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Daycare Forum and Watching Kids!?!

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  • #46
    OP... no. It's not a dumb question at all... maybe you could have worded it differently, but it's a totally legitimate question.

    I have actually noticed that on parenting boards, or working mothers boards that the parents will say "My provider never ever stops interacting with her group, EvER... she hears their every breath, she sees their every move, lunch magically makes it'self, and the children sit on her lap the entire day while she sings little songs in their ear.".

    But, in reality, they do a lot without being watched closely. I DO actually hear everything, but the kids don't know I do.

    We just had lunch, they can play for about 20 more minutes, and then we have to clean up and get mats out. After nap, they pretty much play and eat snack, but leave soon after nap.


    • #47
      I either use my laptop (always on the kitchen counter since I use it for recipes a lot) or my smartphone which is always in my pocket. I know you got some snarky responses, but I can see where you are coming from as a parent myself.

      I generally am "logged in" because it is open on my phone or browser but I am not here all day long. Usually I pop in and out while the kids are playing, doing an art project, or napping. I don't come on during snack or lunch because one of my fears is choking so I am like a hawk while they eat, :: .


      • #48
        It's a valid question however, most anything can be acquired through phones now.

        I can check on my phone, facebook, email, etc.


        • #49
          Not that I need to explain myself to anyone.....

          My kiddos are napping right now and do not need me to stare directly at them while they are sleeping. That would be extreamely boring and cause me to fall asleep which was the subject of another thread. So, since vacuuming is out, checking email and the forum is what I do while I wait for them to wake up. Why it is your business, "unregistered", I don't know, but there you have it. Plus, I never log off of this site so, for all I know, it shows me being on it all day and all night even though I do not check my computer til naptime (which, in case you really feel the need to know, is usually from about 1 p.m. til 3:30 p.m. or whenever the kids decide to wake up, whichever comes first). Hope someone is keeping tabs on your online use, too. ::


          • #50
            Originally posted by mac60 View Post
            I am wondering the same thing about are at your supposedly job, and your boss allows you to be on a daycare website.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              I don't think it is a dumb question to wonder what your provider is doing while watching your children. It is responsible parenting. You can't be upset if I "don't get involved in my childrens's lives" enough, and then turn around and be upset if I do research to make sure that that they are getting their needs met.

              My provider e-mailed me today, at a time other than snack, lunch, or naptime. She watches 7 children, so naturally, I came to other providers to find out if this is indeed, possible, and ok for the kids, before I make more of a big deal about it than I should. It isn't dumb, it is responsible parenting.

              PS: I got lots of great answers, so I feel much better about the situation.
              You can also answer that yourself, how do you email, pay bills, wash ect. when you have your own children to watch. Maybe she has a laptop, and the kids are watching a movie; doesn't really matter because a email is nothing that I would even wonder about. Now if she were having a garage sale or something, then I would be wondering.


              • #52
                Just yesterday a provider inquired about herself napping during the children's nap time. I go on this forum during the children's naptime only! This is to keep myself busy, get new ideas, and get support. I keep my computer on my bed and do not bring it downstairs at all, that way I am not tempted to check my e-mail, facebook or forum during the day. I am fortunate to get a 2 hour break each day and find that is when it is appropriate for me to use the computer. I do my updates to the parents on our personal facebook page then too.

                As a parent, I would just ask my provider if I felt there was a lot of "computer" time during daycare hours!
                Proud Mommy of Six...


                • #53
                  Originally posted by youretooloud View Post
                  See? I typed my previous response, got up, dealt with a playdough crisis, removed a Target receipt from another child, determined it wasn't my receipt, threw it away, and came back to type this response.

                  I am amazing.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Ariana View Post

                    I think it's a very valid question. I think some people just get a little defensive because you're original question seemed a little snarky which obviously wasn't intentional.
                    Yep...the original post to which I responded definitely came out "snarky", i.e. the "Is it naptime all day?" comment. If you ask a question in a snarky, accusatory way, expect to get snarky responses in return.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by ALM View Post
                      Yep...the original post to which I responded definitely came out "snarky", i.e. the "Is it naptime all day?" comment. If you ask a question in a snarky, accusatory way, expect to get snarky responses in return.
                      Exactly THIS!


                      • #56
                        My desktop is in the playroom, so I can be online and still observe everything that is going on. Most of my kiddos are older and have been here a while, so they don't need as much of my interaction as little ones would. Also, my 2 older children are in a virtual academy and the 5 yo dcb uses starfall and time4 learning, so one or both computers are online almost all day, since we do school in between playing. Usually, I will have a tab open to this site just for my own education/amusement in between lessons.
                        We roll like a big ol' family here, so with a little finagling, Mom gets to multitask and do some things for herself (like shop on Amazon!). Keeps me balanced.


                        • #57
                          Besides all of the answers above, keep in mind that many of us are in different time zones. Also, not everyone here works full time. I don't - and I'm on in the AM with my Java and in and out here after work.

                          I do find it funny that on the weekends it's deadsville around here. ::


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Kaddidle Care View Post

                            I do find it funny that on the weekends it's deadsville around here. ::
                            Ya.. on the weekend, I'm too busy!::

                            Honestly though, the computer is in the playroom, and the playroom is not in the common part of the house, so, I just rarely come in here unless I need something.


                            • #59
                              Holy Cow, this thread blew up, didn't it ::. I guess that's what I get for not checking in during naptime...

                              It's a legitimate question (although it did come across as snarky), and I think I even asked it myself when I first found this board .

                              Then I got a laptop, tablet and smart phone and the answer became obvious.

                              I would say to the OP - if you have a question about your provider e-mailing you, it would be a good thing to address your question directly to her. I'm sure she would not hesitate to address your concerns, and will appreciate the communication from you.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by mac60 View Post
                                I am wondering the same thing about are at your supposedly job, and your boss allows you to be on a daycare website.
                                So true... LOL!!!

