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Are You Worried About Coronavirus?

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  • Here is my take on this crisis. Again, this is my "opinion". I've been watching this virus since January. There are several drugs that are very promising for "treating" COVID-19. Many have been very successful especially hydroxychloroquine which is used for Malaria, lupus and arthritis and is already approved by the FDA. The president has been pushing hard to get these into hospitals but the scientists and health officials have been trying to take the slow and safe path to study it with clinical trials and peer review. Someone must have gotten through to the CDC and FDA because New York will now start using it on Tuesday in hospitals on those who have been admitted with the virus.

    That's a game-changer in my opinion. I believe over the next week we will see in real-time whether this combo of drugs will be very effective in "treating" the virus. That alone will give hope that there is a path forward. We will then have time to get a vaccine to the public.

    In Trump's press meeting today he basically said -we have these new drugs that are being used in New York. If they are shown to be effective, we are going to go back to business as usual in a couple weeks and manage it as we would the flu. Yes, people will die but it’s not gonna be any different than the flu or any other disease that kills people in America. Those that are going to die, will die. We can now treat this. Let's get back to work.
    Last edited by Michael; 03-24-2020, 09:18 AM.


    • Ontario Canada is now closing all non essential business as of tonight.

      But they are listing home daycares both lincened who are allowed 6 kids and the unlicensed ones who are allowed 5 kids to remain open. We may care for clients of our chosse. Also daycares that have been reopened by city / province to provide care for emergency personnel children. These centers are a couple government / city run ones.

      Though in parts of eastern Ontario the regional authorities have ordered home daycares to close.

      Right now this would have been good news but all my kids are already out so I'm already closed since no one is comming.


      • We receive an email every day since this started from the State and mine yesterday said to move forward as usual unless someone is diagnosed with the virus within our program. So I look for us to remain open as the curve seems to be under control. I'm hoping everything gets back to normal soon. I do not see the schools going back this academic year but we shall see.


        • Before disinfecting procedures on Princess Cruise Ships (Diamond & Grand), CV19 survived on cabin surfaces for 17 days!
          The science of this virus is going to be quite amazing for researchers.


          • Originally posted by Michael View Post
            Here is my take on this crisis. Again, this is my "opinion". I've been watching this virus since January. There are several drugs that are very promising for "treating" COVID-19. Many have be very successful especially hydroxychloroquine which is used for Malaria, lupus and arthritis and is already approved by the FDA. The president has been pushing hard to get these into hospitals but the scientists and health officials have been trying to take the slow and safe path to study it with clinical trials and peer review. Someone must have gotten through to the CDC and FDA because New York will now start using it on Tuesday in hospitals on those who have been admitted with the virus.

            That's a game-changer in my opinion. I believe over the next week we will see in real-time whether this combo of drugs will be very effective in "treating" the virus. That alone will give hope that there is a path forward. We will then have time to get a vaccine to the public.

            In Trump's press meeting today he basically said -we have these new drugs that are being used in New York. If they are shown to be effective, we are going to go back to business as usual in a couple weeks and manage it as we would the flu. Yes, people will die but it’s not gonna be any different than the flu or any other disease that kills people in America. Those that are going to die, will die. We can now treat this. Let's get back to work.


            • Originally posted by Michael View Post
              Here is my take on this crisis. Again, this is my "opinion". I've been watching this virus since January. There are several drugs that are very promising for "treating" COVID-19. Many have be very successful especially hydroxychloroquine which is used for Malaria, lupus and arthritis and is already approved by the FDA. The president has been pushing hard to get these into hospitals but the scientists and health officials have been trying to take the slow and safe path to study it with clinical trials and peer review. Someone must have gotten through to the CDC and FDA because New York will now start using it on Tuesday in hospitals on those who have been admitted with the virus.

              That's a game-changer in my opinion. I believe over the next week we will see in real-time whether this combo of drugs will be very effective in "treating" the virus. That alone will give hope that there is a path forward. We will then have time to get a vaccine to the public.

              In Trump's press meeting today he basically said -we have these new drugs that are being used in New York. If they are shown to be effective, we are going to go back to business as usual in a couple weeks and manage it as we would the flu. Yes, people will die but it’s not gonna be any different than the flu or any other disease that kills people in America. Those that are going to die, will die. We can now treat this. Let's get back to work.
              In NY here, my fingers are crossed!


              • I really think the medicine is going to work! Africa has fewer cases and I believe its because most are on the medication already. When my husband lived in Africa he had malaria many times and said the drug is super powerful.


                • Originally posted by MomBoss View Post
                  I really think the medicine is going to work! Africa has fewer cases and I believe its because most are on the medication already. When my husband lived in Africa he had malaria many times and said the drug is super powerful.
                  Praying the meds work


                  • I just came dropped by to say hi! We’re in a shelter in place order here in Ohio. Any and all
                    Daycares, in home; licensed and licensed must apply for a pandemic license which allows children of essential workers only. 6 children per room, period. And parents have to have paperwork from work stating they are an essential employee. I decided to close this week and next week and not apply for the license. Everyone stay safe and healthy!!


                    • Let's hope that article is right Michael and it does become the miracle drug for this illness.
                      I'll remain skeptical until proven.

                      In the meantime, I'm glad the state of Washington is going to make all non-essential workers stay home, starting in about 36 hrs. My dd lives in Seattle and I've been worried sick about her. She said her job isn't easily done from home but hopefully she can manage, at least for a short while.


                      • Originally posted by MomBoss View Post
                        I really think the medicine is going to work! Africa has fewer cases and I believe its because most are on the medication already. When my husband lived in Africa he had malaria many times and said the drug is super powerful.
                        That’s fascinating info. Thank you. I posted about it on Facebook.


                        • Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
                          That I do. My husbands bases are desperate.
                          He’ll get them on Thursday


                          • Well were on shelter on place now. Daycare is considered essential. Were staying open. So far I'm staying healthy, did go home w a migrange


                            • Originally posted by flying_babyb View Post
                              Well were on shelter on place now. Daycare is considered essential. Were staying open. So far I'm staying healthy, did go home w a migrange
                              They should be considered essential. We have an article published on about it.


                              • Originally posted by Valerie928 View Post
                                I talked to my cousin, an actual human in the medical field. She is a pediatric nurse practitioner and works in the PICU at our largest children's hospital here in my city. I asked her if she is worried about the virus. She said compare it to the flu minus a vaccine. Just wash your hands and do your best to stay healthy.
                                I personally don't think all this quarantine stuff is worth it. It's just delaying the spread.
                                I disagree and think the social distancing is worth it. There need to be doctors, nurses, and equipment ready for those who need it. If everyone gets sick at the same time medical professionals won't be able to keep up.

