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So Sad...

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  • #76
    Originally posted by nannyde View Post
    I don't agree with someone that young being ABLE to have that many kids alone especially under three. My State allows it too and I disagree with it.

    But if you ARE going to allow a 22 year old to have six (sounds like she was supposed to just have six) kids that age then you need to REQUIRE that they do NOT do an educational program along with care. A 22 year old can NOT provide excellent care to this many really young kids by herself AND do a full preschool program.

    I don't care how educated she is and I don't care how many years she has watched kids. It's TOO MUCH.
    I feel any provider, of any age, who is being 100% truthful to herself and the parents of the children she cares for would say the same of herself.

    Childcare or Pre-school.... Parents need to choose one.

    If any Daycares are lucky enough to be able to offer care with two providers in one room; one for direct CARE and one for PRE-SCHOOL, WITHOUT doubling the ratio of children to providers......Kudos to you.... I would wear your business logo with pride, I swear I would.

    Most cannot afford to provide that service and should never be able to advertise they do unless they ACTUALLY do.
    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


    • #77
      I agree she was probably trying to do to much, BUT the thing that bothers me is that she could walk out the door get in her car, drive to the grocery store, walk around that grocery store like it was NOTHING, like she didnt have 7 babies at home alone. It makes me sick who knows if it was that she was 22, that she was open too many hours, that she tried to do to much curriculum or if she was that stupid. No excuse will ever bring those babies back and if it were my kid no excuse would be good enough for me.


      • #78
        Originally posted by nikia View Post
        I agree she was probably trying to do to much, BUT the thing that bothers me is that she could walk out the door get in her car, drive to the grocery store, walk around that grocery store like it was NOTHING, like she didn't have 7 babies at home alone. It makes me sick who knows if it was that she was 22, that she was open too many hours, that she tried to do to much curriculum or if she was that stupid. No excuse will ever bring those babies back and if it were my kid no excuse would be good enough for me.
        I could not agree more, Sorry Nikia.

        I guess I just really want a dialogue to prevent it from happening know? The powerlessness of it all when we most see the warning signs but nobody speaks up...

        We can't take this back... We all will pay in some form with more regulations, soon..

        I just wish the regulations and training that will be coming could be relevant this time..

        I have seen this cycle way too many times in the last 20 years....YKWIM???

        I have to wonder every day that if they changed the ratios and mandated direct physical supervision at all times (not in a crib in an infant room while the provider is teaching long division to a two year old) would my own son still be alive. The coroners report estimates he laid in his crib, dead, for up to 3 hours before EMS was called based on the degree of lividity to his body.

        This is very personal to me...and I can't help getting emotional about it sometimes.

        Would these children still be alive with the same mandates, IDK...but I would like to try....
        - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


        • #79
          Originally posted by Catherder View Post
          I could not agree more, Sorry Nikia.

          I guess I just really want a dialogue to prevent it from happening know? The powerlessness of it all when we most see the warning signs but nobody speaks up...

          We can't take this back... We all will pay in some form with more regulations, soon..

          I just wish the regulations and training that will be coming could be relevant this time..

          I have seen this cycle way too many times in the last 20 years....YKWIM???
          No need to be sorry, I wasnt trying to be rude at all I completely agree with you and nannyde, I just feel so sick about this and angry you know. I just wish all daycare providers were like me, you, nannyde and so many other woman on here.

          I want to understand why people do the things they do. I had a daycare provider for my children when I worked outside the home and she let a 9 year old take my 2 and 3 year old around the block, that 9 year old told my kids to walk one way while she walked the other. Nothing happend to my children THANK GOD, but it could have happend and my daycare provider got my wrath after my 3 year old told me we went for a walk by ourselves!!!!

          I wish so many things would change in who can watch kids, I just know that I am so thankful for my job. I am thankful that I can be with my kids when they get home from school. And grateful for my daycare kids.


          • #80
            Originally posted by nikia View Post
            No need to be sorry, I wasnt trying to be rude at all I completely agree with you and nannyde, I just feel so sick about this and angry you know. I just wish all daycare providers were like me, you, nannyde and so many other woman on here.

            I want to understand why people do the things they do. I had a daycare provider for my children when I worked outside the home and she let a 9 year old take my 2 and 3 year old around the block, that 9 year old told my kids to walk one way while she walked the other. Nothing happend to my children THANK GOD, but it could have happend and my daycare provider got my wrath after my 3 year old told me we went for a walk by ourselves!!!!

            I wish so many things would change in who can watch kids, I just know that I am so thankful for my job. I am thankful that I can be with my kids when they get home from school. And grateful for my daycare kids.
            You are never rude and I added a bit more to explain myself... I just feel like I hop on my soapbox alot and wanted you to understand why....
            - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


            • #81
              Originally posted by Catherder View Post
              I have to wonder every day that if they changed the ratios and mandated direct physical supervision at all times (not in a crib in an infant room while the provider is teaching long division to a two year old) would my own son still be alive. The coroners report estimates he laid in his crib, dead, for up to 3 hours before EMS was called based on the degree of lividity to his body.

              This is very personal to me...and I can't help getting emotional about it sometimes.

              Would these children still be alive with the same mandates, IDK...but I would like to try....
              I am so sorry about your son, I cannot imagine what it is like or knowing that 3 hours passed before EMS was called. It is personal for you and if it were me I would always try to figure out what could have been done different.


              • #82
                Originally posted by nikia View Post
                I agree she was probably trying to do to much, BUT the thing that bothers me is that she could walk out the door get in her car, drive to the grocery store, walk around that grocery store like it was NOTHING, like she didnt have 7 babies at home alone. It makes me sick who knows if it was that she was 22, that she was open too many hours, that she tried to do to much curriculum or if she was that stupid. No excuse will ever bring those babies back and if it were my kid no excuse would be good enough for me.
                I was thinking about my career at 22.

                I finished nursing school and received a BSN. I had three years of nanny experience under my belt as I cared for three school aged children as a live in nanny housekeeper from my freshman year summer until I graduated in May.

                I was able to take a full load with school and clinicals in nursing school and work a 45 hour a week job plus study a prety hard course of study. By the time I finished school I "KNEW" how to work and work hard.

                Even with THAT experience, an good work ethic, and a very good education, I could not have cared for seven kids from eighteen months and three AND ran a full preschool program with second language, reading, math, science ets.

                I wonder if she has been asked how CAN she do that? How can someone that young who doesn't appear to have any education be able to run a Montesorri like program and care for SO many small kids? Did it ever cross anyones mind to think "could that even BE done?"

                I wonder if we will hear that someone was in the house or someone was supposed to be on their way to the house?

                Anyway... at 22 you are too young to be left alone with that many young children. Working with that many kids in a center is different. You always have someone else you CAN call..... someone else who CAN be there to help in a crisis....... someone who is the boss of you on premise.

                My staff assistant is 21 and she has had two years of Nan school and I wouldn't even DREAM of leaving her alone with six/seven kids. I don't even allow her to take them for a walk without me. She's awesome and I love her to pieces but I wouldn't dream of putting that kind of responsibility on her with so little training. She's not old enough to know to give her life to save the life of the kids no matter what. Until you are old enough to know that they always completely come before you..... you shouldn't be able to be alone with them. I'm certain 22 isn't old enough to know that.... educated or not... experienced or not... mother or not....... it's just too young.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                  I was thinking about my career at 22.

                  I finished nursing school and received a BSN. I had three years of nanny experience under my belt as I cared for three school aged children as a live in nanny housekeeper from my freshman year summer until I graduated in May.

                  I was able to take a full load with school and clinicals in nursing school and work a 45 hour a week job plus study a prety hard course of study. By the time I finished school I "KNEW" how to work and work hard.

                  Even with THAT experience, an good work ethic, and a very good education, I could not have cared for seven kids from eighteen months and three AND ran a full preschool program with second language, reading, math, science ets.

                  I wonder if she has been asked how CAN she do that? How can someone that young who doesn't appear to have any education be able to run a Montesorri like program and care for SO many small kids? Did it ever cross anyones mind to think "could that even BE done?"

                  I wonder if we will hear that someone was in the house or someone was supposed to be on their way to the house?

                  Anyway... at 22 you are too young to be left alone with that many young children. Working with that many kids in a center is different. You always have someone else you CAN call..... someone else who CAN be there to help in a crisis....... someone who is the boss of you on premise.

                  My staff assistant is 21 and she has had two years of Nan school and I wouldn't even DREAM of leaving her alone with six/seven kids. I don't even allow her to take them for a walk without me. She's awesome and I love her to pieces but I wouldn't dream of putting that kind of responsibility on her with so little training. She's not old enough to know to give her life to save the life of the kids no matter what. Until you are old enough to know that they always completely come before you..... you shouldn't be able to be alone with them. I'm certain 22 isn't old enough to know that.... educated or not... experienced or not... mother or not....... it's just too young.
                  Agree especially with the statement of knowing you would give your life for the life of a child.
                  Im 31 and on the days when I am filled to the max allowed by law its a lot, but I do it and I AM capable of doing it, the children are no less supervised or cared for than when I have 2 children in my care. I dont do a curriculum though, if I did I wouldnt take children under two I know my limit and I dont think I could give the proper care to babies and try and teach children. I do teach them, but Im not a preschool, they learn through play here and other ways. Does that make me less of a provider I dont think so. I treat my daycare kids like how I would want my children to be treated and that sets me apart from other daycares in my town. I always think would I want my child to do that when we are going about our day.


                  • #84

                    With all the footage on this I can't see where the provider has injuries, burns, or even soiled clothing. The press says she is hospitalized but all you can see on her is a little band-aid on one of her hands. The way she is moving her hands it doesn't look like she even has palm burns or finger burns.

                    It makes you wonder if she even tried to get the kids out.

                    I'm wondering if she is hospitalized because she is saying she is going to kill herself so they have her on suicide watch?


                    • #85
                      22 is too young to do anything that requires big decision making (IMO), I was very "mature for my age" (or so i was told), I got married at 22, became a mommy, and NO ONE questioned it, no one said "are you sure" no one, not even my parents took me aside and said "this is a BIG deal..are you ready, are you old enough, are you mature enough"

                      so, my 22 year old self thought of course I can be a wife and mom, or course I can be trusted with the care of 12 adults with developmental disabilities (that was my job, we had a 4 to 1 ratio handling adults with the most severe of developmental and mental disabilities)....

                      I'm almost 30 and when I look back all I can think is oh. my. god. who was stupid enough to let me do that job! What was I thinking getting MARRIED, I was a CHILD...sure I had a college degree but so what, genius kids get a college degree at 15, it doesn't make them grown...and who for the love of GOD thought it was FINE that I was a MOTHER?!!?!

                      I was too young, I was too immature, and looking back I know for a fact that I would have been a better wife and a better mother if I had gotten a few more years of life experience under my can't change the past though, you gotta do the best you can with what you got...but I can't imagine a parent saying to themselves "of course a 22 year old can be trusted with my child and 6 other children" nuh-uh no way...the whole thing is just an epic tragedy


                      • #86



                        • #87
                          god, this poor woman is ripping my heart out...


                          • #88
                            That video was heart wrenching.....

                            This one hit home for me.

                            and check out the graph on this..... Know provider includes parents and/or providers

                            - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                            • #89

                              Texas ratios for registered home child care



                              • #90
                                I don't know what to say but to me, we don't know the whole story for sure. I am not sure if she goes to the store and left all the children home alone. There must be someone else who watched the children while she was gone. Maybe we will find out for sure in a few more days or maybe not. It doesn't make sense to me about what happened.

                                In Texas, she is not allowed to watch more than 6 children included her own children. She can watch up to 12 children but she must have an assistant to work with her.

                                My heart goes out to families who lost their children in the fire.

