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Are You Worried About Coronavirus?

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  • Well I ended up shutting down from our spring break in March when the announced the intial beginning of lock down and closed schools here. I had just lost 2 kids the month before (parent job loss and other to subsidized care). I had multiple interviews set up to fill spots but parents chosse not to enter daycare at time. The two kids I had one family pulled and is still not back. Child has only interacted with brother since march now and I honestly dont think they will be back. The other let me know kid wont be comming for the first two weeks and then just completely ghosted me, leaving behind things like a snowsuit. I only have 5 spaces. My other space was vacate, it had just opened up December 30 when my own had stoped counting in my numbers on his birthday. It realy sucked I felt like I was losing my whole business and everything I had built with it for the last 8 years.
    Not having daycare kids did make my life much easier with online school for my kids.

    I reopened with one kid near the end of July. Got another kid PT in September. I dont usually take PT but mom Hope's to go full time once work gives more hours but due to covid cant get them yet. Now I had a 3rd kid start full time last week. Its finally feeling like I'm back in business.

    It's been hard to find kids. I could have filled back up at the end of August but I chosse to have my own kids attend school on person vs virtual option , so some parents who where looking for care went else where.

    So far I've not had to shut because anyone's be exposed or gotten covid. But it's a matter of time. My area went back into lockdown earlier this month. As of today any child experiencing any of the covid symptoms is sent home for 10 days to quartinte, along with any sibblings. So now for a headache that one of my kids get at school I could be looking at having to close. Right now I'm hopeing to make it to the 21 when I get a week off and can relax for a few days from worring about being shut down again.


    • my update (4 classroom center):
      We closed once in august due to a child exposure, and one teacher ended up getting it.
      Still temping at the door, still doing symptom checks
      Still cleaning like crazy

      canceled the Christmas party but otherwise, buiness as normal


      • Waiting for the White House to do their jobs. Been waiting for four years. Luckily January 20th is just around the corner.


        • Coming back to the original question...I've been extremely worried the whole year through with ups and downs throughout. Our area was very low in cases until school and sports started back up again in Sept. Then the numbers increased quickly. DH and I ended up contracting Covid in November and both of us had a mild case which I counted our blessings for.
          And now, I'm just as worried for others in our family than I am for both of us. I still see deaths in the news, healthy people taken with no evidence of comorbidities. I have no idea what causes the differences in reaction, whether it's amount of exposure or what. DH scared me when he first came down with it because he's definitely in a higher risk group and you simply don't know how it could affect someone. And I could tell from his tone, that he was also frightened.
          In some ways I'm less afraid of it than I was before, due to the fact it's very possible to come out on the other end just fine. But still scared for my kids who live in cities with much greater numbers than here.

          All of you who are handling caring for children through all of this, deserve more respect, much higher pay and a good long vacation. :hug: Personally I probably wouldn't have made it much past March/April if I'd still been working. All the BS dcps put you through, all the questions and grey areas that are out there due to lack of knowledge and consistency, would've made me crazy by now.


          • Originally posted by Josiegirl View Post
            All of you who are handling caring for children through all of this, deserve more respect, much higher pay and a good long vacation. :hug:
            Thank you for sticking around Josie! :hug:


            • Now to stay on topic...
              I'm not worried, worrying shuts down the immune system and then you get sick for sure.

              ...but I was a bit concerned last year, when parents and children in my daycare took turn to the ER and were diagnosed with: viral pneumonia (unknown virus)


              • Originally posted by VictoryCare View Post
                Waiting for the White House to do their jobs. Been waiting for four years. Luckily January 20th is just around the corner.
                Do their jobs with coronavirus? the economy? where does this fit in with this thread dealing with how we are all faring with the pandemic and our business? I have strong opinions about how things will be after Jan. 20th but those thoughts do not need to come out until I, at least, have my coffee!


                • Thank you JosieGirl


                  • I am concerned now as my husbands coworker whom he is with daily has tested positive as of yesterday. I am trying not to be afraid but I am afraid of the unknown. I am not making my husband seclude himself from us. I just don't feel like this will much matter and part of me just wants to acquire the virus and have natural immunity. This may sound crazy, I am just rambling here. Pray for us.


                    • Originally posted by VictoryCare View Post
                      Waiting for the White House to do their jobs. Been waiting for four years. Luckily January 20th is just around the corner.
                      This thread is not about your political standing. Please stop.


                      • I am open and have been the whole time. I haven't had too many issues with finding supplies, making adjustments to our normal routines and keeping things as safe as I am humanly able to.

                        Just recently I've seen some really dumb behaviors from parents that I've had to address. Ugh!

                        I had one family that refused to get a flu vaccine and were going to be excluded until compliance or termed from care (their choice) but complained the whole time about having to pay for services they weren't able to use until they complied or completed their final two weeks. Ultimately they complied and then flew out of state for a 10 day vacation. Now they're mad they can't return to care for 14 days per the department of health.

                        Had a 45 minute discussion with a parent about why I don't get hazard pay or a back up payment (from who?) if any of my DCK's are out for quarantine as the parent doesn't think they should have to pay me when it's not their choice to have to quarantine and be excluded from care. Well it's not MY choice either so why should I lose income? Plus, they're having to quarantine because they were exposed during a family gathering.

                        I have sore eyes from all the eye rolls, I have a stiff neck/jaw from clenching my teeth while refraining from saying what I really want to say to some of these parents right now.

                        The rest of them (8/10) have been FANTASTIC! Doing a great job of staying healthy and social distancing.

                        Our state has given providers $1200 a month for July- October and $600 for December as public health funding to assist in the costs of extra time and cleaning supplies as well as to make up a little income for those providers that have lost families due to COIVD. The funding is only for providers that haven't shut down and are still open and operating with essential workers as a priority clients.

                        That has been helpful.

                        Another organization has provided us with a contactless thermometer, a gallon of hand sanitizer and a box of disposable gloves and masks.

                        Other than that, it's business as usual here.
                        Counting down the days until I am on Christmas vacation though!


                        • Originally posted by Valerie928 View Post
                          I am concerned now as my husbands coworker whom he is with daily has tested positive as of yesterday. I am trying not to be afraid but I am afraid of the unknown. I am not making my husband seclude himself from us. I just don't feel like this will much matter and part of me just wants to acquire the virus and have natural immunity. This may sound crazy, I am just rambling here. Pray for us.


                          • Originally posted by Valerie928 View Post
                            I am concerned now as my husbands coworker whom he is with daily has tested positive as of yesterday. I am trying not to be afraid but I am afraid of the unknown. I am not making my husband seclude himself from us. I just don't feel like this will much matter and part of me just wants to acquire the virus and have natural immunity. This may sound crazy, I am just rambling here. Pray for us.
                            :hug: I empathize with you.... this is so hard.
                            I understand and share the fear. This feels like it's getting so close to home that it will be impossible to prevent no matter what we do sometimes.

                            I am keeping you and your family in my prayers! lovethis


                            • Originally posted by Josiegirl View Post
                              Coming back to the original question...I've been extremely worried the whole year through with ups and downs throughout. Our area was very low in cases until school and sports started back up again in Sept. Then the numbers increased quickly. DH and I ended up contracting Covid in November and both of us had a mild case which I counted our blessings for.
                              And now, I'm just as worried for others in our family than I am for both of us. I still see deaths in the news, healthy people taken with no evidence of comorbidities. I have no idea what causes the differences in reaction, whether it's amount of exposure or what. DH scared me when he first came down with it because he's definitely in a higher risk group and you simply don't know how it could affect someone. And I could tell from his tone, that he was also frightened.
                              In some ways I'm less afraid of it than I was before, due to the fact it's very possible to come out on the other end just fine. But still scared for my kids who live in cities with much greater numbers than here.

                              All of you who are handling caring for children through all of this, deserve more respect, much higher pay and a good long vacation. :hug: Personally I probably wouldn't have made it much past March/April if I'd still been working. All the BS dcps put you through, all the questions and grey areas that are out there due to lack of knowledge and consistency, would've made me crazy by now.
                              Very glad to hear both you and your husband are ok!


                              • Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                                :hug: I empathize with you.... this is so hard.
                                I understand and share the fear. This feels like it's getting so close to home that it will be impossible to prevent no matter what we do sometimes.

                                I am keeping you and your family in my prayers! lovethis
                                Thanks BC and you are right, no matter how hard we are trying, it seems like we are losing. Prayers for all right now! All of you are in my thoughts and prayers.

