when I closed. Other than this my clients pay. I made my clients pay until the state paid me; as the state pays in arrears so I would stay paid in advance. They will all be credited at the end. Then if the state balks on my Holiday closing 12 days at the end then I will have that as well already in hand. Make sense?

            Plus clients pay the overages each week as the state doesn't pay what I charge!


            • Hmmm...I didn't see a survey for anyone else asking who they were or what the do to talk about if they still worry about covid. And I didn't know there was a certain criteria on giving information or thoughts or feelings about covid, everyone here is open expressing what they think is happening about it, why its happening, why its not happening etc etc...


              • But, to answer your question, I am a mother, a daughter, a fiance, a owner/ provider of a Family Daycare, a catholic, a poet, a baker, a cook, I am and do many things, and my worries and fears are just as valid as anyone else's, even if they are a expressed in different ways


                • Originally posted by VictoryCare View Post
                  Hmmm...I didn't see a survey for anyone else asking who they were or what the do to talk about if they still worry about covid. And I didn't know there was a certain criteria on giving information or thoughts or feelings about covid, everyone here is open expressing what they think is happening about it, why its happening, why its not happening etc etc...
                  Putting on my moderator hat now:

                  Please refrain from sharing your political views in regards to COVID in this thread.

                  Discussion of daycare business, policies and/or guidelines as well as how COVID impacts your business is welcome but since politics is a hot button topic, it's best to leave it for a political thread.

                  If you want to discuss politics you are welcome to start one and those that want to participate in a political thread are free to do so. Thank you.


                  • Originally posted by VictoryCare View Post
                    Hmmm...I didn't see a survey for anyone else asking who they were or what the do to talk about if they still worry about covid. And I didn't know there was a certain criteria on giving information or thoughts or feelings about covid, everyone here is open expressing what they think is happening about it, why its happening, why its not happening etc etc...
                    Also in moderator voice.... You have been over the top in your posts and members have been showing grace assuming you are stressed. You would have had members coming out of the woodwork to go at you if they were not asking each others opinions in private messaging, instead. Your tone has been condescending, harsh and baiting. We want you to stick around, but less passive aggressive or overtly aggressive would be great.

                    We are all stressed, too. This is our water cooler. The only way we get to "visit" with "co-workers" in a safe space. Call it a "Creating a hostile work environment warning". Vent when needed, apologize when needed, support when needed.

                    FTR, I have had warnings, too. We all have our hot button issues.
                    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                    • Thank you for explaining to me that we are not to mix politics with covid conversation, now that I know, I will not talk government while talking about covid,. However, I do not feel that my posts have been over the top, condescending or baiting. I was talking about people in general not doing, IMO, what they need to be doing, I was not signaling out anyone here. I support everyone here, this profession is thankless, and never a piece of cake, especially now with all the extras added on because of this virus


                      • Go to your user CP, re-read your first 50 posts. That was our first impression of you. Is that how you speak when entering a room?
                        - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                        • No, you are right, it is not...I did make a bad first impression. I am tired of this virus as we all are. I just want it to be over, as we all do. I apologized for my passion about this topic, it is a hot button for me, probably for everyone, I just want it to stop, as does everyone


                          • I'm not a bad or mean person, and I do not mean harm or ill will to anyone. It is getting to close to home here and I dont not feel that I or my fiance would come out ok if we contracted this virus


                            • And, I always worry that even though I am doing what MY state is telling me to do on how to run my daycare and protect the children I care for. I always wonder if it is enough.


                              • I think we all get that. No worries.
                                - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.

