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Are You Worried About Coronavirus?

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  • Originally posted by MyAngels View Post
    My son and his family were scheduled for a cruise here in a couple of weeks. It's cancelled, full refund given. I'm actually glad for this. I wouldn't step foot on a cruise ship right now, not because I'm afraid of catching anything, but because I'm afraid I'd be stuck on that thing forever
    We have one scheduled for December. Even though that's a long way away, I'm a little weary about even going then!


    • Originally posted by Snowmom View Post
      We have one scheduled for December. Even though that's a long way away, I'm a little weary about even going then!
      We are scheduled to attend a family wedding in Chicago this September... my husband has already started talking about not going.

      Yes, I have not heard a word from licensing here either.
      I think maybe with the newish requirement of having an emergency preparedness plan that they assume we have it covered.

      I dunno....the whole thing makes me uncomfortable but I guess other than being diligent in washing hands and covering your cough as well as staying home when sick there isn't much else we can do.

      I am lucky enough though that I live in a small enough community that there isn't widespread panic and we can still swing by Target or Walmart and buy supplies as normal.

      I checked both stores over the weekend to see if there was any disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer and toilet paper on the shelf and both stores had plenty of all of it.


      • I had to laugh at the headline in my local paper this morning. Something to the effect of - Amtrak reports a woman who possibly tested positive was on a train that passed through our station ::. Oh my, batten down the hatches, we're all in big trouble now!


        • Originally posted by MyAngels View Post
          I had to laugh at the headline in my local paper this morning. Something to the effect of - Amtrak reports a woman who possibly tested positive was on a train that passed through our station ::. Oh my, batten down the hatches, we're all in big trouble now!
          We have the same thing going on here. My reaction sto the coverage is somewhere between and ::


          • Originally posted by MyAngels View Post
            I had to laugh at the headline in my local paper this morning. Something to the effect of - Amtrak reports a woman who possibly tested positive was on a train that passed through our station ::. Oh my, batten down the hatches, we're all in big trouble now!

            Same here with the pictures of empty toilet paper racks! Meanwhile I have yet to see it


            • I went to Walmart for a car headlight . So I figured I would pick up some allergy meds for my son as he is almost out. The medicine aisle was almost bare . I grabbed 2 bottles since and a woman behind me asked if I wanted any more because she was going to buy all that was left . I have been to 3 stores over the weekend . No one had bleach or cleaning supplies/ wipes . Toilet paper supply is low as well as medicine .


              • Just got a bunch of infromation from the health department about corona, and were in a state with only 2 cases.


                • Originally posted by flying_babyb View Post
                  Just got a bunch of infromation from the health department about corona, and were in a state with only 2 cases.
                  Two "known" cases. My feeling is where there are 2, there's got to be more. How many cases are going unreported, undetected and untested? I feel many of the people who become sick with this are calling it a cold, virus, flu, whatever and probably not even going to the dr. Same with children.
                  Supposedly there were 2 in my state as of yesterday, also. But I'm thinking how many are walking around being contagious and don't know. Then there are those idiots who are knowingly exposing others and don't seem to care at all!! I'm really trying to keep a mind balance of:
                  stay healthy and take care of myself as well as I can, keep a social distance(easy for me to do Lol), don't panic, it's going to make it's rounds no matter what, keep an extra good eye on friends/family that are most vulnerable and KEEP CALM.


                  • Originally posted by Second Home View Post
                    I went to Walmart for a car headlight . So I figured I would pick up some allergy meds for my son as he is almost out. The medicine aisle was almost bare . I grabbed 2 bottles since and a woman behind me asked if I wanted any more because she was going to buy all that was left . I have been to 3 stores over the weekend . No one had bleach or cleaning supplies/ wipes . Toilet paper supply is low as well as medicine .
                    So glad you got your sons medications!!

                    I guess it must be happening in some places but not in my City! The stocks get low during the day but are replenished at night when the “stock boys” work. This might change as we get more cases. They are reporting the first death in Canada but it was an 80 yr old man in a nursing home. Not that his death is meaningless but the elderly are much more affected by all viruses.


                    • Originally posted by Josiegirl View Post
                      Two "known" cases. My feeling is where there are 2, there's got to be more. How many cases are going unreported, undetected and untested? I feel many of the people who become sick with this are calling it a cold, virus, flu, whatever and probably not even going to the dr. Same with children.
                      Supposedly there were 2 in my state as of yesterday, also. But I'm thinking how many are walking around being contagious and don't know. Then there are those idiots who are knowingly exposing others and don't seem to care at all!! I'm really trying to keep a mind balance of:
                      stay healthy and take care of myself as well as I can, keep a social distance(easy for me to do Lol), don't panic, it's going to make it's rounds no matter what, keep an extra good eye on friends/family that are most vulnerable and KEEP CALM.
                      We had one last week, and now we are up to 6 in our county. I am trying to decide whether to send my updated illness reminder home. I am not worried for me, necessarily, but my dad just got home from the hospital and I wouldn't want hime exposed. Although he may have been more exposed IN the hospital than at home, honestly.


                      • Almost everyone has experienced the shortage of disinfect wipes, bottled water and toilet paper.

                        Now, baby wipes, diapers and formula are becoming short on stock.


                        • Bleach is out of stock here, too.

                          Did folks not clean before this? 🤷*♀️


                          • People are acting ridiculous!

                            It's like holding back the tide. You can't do much except for what you normally do, follow hygiene etiquette, clean and disinfect like normal, if you're sick stay home, and clean your phone's, LOL. People are acting ridiculous, I just saw a post on Nextdoor saying "where was the person who got diagnosed so I can stay away from that Neighbourhood". I think experienced caregivers may be the only sane people on the planet right now because we know you can only do so much and you still might get sick.


                            • pretty much all disinfectants, bleach, clorox wipes and vinegar was completely out of stock at the local woodman's today! Kinda funny too cause were not a major city. Funny thing is, our centers more worried about head lice (EWWW!) right now. Not a single parent has batted a eye at my hacking cough either (I know what its from, been to the doc, and diagnosed with non contagious bronchitis (again))


                              • About the only thing I stocked up on, that is now have enough for about two weeks is cough and cold meds, kids advil and kids tylenol. Also got a few pedialyte powders for the kids (have not purchased those in past) and made sure to grab a new inhaler for my asthma. Also did grab a few lysol sprays, but those are mostly for DC, I wanted a small stockpile while they still had some.
                                Some stores have been sold out or low on tp but others are fine, I did grab a case now as we just recently opened one, to have an extra around in case that's hard to find. Hand sanitizer cant be found and rubbing alcohol. I did score a few bottles of rubbing alcohol tonight at a small little store, but I use it to clean our floors mostly.

                                Other then that my one kids got some viral bug right now, but not the convid virus (mo contact with any one that could have it yet). He did go to doctor today cause he already been sick for a few. Right now I've avoided saying why they have not seen him. I just hope the poor kid can breath better tomorrow he is all stuffed up.

