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Are You Worried About Coronavirus?

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  • Originally posted by Rockgirl View Post
    In Texas, we’re now required to check every child’s temp upon arrival, and parents may not come inside, unless there’s a legitimate reason. All drop offs and pickups must be done outside.
    We aren't required to, but as of this morning have been checking temps upon arrival. Sent 2 kids home today before they even got their coats off. Crazy how parents either don't notice things or think we won't find out. I mean, we would have found out either way after a couple minutes of being with the child regardless. I'm super glad we decided to start doing this this week.


    • Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
      MN just closed all restaurants and bars until March 27.
      This includes bowling alleys, movie theaters, fitness clubs/gyms, cafes and bingo halls etc...
      All of our reservation plans today for LA were canceled by the restaurants after the mayor’s orders. We ended up eating at a restaurant in Ventura county which is where we live north of LA country. We may not venture out after today.


      • Originally posted by Michael View Post
        All of our reservation plans today for LA were canceled by the restaurants after the mayor’s orders. We ended up eating at a restaurant in Ventura county which is where we live north of LA country. We may not venture out after today.
        I get it but I still think there are too many leaks in the safety net/precautionary measures
        The financial fallout will be disastrous for so many.
        Too many.


        • Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
          I get it but I still think there are too many leaks in the safety net/precautionary measures
          The financial fallout will be disastrous for so many.
          Too many.
          I get what you are saying- Most people will come in contact with COVID-19. I think as long as we can slow the rate of transmission, the better we have control of its consequences. Placing the travel ban on China in January probably gave us extra time. We would otherwise be the epicenter of coronavirus instead of Europe is now.

          I've read where in northern Italy they are now having to considering who should be saved and who should not.


          • Originally posted by Michael View Post
            I get what you are saying- Most people will come in contact with COVID-19. I think as long as we can slow the rate of transmission, the better we have control of its consequences. Placing the travel ban on China in January probably gave us extra time. We would otherwise be the epicenter of coronavirus instead of Europe is now.

            I've read where in northern Italy they are now having to considering who should be saved and who should not.

            It’s the small portion of careless people and practices that ruin it for everyone.
            Scary times for every aspect of human life

            It’s hard to comprehend from different perspectives too as you are so used to huge cities, frequent travel verses my life style for example.. I dont travel more than one state away often (bi-yearly) and see the same people day after day.

            The impact in big metro areas is so different than in smaller communities


            • Originally posted by Rockgirl View Post
              In Texas, we’re now required to check every child’s temp upon arrival, and parents may not come inside, unless there’s a legitimate reason. All drop offs and pickups must be done outside.
              The requirement here as well.


              • Social distancing, closing restaurants, daycares, schools and any large gatherings is imperative right now. In Canada we are doing as much as we possibly can. In one week Italy went from 300 cases to 20,000. They did nothing to stop it. The idea is not to stop Covid19 but to slow it down so as not to burden the healthcare system. Flatten the curve is what they are calling it here.


                • Our center in wi got called vital this morning! guess we will likely be open awhile. On that note most of our restraunts are take out only... I walked through the Mc.donalds drive through on my lunch break!


                  • This crisis is finally hitting me. Its real. I've had the *moment* and now my anxiety is through the roof!


                    • Headed out to my local supermarket this a.m., they open at 7 and I was hoping to beat most everybody else(and their germs). But the sign on the door says opening at 10. Life is definitely shifting, as we've known it. All state schools are closed now. I can't imagine the planning that has to go into something like that. And that all transfers to centers/daycares/jobs. I still get emails from the state, dc related and they mentioned yesterday, that only essential service families are to be served at the moment. I'm not sure how that will play out or if it'll change.

                      Activities and services have been cancelled or postponed everywhere here, from small groups to large. I truly hope America doesn't come to the place where we ALL have to self-isolate but maybe that'd be the quickest and best way to confront this. All it takes is 1 person who goes to the movies or a bar, not even knowing they're contagious.

                      My heart goes out to all those who still have to go into work every day, whether they're in the healthcare field or retail-oriented, or anywhere at all. Just think how many people a grocery store cashier sees every day?? And their pay is never much over minimum.

                      And Italy is currently showing us what our country could become in a week or 2 if we don't do every single thing we can do NOW to curtail this virus.

                      Stay healthy everyone!!!


                      • Originally posted by Josiegirl View Post
                        I truly hope America doesn't come to the place where we ALL have to self-isolate but maybe that'd be the quickest and best way to confront this.
                        It will.

                        I give it 3-5 more days. Because the stupid is real in this country.

                        I had to go to the drive thru to get my prescriptions yesterday and was ASTOUNDED at how many people are out! Teenagers running around the park together. Mom's side by side chatting with their strollers. Parking lots crammed pack full at stores. Restaurants that are closed are still doing pick ups and cars parked there-lined up to pick up dinners just chatting away with each other.

                        My friends posted in Iowa & WI with pictures of St Patty's celebrations were still happening in her town. She posted pictures of all these people gathered together with their green beer.
                        A relative (pilot) who JUST got back from a vacation in UK (with their kids) last weekend just had a birthday party Monday for their teenager. Of course, my SIL and her kids are partying it up there too.


                        • Originally posted by Snowmom View Post
                          It will.

                          I give it 3-5 more days. Because the stupid is real in this country.

                          I had to go to the drive thru to get my prescriptions yesterday and was ASTOUNDED at how many people are out! Teenagers running around the park together. Mom's side by side chatting with their strollers. Parking lots crammed pack full at stores. Restaurants that are closed are still doing pick ups and cars parked there-lined up to pick up dinners just chatting away with each other.

                          My friends posted in Iowa & WI with pictures of St Patty's celebrations were still happening in her town. She posted pictures of all these people gathered together with their green beer.
                          A relative (pilot) who JUST got back from a vacation in UK (with their kids) last weekend just had a birthday party Monday for their teenager. Of course, my SIL and her kids are partying it up there too.
                          I have a feeling it will too. If you (general you - thanks BC for the term : has been watching they are rolling out restrictions in waves. They can't do it all at once. We get one restriction, then about 24 hours to process and adapt before another comes out. I give it a week before total lockdown, but truthfully I have been hearing Wednesday, today, for about a week now.


                          • I talked with my sister over the phone this a.m., about the grocery stores not opening until 10 today. She said 'what good will that do? More people will be crowded into less time'. And she was absolutely right. I went back down at 9:55 and people were lined up down the street to get into our little local supermarket. So I ventured a few miles down the road to a bigger store. Lots of parking but I could only find a couple things on my list. And forget cleaners, soups, breads, paper products, tuna, rice, that stuff is gone. Lots of wine left; too bad I don't drink wine.


                            • People have just got to stay put, best they can. No more restaurants, libraries, no unnecessary trips to the banks, thrift stores, post office, etc.,don't go anywhere in public unless you absolutely have to. I think my vet might be downsizing their case load as much as possible too because I drove by and there was only 1 car there as opposed to a parking lot filled.
                              Stay home, clean, play games, bake, call people, email, read, do puzzles, take walks and keep your distance. Stay healthy!!


                              • Originally posted by flying_babyb View Post
                                Our center in wi got called vital this morning! guess we will likely be open awhile. On that note most of our restraunts are take out only... I walked through the Mc.donalds drive through on my lunch break!
                                One day later and they are now restricting centers to 10 teachers and 50 children. This day by day is nonsense just bite the bullet and shut it all down, we all know it’s coming.

