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Are You Worried About Coronavirus?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
    Ours (EMS) are one-time use. We do "fit test training" where we have to put a hood over our masked face while they spray a rancid smelling/tasting mist in our faces. It shows us where our seals are not so great. Mostly it is to point out that beards are not such a great idea in the field.
    Yes!! She basically told me that the average Joe wearing a mask is not being protected or protecting others from anything really. Her work is very strict about cross contamination for obvious reasons and I am sure medical personnel are as well.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Ariana View Post
      WOW!! This is scary! What is fact, what is fiction? I know here in Canada they are saying that border agents are asking people travelling from certain countries to self identify and quarantine but two people who came back from South Korea said they landed and no one told them anything, no signs up, no questions at customs, nothing!! They are self quarantining anyway but I find this info troubling.
      I agree!
      I talked with the parent today and they too said speaking directly to friends/family in both China and in Italy that “our” news media is purposely making things seem worse than they are. The parent swears the cases in Italy were or aren’t confirmed and the situations are nothing like we are being told they are.


      • #63
        Guys, now I am feeling extremely shook. We have quarantined families here in my area returning from Italy. They were tested, awaiting results. This scares me.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Michael View Post
          This virus seems to hit some “counties/cultures” harder than others. It makes me wonder that China may have been experimenting on the genomic sequencing of pathogens. There is too much they won’t say or allow access to.
          Attached Files


          • #65
            There is a YouTube channel called The People. Watch the latest video about Coronavirus/China. It's nothing to be down played this new virus.


            • #66
              BC, that is just really strange and does make a person wonder!!!

              Valerie, I understand your feelings. I wasn't that concerned when this virus was more of a 'far away' thing but people are dying in the Seattle area, just a handful of miles from my dd. Granted, they're older people with compromised systems but still..... And there was a trip of high school students locally that had to be returned from Italy soon after they arrived there; all those families are 'in quarantine' but truthfully, how does that work?? Is it 100%? I've heard someone(on the news, can't remember where it was) tested positive for the virus right after they came off quarantine.
              My dh works at this high school and it's scary to think about all the ways this virus can escape, even with the safeguards put in place. Realistically there is only so much people can do. I'm seriously trying not to panic but......


              • #67
                Originally posted by Josiegirl View Post
                BC, that is just really strange and does make a person wonder!!!

                Valerie, I understand your feelings. I wasn't that concerned when this virus was more of a 'far away' thing but people are dying in the Seattle area, just a handful of miles from my dd. Granted, they're older people with compromised systems but still..... And there was a trip of high school students locally that had to be returned from Italy soon after they arrived there; all those families are 'in quarantine' but truthfully, how does that work?? Is it 100%? I've heard someone(on the news, can't remember where it was) tested positive for the virus right after they came off quarantine.
                My dh works at this high school and it's scary to think about all the ways this virus can escape, even with the safeguards put in place. Realistically there is only so much people can do. I'm seriously trying not to panic but......
                Even scarier is there are folks that tested positive (throat swab) from that cruise ship the diamond princess that have NO symptoms. These folks are carriers. They remain quarantined until they test negative twice. How many carriers are out there and don't know it? Ugh


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post

                  I personally could not disagree more with this. Why would China do this to their economy and people always do this when there is something new. Aids for example. Well that just had to be somebody plotting something. Turns out it was a new virus, like this coronavirus. Scary


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Valerie928 View Post
                    I personally could not disagree more with this. Why would China do this to their economy and people always do this when there is something new. Aids for example. Well that just had to be somebody plotting something. Turns out it was a new virus, like this coronavirus. Scary
                    Im not a conspiracy theorist so I am definitely not sharing as valid info....just thought it was interesting.

                    Snopes says it's not necessarily true and does provide the reasons as to why it's not entirely true but it still leaves that little thought in one's head concerning all the things the general mass public isn't aware of or told.

                    My DCK grandparent is a perfect example.
                    They are adamant when we discuss the virus that the info we are getting here in the U.S. does NOT accurately portray the situation.

                    I'm not really all that worried as I do what I can to eliminate any virus that is cycling around but I do find some of the theories circulating very interesting.


                    • #70
                      I don't see any conspiracies. I see the usual human factors. Lax hygiene, lax animal care, lax regulations and human error.

                      This one started at an open fish wet market known for selling exotics and illegal animals.

                      The same way the recent-ish (2003) monkeypox outbreak started. That one was pocket mice to prairie dog to owner, then public.
                      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                      • #71
                        Oh my goodness BC!! That book totally predicted this.

                        I also looked at Snopes and yes there are some inconsistencies but this is way too coincidental and I totally agree, we are not told everything.

                        I am Canadian and our news is gone haywire too. Government is saying “prepare for a pandemic...but don’t panic”. Very clear message right?! :confused: store shelves are emptying and I am not sure what they expected if they want everyone to prepare for 14 days at home. Costco only has so many rolls of toilet paper!


                        • #72
                          We were just told yesterday of the first case here in my home county, and people have lost their minds! My husband works part-time at Target in the evenings, and did an order last night for pick up that was 80 containers of Clorox wipes. 80. There is no hand sanitizer to be had, anti-bacterial soaps are long gone, and face masks? psh! Even though they don't help, you couldn't find one if you DID need one.

                          Of course, my dad is currently in the hospital, so I am going to send out an illness policy tightening reminder if there are any further cases. I'm not worried about it, but I don't want ot put my dad or other medically fragile folks in danger.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                            My DCK grandparent is a perfect example.
                            They are adamant when we discuss the virus that the info we are getting here in the U.S. does NOT accurately portray the situation.

                            I have family in Italy and I'm told the exact same thing, they don't know what to believe " it is definitely not what the news is saying"


                            • #74
                              The Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory is designated as a Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4). The Wuhan lab can hold the world's most dangerous pathogens at maximum biocontainment levels and is the ONLY LEVEL 4 lab in all of China. While it was originally created in 2003 to handle the SARS virus, we know China usually militarizes an experiments with pathogens beyond its appearance as a medical facility.

                              I think China did not want western scientists to get a hold of the first known victim there because the virus’ make-up will expose it as being created within this lab.

                              My feeling is that most people will come in contact with this virus, which makes it a pandemic. Currently, in the US the mortality rate is 6%. They have been saying that this mortality rate is 3.4%. Either way the normal flu’s mortality rate is less than 1%. That makes this virus pretty virulent.

                              I think the best thing we all can do is to build up our immune systems, practice sanitary and hygiene conditions, and stay home when we feel sick.

                              I believe within the next few weeks or months Western governments will come out with vaccinations and remedies to minimize this virus’ effects. Those that are elderly or have compromised immune system‘s need to stay vigilant until then.
                              Last edited by Michael; 03-04-2020, 11:52 AM.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Gemma View Post
                                I have family in Italy and I'm told the exact same thing, they don't know what to believe " it is definitely not what the news is saying"

                                They’ve closed all schools and universities until March 15th.

