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Daycare Forum and Watching Kids!?!

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  • #16
    My ds and dcg are having free playand chatting away to each other. I am writing this from my tablet computer where I am logged in all day. I see the members of this forum as my coworkers and they keep me sane all day!! Its nice to chat with adults throughout the day. Dont you talk to your coworkers?


    • #17
      My dcks are chilling and playing beside me less than ten feet away, my son is hanging on my knee making it all wet, I'm giving my dcbaby a bottle with one hand and typing with the other hand. I am very adept at typing with one hand

      If I sit and do nothing every time I'm feeding one of the babies I will go insane. So I mess around on the internet to keep my brain from leaking out my ears.

      Sometimes I;m on my Nook or laptop, sometimes they are napping/eating/with DH.

      The window is open all day but I certainly don't sit here all day!
      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


      • #18
        Breezy said it- talking to co-workers
        Most of us come on here to solve issues, help our little ones, and make our daycare's better places. Our DCK are our top priority. This is a really difficult job, support is a must. Sometimes we need a question answered ASAP during the day.


        • #19
          Right now they're sleeping but earlier I had one trying to steal my slippers, one on my lap and the rest doing puzzles at the table.


          • #20
            I have two assistants who are highly capable and frankly, the kids think they are wayyy more fun than me! ::


            • #21
              Originally posted by greenhouse View Post
              Breezy said it- talking to co-workers
              Most of us come on here to solve issues, help our little ones, and make our daycare's better places. Our DCK are our top priority. This is a really difficult job, support is a must. Sometimes we need a question answered ASAP during the day.


              • #22
                I have one child who is extremely difficult, and when she's awake, I can't sit down to do anything, but for the other kids, they can behave the way I expect of children and I can sit down now and then.

                Really 99% of kids are very typical children without constant needs. They play together, and work on projects without me helecoptering all the time.

                Also, when I feed a bottle to difficult one, I can sit here and read and surf while she's eating.

                Sometimes, we all need to sit down and have a break...and since the kids are not highly needy, it's OK to rest.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by mac60 View Post
                  I am wondering the same thing about are at your supposedly job, and your boss allows you to be on a daycare website.
                  THANK YOU! Daycare providers are held to an IMPOSSIBLE standard. What we are expected to do is ridiculous.

                  As for me, I have a full time assistant, and while doing bookwork off and on throughout the day I am able to post here. So there, justified your dumb question.


                  • #24
                    See? I typed my previous response, got up, dealt with a playdough crisis, removed a Target receipt from another child, determined it wasn't my receipt, threw it away, and came back to type this response.

                    I am amazing.


                    • #25
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	kids chewing.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	6.1 KB
ID:	981378

                      Sorry...I couldn't resist.


                      • #26
                        While my kids are happily involved in free play I pop on and off. Some days it could take me an hour to finish a one sentence post and other days it only takes 2 seconds. I do most of the reading and answering during nap time which is 2 hours long!!

                        I am in no way shape or form neglecting my duties, if the kids needs me I'm right there. Kids don't need adults to be in their business all the live long day either.


                        • #27
                          I only have kids in the mornings for preschool and usually no one in the afternoon, so that's the only time I post.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by melskids View Post

                            Sorry...I couldn't resist.
                            Switch to duct tape...too sticky to chew.


                            • #29
                              I keep several tabs up all at once. That way I can navigate from to checking my email to updating my website.

                              I also have a staff assistant that is doing dancing with the daycare kids. I'm not in the same room but I can see them on camera.

                              But I think Blackcat said it best!


                              • #30
                                This is Cat Herder..... and look, I am already logged it...

                                It is like I am magic, although I miss all the options of smileys and tags this way.

                                Not logging in is just not as much fun, it seems...
                                Last edited by Blackcat31; 01-24-2012, 10:43 AM.

