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Are You Worried About Coronavirus?

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Msdunny View Post
    We were just told yesterday of the first case here in my home county, and people have lost their minds! My husband works part-time at Target in the evenings, and did an order last night for pick up that was 80 containers of Clorox wipes. 80. There is no hand sanitizer to be had, anti-bacterial soaps are long gone, and face masks? psh! Even though they don't help, you couldn't find one if you DID need one.

    Of course, my dad is currently in the hospital, so I am going to send out an illness policy tightening reminder if there are any further cases. I'm not worried about it, but I don't want ot put my dad or other medically fragile folks in danger.
    Clorox wipes contain NO BLEACH. How on earth is this going to help kill germs? I just learned of this. Real bleach works if I am hearing right. Crazy!


    • #77
      Originally posted by Valerie928 View Post
      Clorox wipes contain NO BLEACH. How on earth is this going to help kill germs? I just learned of this. Real bleach works if I am hearing right. Crazy!
      I just purchased Clorox broad spectrum Quaternary disinfectant. It contains no bleach but kills just about everything. I just realized the place I bought it just sold out. Here is some info on the product:
      Last edited by Michael; 03-04-2020, 01:05 PM.


      • #78
        Originally posted by Michael View Post
        I just purchased Clorox broad spectrum Quaternary disinfectant. It contains no bleach but kills just about everything. I just realized the place I bought it just sold out. Here is some info on the product:
        Thanks Michael 👍


        • #79
          This is the most comprehensive site covering the Coronavirus I've seen yet:


          • #80
            Daily and weekly updated statistics tracking the number of COVID-19 cases, recovered, and deaths. Historical data with cumulative charts, graphs, and updates.

            This is how i get my info. It shows how many people have recovered. The media never talks about that, making it seem bigger than what it is.

            100,000 people have been infected, but 50,000 of that have recovered.


            • #81
              I visited the local clinic to get my monthly B12 shot yesterday. She said "if anyone would read a Lysol can, they would know coronavirus and viruses like it have been around for a long while and the media was causing the scare issues". In a neighboring county, a man has been diagnosed with a mild case of coronavirus and they have cancelled school in that county for today and Monday because this man has a son that attends school there. THis man had traveled to Boston at some point is where they think he got it! ??


              • #82
                So there are now 3 confirmed cases in MD ( not far from me). What concerns me is that they all were on the same trip overseas and arrived back in MD on Feb 20 . They had no health screenings until the health department contacted them yesterday because someone else on the same trip was confirmed to have it . People are not being screened or monitored after returning home from affected areas overseas .
                These 3 people ( a couple in their 70's and a single person in her 50's) were out in the community since returning ,even when they felt sick.


                • #83
                  And to add that they say people with compromised health are at a greater risk. They are including medical issues like high blood pressure and diabetes as being at higher risk .


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Annalee View Post
                    I visited the local clinic to get my monthly B12 shot yesterday. She said "if anyone would read a Lysol can, they would know coronavirus and viruses like it have been around for a long while and the media was causing the scare issues". In a neighboring county, a man has been diagnosed with a mild case of coronavirus and they have cancelled school in that county for today and Monday because this man has a son that attends school there. THis man had traveled to Boston at some point is where they think he got it! ??
                    This bothers me. Same when people bring up how the flu kills more people.


                    Novel COVID19 coronavirus.
                    New strain.
                    New strain=unknown
                    Unknown is the scary part.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Snowmom View Post
                      This bothers me. Same when people bring up how the flu kills more people.


                      Novel COVID19 coronavirus.
                      New strain.
                      New strain=unknown
                      Unknown is the scary part.
                      Coronaviruses (all of them) are also a bit different in that they are in RNA (precursor to DNA), not DNA. Which means they can mutate very quickly. The broader the exposure to live animal hosts, the more likely they will be enabled to jump from their origin species into humans. From there it mutates from a protein to person to person contact infection with ever-adapting effectiveness. Once that it is airborne it presents a bigger challenge.

                      It is a big deal to researchers, but for the average person, it only requires the same precautions as every other virus. With travel becoming affordable for most people, we will see bigger spreads of everything. Not just coronaviruses.
                      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Second Home View Post
                        So there are now 3 confirmed cases in MD ( not far from me). What concerns me is that they all were on the same trip overseas and arrived back in MD on Feb 20 . They had no health screenings until the health department contacted them yesterday because someone else on the same trip was confirmed to have it . People are not being screened or monitored after returning home from affected areas overseas .
                        These 3 people ( a couple in their 70's and a single person in her 50's) were out in the community since returning ,even when they felt sick.
                        Same here! A security guard got it near Toronto and worked for two weeks with it. No one screened him eventhough he came back from an overseas trip.

                        I have also been reading that there aren’t enough tests so people coming to hospital with Covid19 symptoms are simply being told to quarantine for 14 days without confirmation of illness. Saw a post on twitter (not saying twitter posts are always true) that their coworker was told to quarantine without proof she has coronavirus and no one in her office was notified.


                        • #87
                          We have a new case here in N.C. The person just got back from Italy. I don’t know what to believe anymore. Supposedly people in Italy are saying it isn’t that bad there, but then a guy has come back with it. I still think it isn’t as serious as the flu, but it does appear to spread pretty easily.

                          Since this is the second case confirmed close to me, I will be sending a updated, firmer illness policy next week it think.


                          • #88
                            I do think the coronavirus is real and not something I want necessarily but I also feel that it is being used as another negative tactic with the presidential race coming soon. How many times has the heading "Trump doesn't take coronavirus seriously, or Trump hasn't spoken about the coronavirus", etc. Now he has but but then they scrutinize what he said. No matter which side we are on, issues like coronavirus is used for political gain. Just my opinions!

                            Off-topic, Trump is in my state today viewing all the tornado damage. There is so much else going on within my state right now and this tragic weather we recently had with 25 lives lost is devastating to communities.


                            • #89
                              I read it is up to 21 states, now.
                              - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Msdunny View Post
                                We have a new case here in N.C. The person just got back from Italy. I don’t know what to believe anymore. Supposedly people in Italy are saying it isn’t that bad there, but then a guy has come back with it. I still think it isn’t as serious as the flu, but it does appear to spread pretty easily.

                                Since this is the second case confirmed close to me, I will be sending a updated, firmer illness policy next week it think.
                                There are two strains (L-type and S-type). L-type is much worse than the other.
                                Researchers in China say there are two strains of the new coronavirus, one of which is more aggressive – but the World Health Organization says the virus is stable

                                I know the media is sensationalizing much of it but what happened in China was not media driven. Hopefully they contained the bad one in Wuhan and a less virulent one is making the rounds.

