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Are You Worried About Coronavirus?

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  • Originally posted by Michael View Post
    I believe like us here in California, New York has also closed down all nonessential business and gatherings.
    There are way too many gaps everywhere, too many people still not heeding how contagious this is and how sick a person can get, how it can affect the compromised.

    A former dcm posted a picture of her and her family on the beach. In Aruba. It took everything I had to not reply nastily back to her. It's like my niece and her dh; she just returned from flying to Texas, going through Logan while her dh flew to Sweden. Come on, it's way past the time to start hunkering down and getting serious about this. All of that will only serve to possibly expose more people.


    • Originally posted by e.j. View Post
      Oh, wow! That has to be weighing on your mind. I hope you and your family defy the odds and stay healthy. Is it just certain areas of NY that have been told to shelter in place or has the entire state been told?
      The Mayor announced yesterday that nonessential businesses are required to close- grocery stores, gas stations can remain open. Interestingly, the State has not mandated family daycares to close and are actually encouraging us to remain open to take care of children of police officers, firefighters, healthcare workers etc and has suspended license capacity so it is ok if we take in more children than our license says we should. I chose to close when public schools did last Monday because the contagion is very real here.


      • Originally posted by Michael View Post
        I believe like us here in California, New York has also closed down all nonessential business and gatherings.
        Thanks, Michael. I wish my state would follow suit before even more people get sick.

        Originally posted by dolores View Post
        The Mayor announced yesterday that nonessential businesses are required to close- grocery stores, gas stations can remain open. Interestingly, the State has not mandated family daycares to close and are actually encouraging us to remain open to take care of children of police officers, firefighters, healthcare workers etc and has suspended license capacity so it is ok if we take in more children than our license says we should. I chose to close when public schools did last Monday because the contagion is very real here.
        Given what's happened in China and Italy as well as other countries, I'm a little surprised the US isn't moving faster to stop the spread. FWIW, I think the decision to close was a good one.


        • Originally posted by Michael View Post
          I believe like us here in California, New York has also closed down all nonessential business and gatherings.

          Yep .


          • Originally posted by Valerie928 View Post
            I am trying not to be. But social media has inflated this and made it so scary. Is stopping the virus/containing the spread worth it? Should we accept it into our lives and stop trying to stop it? To me, it seems like another flu virus or similar. Some people infected will recover quick, some not so much, some pass away. Just curious as to what you folks are thinking?
            They are saying they are worried about not having enough space and supplies in the hospitals and that is why they are trying to stop the spread. That and all who are vulnerable who cannot handle this virus.


            • I often wonder if this virus has actually been here in the United states much longer than just the past few weeks? Being flu season, I wonder how many folks simply felt under the weather and dismissed it as a cold/flu. Think about it. A lot of people traveled to China in January/February.


              • This is junk science but I have a "theory" about this virus. I grows in the lower intestines. It's a bottom up infection as opposed to the normal top down illness like the cold or flu. It gains a foothold in the gut and quietly generates there in the perfect environment. The mucus buildup happens which prevents the intestines from absorbing water and protein. Dehydration occurs that is why people have a dry cough lacking mucus in the pathway. That usually the indicator that we are sick. But this virus does the opposite.

                The mucus is propagating in the lower intestine and ultimately helps to overwhelm and bring down the lungs. That is why I believe Italians are getting hit harder. Many are living with gluten intolerance, which does what? It creates mucus, inflation and creates havoc in the gut.

                One of the earliest signs of the virus is indigestion.

                Coronavirus is finding the perfect host in obese, gluten-intolerant Italians. Look at the Italian family that got wiped out in NJ? They were hugely overweight.

                I've cut out the gluten and sugar totally. I am doing the salt water flush when I can.
                Last edited by Michael; 03-21-2020, 10:04 PM.


                • Originally posted by Michael View Post
                  This is junk science but I have a "theory" about this virus. I grows in the lower intestines. It's a bottom up infection as opposed to the normal top down illness like the cold or flu. It gains a foothold in the gut and quietly generates there in the perfect environment. The mucus buildup happens which prevents the intestines from absorbing water and protein. Dehydration occurs that is why people have a dry cough lacking mucus in the pathway. That usually the indicator that we are sick. But this virus does the opposite.

                  The mucus is propagating in the lower intestine and ultimately helps to overwhelm and bring down the lungs. That is why I believe Italians are getting hit harder. Many are living with gluten intolerance, which does what? It creates mucus, inflation and creates havoc in the gut.

                  One of the earliest signs of the virus is indigestion.

                  Coronavirus is finding the perfect host in obese, gluten-intolerant Italians. Look at the Italian family that got wiped out in NJ? They were hugely overweight.

                  I've cut out the gluten and sugar totally. I am doing the salt water flush when I can.
                  I think any kind of food intolerance can lower our ability to fight off virus so you definitely are on to something there. If the Ph of your gut is too low, it will not kill a virus. When the body is inflamed it is a perfect host for pathogens. Many obese people suffer from autoimmune disorders which in my opinion is food intolerances in disguise. They don’t absorb nutrients properly so feel hungry all the time and continue to eat. I myself am gluten intolerant and it took me a long time to figure it out. I have been gluten free since October. I also cut out sugar, alcohol and dairy. Dairy is a huge mucous contributer in the lungs.

                  The Italian population has a lot going on, aging population and huge smokers. Everyone in Europe smokes heavily and they smoke the kind of cigarettes without filters. Especially the older folks. I don’t know how much dairy they consume.


                  • Now it seems they are limiting groceries and people with big families are not allowed to do their typical grocery runs. A mom who is a vegetarian with 4 kids said she couldn’t buy more than one head of celery and lettuce etc.

                    I have not been out of my house since last Saturday and I am seriously dreading going out. It sounds like pandemonium. I have had a dry cough since last Sunday (no fever) so I really need to stay home.


                    • Originally posted by Ariana View Post
                      myself am gluten intolerant and it took me a long time to figure it out. I have been gluten free since October. I also cut out sugar, alcohol and dairy. Dairy is a huge mucous contributor in the lungs.
                      I would agree with all of this and dairy that is homogenized and pasteurized. But I eat raw dairy with all of the live enzymes. Raw dairy is good for me.

                      Originally posted by Ariana View Post
                      Now it seems they are limiting groceries and people with big families are not allowed to do their typical grocery runs. A mom who is a vegetarian with 4 kids said she couldn’t buy more than one head of celery and lettuce etc.

                      I have not been out of my house since last Saturday and I am seriously dreading going out. It sounds like pandemonium. I have had a dry cough since last Sunday (no fever) so I really need to stay home.
                      I had to go out to several grocery stores yesterday. They are wiping down everything in the store. Most a rationing certain foods like meats, milk, eggs etc. They are also letting in so many people and you have to wait in line until someone checks out and them you can go inside and shop. I see older people, Asians and some young people wearing face masks but most are not. Some people make an effort to stay away from you. It is rather odd but people are scared here. The Governor asked the President to place one of the Navy's floating hospitals to be docked outside LA. I guess they feel the sick could overwhelm the hospitals here.


                      • I've given up trying to find hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes. But I haven't been able to find bread for 10 days anyplace. Not even frozen bread dough. I might have to start baking it.
                        I guess I'm extremely lucky in that most everything else seems to be in 'good enough' supply still. They are cutting down hours in most stores but have yet to limit # of customers at a time, etc. I feel so bad for all the shelf stockers, cashiers, etc., and you KNOW they're not earning what they should be getting paid.

                        PLEASE, all of you...if you're sick, get well and if you're not, stay healthy!! Wishing all the care-givers during this crisis, extra patience, understanding, love, and time to take care of yourselves too!! The work you're doing right now, is especially important in keeping many people at their jobs, to keep everything running as smoothly as possible. And may you all have enough toilet paper to see this through.


                        • I went out yesterday to the book store (totally not a need but the bookstore i like is taking huge percations), dollar tree and big lots. Big lots was still pretty well stocked, saw lots of the stuff I usally buy (but no tea tree oil shampoo the whole reason i went there). Dollar tree still had most stuff. Cvs had diapers and wipes and so did big lots. The only thing I couldnt find? Hydrogen Peroxide. (I got a wicked nose ring infection).


                          • Originally posted by Josiegirl View Post
                            I've given up trying to find hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes. But I haven't been able to find bread for 10 days anyplace. Not even frozen bread dough. I might have to start baking it.
                            I guess I'm extremely lucky in that most everything else seems to be in 'good enough' supply still. They are cutting down hours in most stores but have yet to limit # of customers at a time, etc. I feel so bad for all the shelf stockers, cashiers, etc., and you KNOW they're not earning what they should be getting paid.

                            PLEASE, all of you...if you're sick, get well and if you're not, stay healthy!! Wishing all the care-givers during this crisis, extra patience, understanding, love, and time to take care of yourselves too!! The work you're doing right now, is especially important in keeping many people at their jobs, to keep everything running as smoothly as possible. And may you all have enough toilet paper to see this through.
                            Good luck finding flour if you want to bake it. Everyone is having to bake bread now and we were lucky that we had a big bag from Christmas break. We can make about 6-8 loaves with what we have. Sooooo annoying. We keep getting the message that the food supply chain is strong and that grocery store clerks are “heroes” for doing nothing more than stocking why isn’t the food on the shelves :confused:


                            • Try your local big lots for flour! I got a 5 pound bag for under $3 and they had about 5 more. Plus my coworker got me 2 of the 2 pound bags at the grocery. I plan to make bread and do my easter baking


                              • I did manage to find a little bit of flour; made peanut butter cookies. All this stress eating and staying in isn't helping anything.:confused:

                                I asked the cashier when the best time to catch the bread on shelves and she said it's been hit or miss; delivery has been very inconsistent. I went to Price Chopper yesterday and as I drove in, the bread truck was driving out. I thought for sure I'd time it perfectly. By the time I got to the bread aisle, it still had zero on it. :confused:

                                Talked with my sister last night and she and her dh are still going to a whole bunch of places. She said she probably shouldn't be but............yeh, really?? She's 75, her dh is 80 with a whole host of health issues. Seems everybody is in denial in one way or another. I have offered repeatedly to get her stuff so she doesn't have to go into public places.

