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Are You Worried About Coronavirus?

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Snowmom View Post
    This bothers me. Same when people bring up how the flu kills more people.


    Novel COVID19 coronavirus.
    New strain.
    New strain=unknown
    Unknown is the scary part.
    I just heard the first case has been identified in MN (Ramsey county). I haven't read any detail but from what I have heard it is an elderly man that was on a cruise.

    Found a link to it


    • #92
      I tend to buy gadgets and I think this is something that every daycare could use on toys, surfaces, door-handles and it only takes 5 seconds to kill bacteria, viruses and mold. It shows Daycare as one of its environment uses. Call me crazy but I like this.

      Rapid UV Disinfection of Entire Nurse Stations, Countertops, Work Stations on Wheels (WOW’s), Stretchers, Exam Tables, Wheelchairs, Medical Monitors, Computer Keyboards, All Non-Critical Items, Bed...


      • #93
        Originally posted by Michael View Post
        I tend to buy gadgets and I think this is something that every daycare could use on toys, surfaces, door-handles and it only takes 5 seconds to kill bacteria, viruses and mold. It shows Daycare as one of its environment uses. Call me crazy but I like this.

        That's really cool!

        My son is a gadget guy too.... He'd definitely get one!


        • #94
          Everyone should be using UV light absolutely!

          Has it been proven to kill Covid19?


          • #95
            Child Care educators received an email today to "stay up to date with creditable sources " and to "keep hands washed" and to sanitize as normal and " monitor symptoms". I printed it off and give to my parents at pickup. I think the state is trying to keep everyone calm and to not overreact.


            • #96
              I would think that it would kill coronavirus like the other viruses but I really don’t know. I am seriously thinking of buying this device because it just seems like a smart way to control all the biological stuff that gets trekked into our homes and businesses. I’ve always been germ conscious since I was very young and feel these issues will always be a constant concern in our transient society.


              • #97
                Originally posted by Michael View Post
                I would think that it would kill coronavirus like the other viruses but I really don’t know. I am seriously thinking of buying this device because it just seems like a smart way to control all the biological stuff that gets trekked into our homes and businesses. I’ve always been germ conscious since I was very young and feel these issues will always be a constant concern in our transient society.
                Totally agree and chemical free would be so nice! Right now I disinfect my change table with Lysol wipes which are sold out everywhere now. I can make them myself with baby wipes and cleaner but it would be nice to not have to depend on them or any chemical to clean during these times.

                If you do buy it, give us a full review! I am going to do more research on it as well.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Msdunny View Post
                  We have a new case here in N.C. The person just got back from Italy. I don’t know what to believe anymore. Supposedly people in Italy are saying it isn’t that bad there, but then a guy has come back with it. I still think it isn’t as serious as the flu, but it does appear to spread pretty easily.

                  Since this is the second case confirmed close to me, I will be sending a updated, firmer illness policy next week it think.
                  I thought I read the opposite....not as easy to catch as the flu but more lethal? Could be I totally screwed it around in my aging brain though.

                  My sister feels it's been here for quite awhile but we're just hearing about it more recently. And I tend to agree with her. Even now, there must be lots of issues where kids are getting colds or people just slug through a couple days of feeling under the weather then feel better. Who knows what caused it? Did every single one of those people get tested? And as far as people being quarantined, that's all fine and dandy but are they being 100% plus who came in contact before they went housebound?? And look at the person who came back from a trip(Italy I think??) and was tested(later confirmed as positive), advised to self-quarantine, but then attended a mixer that included medical students??? That happened right over the border from me, at Dartmouth in NH. He's being charged with a misdemeanor. One person has knowingly contracted the virus from that specific time. Then you've got the very contagious incubation period. And it goes on and on.
                  The virus is here and will spread. Do your duty as a healthy citizen, take care of yourself, take care of others and especially take care of your loved ones that are considered at higher risk. Just be smart and don't go crazy.
                  And hey, maybe just stay home until summer. ::


                  • #99
                    I talked to my cousin, an actual human in the medical field. She is a pediatric nurse practitioner and works in the PICU at our largest children's hospital here in my city. I asked her if she is worried about the virus. She said compare it to the flu minus a vaccine. Just wash your hands and do your best to stay healthy.
                    I personally don't think all this quarantine stuff is worth it. It's just delaying the spread.


                    • Originally posted by Michael View Post
                      I tend to buy gadgets and I think this is something that every daycare could use on toys, surfaces, door-handles and it only takes 5 seconds to kill bacteria, viruses and mold. It shows Daycare as one of its environment uses. Call me crazy but I like this.

                      I showed this to my husband, he loves these kinds of things. Very cool!


                      • Originally posted by Ariana View Post
                        Oh my goodness BC!! That book totally predicted this.

                        I also looked at Snopes and yes there are some inconsistencies but this is way too coincidental and I totally agree, we are not told everything.

                        I am Canadian and our news is gone haywire too. Government is saying “prepare for a pandemic...but don’t panic”. Very clear message right?! :confused: store shelves are emptying and I am not sure what they expected if they want everyone to prepare for 14 days at home. Costco only has so many rolls of toilet paper!

                        I'm in Ontario with the nearest case about 45 minutes away. Things like rice, beans and water and dishwasher detergent are low in stock, but everything is still around yet with the exception of masks that were long gone in January.

                        We went out for dinner last night figuring we would not be doing as much eating out come a few weeks from now. We were the only ones there the whole time. Three staff were just sitting around on phones, each in a different corner of the place. Then went grocery shopping and found it unsettling for a few seconds to see a man in a full on non disposable respirator gas mask. Guessing this will be the new normal for awhile.


                        • Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          I'm in Ontario with the nearest case about 45 minutes away. Things like rice, beans and water and dishwasher detergent are low in stock, but everything is still around yet with the exception of masks that were long gone in January.

                          We went out for dinner last night figuring we would not be doing as much eating out come a few weeks from now. We were the only ones there the whole time. Three staff were just sitting around on phones, each in a different corner of the place. Then went grocery shopping and found it unsettling for a few seconds to see a man in a full on non disposable respirator gas mask. Guessing this will be the new normal for awhile.
                          My niece flew out of Logan yesterday, into Dallas and I thought she'd notice a big decline in travelers but evidently nope, people are still flying. I wonder if it's because they don't want to lose out on money already spent or if they think the virus is being over blown?


                          • Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                            The thing I find scariest is the lack of truthful info.

                            I have a grandparent of a DCK that is a regular pick up person. This grandparent has a sibling that lives part time in the US and part time in Italy. Traveling back and forth approximately every 6 weeks or so.

                            The other day when the grandparent picked up my DCK I noticed the sibling was with. I mentioned the sibling being home and were they home due to the Corona virus?

                            Grandparent said "No not at all. The virus isn't there."
                            I questioned them and said it's all over the news that Italy has cases of it and the number of them are climbing.

                            Grandparent said it's not true and the WHO as well as the CDC are just saying that to make us all panic. Grand parent went on to say they had closed cathedrals, schools and tourist places but have since re-opened them because there are no "real" cases of the virus there.

                            I don't follow the news super closely and know enough to know no news source is 100% truthful all the time but this grandparent's attitude/belief does have me concerned abit.

                            The grandparent is the main pick up person and they spend ALOT of time at their sibling's house WITH my DCK.
                            This hits the nail on the head. I have friends that are vacationing in Italy and Portugal right now. I messaged them and asked them how the media was handling this over there. They said they are being cautious but not overly so. Basically saying wash your hands, if someone is ill, keep your distance etc. Not like what we hear is going on over there. Then I saw this on The View FB page and the people commenting on the post saying they live in Seattle and it's just not true. The media trying to freak everyone out. More people died in 20 minutes in the Nashville area in that horrible tornado.


                            • Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
                              Minnesota isn't on the list but as of the past few days there is a confirmed case here too.


                              • A public high school about 1.5miles from here has a confirmed case and the school is being shut down for the week

