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Are You Worried About Coronavirus?

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  • I just heard the news that MA day cares have to close as of Monday, March 23. A few are staying open to provide care to health care workers but most have to close.

    Came back to edit this reply. Got a message from EEC stating we have to stay closed until April 6.
    Last edited by e.j.; 03-18-2020, 01:16 PM. Reason: Added info


    • Things are dang crazy.

      My children's schools and daycare are closed. My job remains open for now. We had a big earthquake this morning and it's taken a lot of people's focus away from coronavirus. Things just feel so uncertain and it makes me uneasy.

      I am feeling so heartbroken for everyone right now.


      • Originally posted by storybookending View Post
        One day later and they are now restricting centers to 10 teachers and 50 children. This day by day is nonsense just bite the bullet and shut it all down, we all know it’s coming.
        Yea we know its comming! im blessed to be at a tiny center that on most days has 7 people and 30 kids. boss told us that if we have to close, she could keep us working at least another 3 days, a day of deep cleaning, a day of shed cleaning and a day to redo the playground


        • Originally posted by flying_babyb View Post
          Yea we know its comming! im blessed to be at a tiny center that on most days has 7 people and 30 kids. boss told us that if we have to close, she could keep us working at least another 3 days, a day of deep cleaning, a day of shed cleaning and a day to redo the playground
          Thank goodness this will not affect you. I thought of you right away!


          • Originally posted by storybookending View Post
            Thank goodness this will not affect you. I thought of you right away!
            aww thats so sweet! The state actually asked us today if we would consider going 24/7 to take essential persons kids! Most of the staff actually said they would! I would love to work nights (even overnights) again.


            • Originally posted by storybookending View Post
              This day by day is nonsense just bite the bullet and shut it all down, we all know it’s coming.
              This is from an article in our local newspaper after the governor of my state (Charlie Baker) visited a lab today with the state's Secretary of Health and Human Services:
              Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders anticipates the state will have the ability to conduct 3,500 tests per day beginning early next week. Those tests are being done at the state lab and commercial labs, she said. "Our goal is to have as much testing capacity as possible," she said. Baker stressed the need to get to at least 3,500 tests a day at minimum.

              3500 tests per day?! Maybe I'm showing my ignorance here but I'm wondering why our goal isn't to AVOID having to conduct 3500 tests per day!! Like you said, "Bite the bullet, shut it all down" and maybe we can all get back to some form of a normal life sooner rather than later.


              • We just found out today that governor Newsom is shutting down all nonessential businesses in the state of California. He also mentioned that up to 50% of those living in California could contract coronavirus over the next 8 weeks if they done stay at home. If that’s the case, it would be Armageddon here.

                On a more positive note, I’ve been hearing that a common drug used to treat malaria named chloroquine looks very promising in treating COVID-19. Since it is already approved by the FDA, it doesn’t need testing. Supposedly doctors need guidelines from the CDC to protect them selves from liability before they can prescribe it. Here’s an article:

                Also, since this virus could overwhelm ICU and respirators, here is a video of a nurse that shows how one respirator can be used to treat up to 4 patients:


                • You never realize how much you depend on your local services until they're no longer available. My vet called yesterday to cancel an upcoming appt. I had scheduled; only emergencies now. My dog has a couple chronic issues and I'd been holding off until she could be seen next week. So now I'm worried sick she'll need care and I won't be able to see anyone. I think I'm more worried for her than myself.


                  • It's not daycare related but 8m keeping my fingers crossed ordered my kids new bed yesterday from IKEA for delivery. Had to do delivery since they closed the stores, and they dont accept gift cards for their click and collect. But right now with no kids comming had to use gift card even though delivery was extra. Of course we had just took apart my other kids crib / toddler bed and gave him the bigger boys twin bed. We are now painting the bigger ones room and he was sleeping camped out in our movie room. We planned to go get the bed in another week or so, but everything started closing, just bad timing. Of course I told my hubby just to go get it last monday or tuesday he put it off till Wednesday and bam the stores shut.
                    I just want my guy to have his new loft bed. As well if we all end up stuck at home I want my movie room back, and him to have his own space.
                    I know beds are needed but I hope they dont cancel delivery too at least before Sunday.


                    • Originally posted by Rockgirl View Post
                      In Texas, we’re now required to check every child’s temp upon arrival, and parents may not come inside, unless there’s a legitimate reason. All drop offs and pickups must be done outside.
                      We are doing this as well. Parents are allowed to come to the door and a staff member will walk the child to the parent. We’ve been doing this for the past few days and most parents are very understanding.
                      We are also going to start checking temps as each child arrives. Upon arrival each child will be checked for a fever and anything close to 100 will be sent home even before entering. Staff members must also be checked.


                      • I read this article yesterday. Based on what they're saying we've got a long way to go, and we may be going in the wrong direction with the whole social distancing rather than ramping up testing capacity so that everyone can get tested.


                        • Originally posted by CeridwenLynne View Post
                          We are doing this as well. Parents are allowed to come to the door and a staff member will walk the child to the parent. We’ve been doing this for the past few days and most parents are very understanding.
                          We are also going to start checking temps as each child arrives. Upon arrival each child will be checked for a fever and anything close to 100 will be sent home even before entering. Staff members must also be checked.
                          Good policy but it may be worth noting that some people run at a cooler temputure normally, like my normal is 97.6. If I hit 100, Im half dead. May be worth noting what is normal for each child.


                          • I was informed today by one of my families that mom has the coronavirus and dcb has sniffles . We have been closed since Monday however the CDC says the virus is contagious 2-14 days after exposure. We are in a densely populated city which is being called the epicenter of the virus. It seems to me that once we leave our home or someone comes into ours, exposure is inevitable. As for kids in our care, social distancing and hands off face are impossible. Stay safe everyone :hug:


                            • Originally posted by dolores View Post
                              I was informed today by one of my families that mom has the coronavirus and dcb has sniffles . We have been closed since Monday however the CDC says the virus is contagious 2-14 days after exposure. We are in a densely populated city which is being called the epicenter of the virus. It seems to me that once we leave our home or someone comes into ours, exposure is inevitable. As for kids in our care, social distancing and hands off face are impossible. Stay safe everyone :hug:
                              Oh, wow! That has to be weighing on your mind. I hope you and your family defy the odds and stay healthy. Is it just certain areas of NY that have been told to shelter in place or has the entire state been told?


                              • Originally posted by e.j. View Post
                                Oh, wow! That has to be weighing on your mind. I hope you and your family defy the odds and stay healthy. Is it just certain areas of NY that have been told to shelter in place or has the entire state been told?
                                I believe like us here in California, New York has also closed down all nonessential business and gatherings.
                                UPDATE: NYS Sees 114 Coronavirus-Related Deaths; Cuomo, de Blasio Call for Federal Govt. Help as NYC Cases Top 9,000 Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Friday that 100 percent of non-essential work forces are now required to stay home, calling it “the most drastic measure we can take” as he said the entire state of New York was “on pause.” Two days…

