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Are You Worried About Coronavirus?

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  • Many Hospitals here have temporarily limited visitors to one per patient. Hotels across the state Have had major cancellations as well. The cancellation number was 50,000 today.

    While I’m concerned and conscience of the seriousness, I’m afraid many are freaking out to the point of being reclusive till this is over.


    • So far the craziness has not hit here. I am pretty rural (WI).. Nearest “big” city 2.5 hours away in either direction. I went to Walmart tonight. Medication section was fully stocked, cleaning products as well, bleach section actually looked larger than normal but they’re also remodeling so stuff is kind of everywhere. Toilet paper was a little bare but they were unloading a huge pallet when I walked by. I can’t speak of masks as I do not know where those are even kept if I’m being honest. Didn’t check on hand sanitizer as I also don’t know where they keep that as I buy mine at the dollar store. Soap aisle was stocked and a nurse was in the aisle talking to someone she knows about how it’s crazy how many people act as if washing hands is a new thing. Local high school cancelled at least one (but I’m assuming all) spring break club trips to Europe. 3 confirmed cases in my state so far.


      • Ok niece is in the middle of a trip to Texas, not near all the infected areas(but who really knows???) and is going back home, via Logan in Boston, early next week. Then she drives back home to Maine. Then, within a couple days, she wants to come visit her parents, both elderly and her dad has a very compromised immune system. He would never survive this virus and I highly doubt my sister would either.
        I don't want to high jack this thread but can you see how my sister does NOT think this would be a good idea, and SHE feels selfish???? I told her I think she's being smart!!
        I wish I could talk my niece into NOT visiting for at least a couple of weeks. I think my sister should stand up to her dd and tell her NO, do NOT come. But unfortunately, she's a complete sheep when her dd tells her what needs to happen. Her dd is very sweet, very bossy, very stubborn and denies just as well as the rest of us. But I also know she couldn't live with herself if anything happened like that scenario.


        • Did you see where Walmart is encouraging people to use the shopping app for groceries or for big orders? This worry is taking it's toll on everything!


          • Originally posted by storybookending View Post
            how it’s crazy how many people act as if washing hands is a new thing.
            This is so true. My husband said "Well maybe some of these people walking around in their pajama pants looking like they don't own a comb will finally take a shower." ::

            I've heard many people make comments about needing to start washing their hands etc... I'm like "start????" :confused:

            I've also noticed that is I use a public rest room that everyone is washing their hands now. Kinds makes me grossed out at the idea that so many didn't do it before.

            Originally posted by Annalee View Post
            Did you see where Walmart is encouraging people to use the shopping app for groceries or for big orders? This worry is taking it's toll on everything!
            Well, considering some of the people I have seen in Walmart, I think limiting the number of people out and about seems kind of nice.


            • Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
              This is so true. My husband said "Well maybe some of these people walking around in their pajama pants looking like they don't own a comb will finally take a shower." ::

              I've heard many people make comments about needing to start washing their hands etc... I'm like "start????" :confused:

              I've also noticed that is I use a public rest room that everyone is washing their hands now. Kinds makes me grossed out at the idea that so many didn't do it before.

              Well, considering some of the people I have seen in Walmart, I think limiting the number of people out and about seems kind of nice.


              • Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                We are scheduled to attend a family wedding in Chicago this September... my husband has already started talking about not going.

                Yes, I have not heard a word from licensing here either.
                I think maybe with the newish requirement of having an emergency preparedness plan that they assume we have it covered.

                I dunno....the whole thing makes me uncomfortable but I guess other than being diligent in washing hands and covering your cough as well as staying home when sick there isn't much else we can do.

                I am lucky enough though that I live in a small enough community that there isn't widespread panic and we can still swing by Target or Walmart and buy supplies as normal.

                I checked both stores over the weekend to see if there was any disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer and toilet paper on the shelf and both stores had plenty of all of it.

                The only thing I got from my licensor was that the county has a plan if needed and will send out information if or when it's necessary. Other than that, they said to follow the CDC guidelines. I like that they aren't escalating the panic already out there.


                • We're up to I think 23 cases now here. None in the counties where I live or work yet. Many schools here were either closed or had a half day earlier in the week so they could plan for if they had to close.

                  Just went to the store and decided to check out various aisles just to see. Medication wasn't too bad, a few bare spots. Cleaning aisle was mostly stripped. No bleach, a handful of soaps, lots of bare spots in general cleaning/disinfecting. Paper aisle was the worst. Absolutely no toilet paper, very few paper towels and tissues. All of these items had signs about limits too.

                  I feel like people seem to think they'll be barricaded in their houses for months or something. It's not the apocalypse, people. There has to be a happy medium somewhere between "it's all a conspiracy, there's nothing wrong" and "panic! It's the end of the world"


                  • Free webinar on Coronavirus for child care professionals

                    I'll be on a panel discussion of the coronavirus and how it will affect child care programs on Friday, March 20th from 2:00-3:30pm Eastern Time.

                    It's called Bracing for COVID-19: What Early Childhood Programs Need to Know and Consider Now

                    It's free and you can register here: https://www.earlychildhoodwebinars.c...-consider-now/

                    I'll be discussing how to revise your contract and policies to plan ahead if you are shutting down or parents are leaving your program temporarily. I'll also be discussing what insurance companies offer loss of business income coverage.


                    • I’m starting to get a little nervous. We have 4 confirmed cases here in Ohio. The Ohio university has closed their campus until the end of March with several other universities following suit. I just received a called from our school district that all activities that involve persons that are not students have been cancelled i.e muffins with mom, book fair etc. they will have a decision this evening if all after school events will be cancelled as well. Our Governor has declared a state of emergency and canceled the Arnold classic. It’s the biggest event in Ohio that brings in millions of dollars for our state. He’s also asking that no one travel outside of Ohio and may close the borders to our state.
                      My concern is that my oldest child has asthma and my husband has several auto immune diseases. What happens if they come down with the virus?! I don’t know what to think anymore and with the mixed information from social media and the news, it does make me wonder.


                      • Hand sanitizer is in short supply too. Seems folks are stocking up on it. I like to keep a small bottle of hand sanitizer hooked on my belt loop because I can’t always get to soap and water when we are outside on the playground.
                        Am I concerned, yes. Am I freaking out panicking, no. I think part of the reason for the panic and stocking up on things is that the virus is new and the media is playing into people’s fears. It was the same way a few years ago when the swine flu hit.
                        That said, I am taking precautions. We do not have any confirmed cases in my area but I am not going to places like movie theaters or sporting events until the virus is more contained. I am also being much more diligent in keeping my classroom wiped down with disinfectant and screening children for symptoms.


                        • Two of my dc families are traveling to Florida in two weeks. Should I be asking them to not to attend until 14 days after they return home? I don't want to be getting ahead of myself, but this is spreading rapidly.


                          • Originally posted by Meadow View Post
                            Two of my dc families are traveling to Florida in two weeks. Should I be asking them to not to attend until 14 days after they return home? I don't want to be getting ahead of myself, but this is spreading rapidly.
                            Absolutely! I don’t think people are doing enough or acting fast enough. People shut down after it gets out of control.

                            Why people are still travelling I have no idea!!! It’s a Pandemic!!


                            • I have a vacation to FL at the end of April, i really hope it doesnt make me have to cancel my trip! I really need a vacation


                              • Originally posted by MomBoss View Post
                                I have a vacation to FL at the end of April, i really hope it doesnt make me have to cancel my trip! I really need a vacation
                                I hear ya but a vacation at home can be just as relaxing! Even more so

