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Daycare Forum and Watching Kids!?!

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  • Daycare Forum and Watching Kids!?!


    I see some of the same people on this forum all day. As a parent, I was just wondering how you are able to watch my chldren in your home if you are online all day?

    It isn't naptime ALL DAY?

    Looking for a real answer.

  • #2
    In my case, I only have one infant currently, who (if you notice my last post) is sleeping a LOT. There's only so much laundry that can be folded in a day. Hopefully, once the baby grows a bit and is more active, I'll be playing more and online less.


    • #3
      mine is left on all day online, but I post when the kids are a nap or while they are eating at the table. My desk is right next to the table.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

        I see some of the same people on this forum all day. As a parent, I was just wondering how you are able to watch my chldren in your home if you are online all day?

        It isn't naptime ALL DAY?

        Looking for a real answer.
        I am wondering the same thing about are at your supposedly job, and your boss allows you to be on a daycare website.


        • #5
          In my case I only provide PT care - this week I only have children in my care on MWF, so no kids today. Also, you need to take into consideration that people are posting from all over so there are different time zones in place - it may be 10 am where you are but somewhere else in the world it's 6 in the morning. There are also (not sure how many) hundreds of posters so although it may seem like a ton of posts take that into consideration. I think my average post is 1 a day (maybe!) - that only takes about a minute or two of my time. I believe also that many of the providers on here post a lot during naptime. Things are not always as they seem!


          • #6
            Originally posted by mac60 View Post
            I am wondering the same thing about are at your supposedly job, and your boss allows you to be on a daycare website.
            Love it!


            • #7

              Sometimes I am sitting at a desk while they are doing art. Sometimes I am on my cell/ipod/laptop while they are at free play..... Sometimes I am not open yet.... sometimes I am closed, sometimes they are asleep...

              Typing this took 60 seconds, tops. I am in the same room at all times... If I stare directly at them the entire day, they will NOT play with the centers at all.

              Also, I am already "online" often when I come to check out this forum because I rarely click the log out tab... I just close out the window.

              Even when my computer is turned off, I show "online" when I peek in from my cell, ipod or laptop.

              My DCK's are currently chasing DH around with bubble blowers in the is a rare sunny day here and almost 60*.

              MMMMM... Hot fresh coffee...happyface
              - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


              • #8
                Occasionally, I may have an unplanned day off, and will check in here. If I have children in care, I will usually wait until nap time to really visit, but if the children are playing & engaged with something during free-play, I will occasionally check the forum when they are awake.

                They are in the room with me, and more often than not, it will take me 20 minutes to read & answer a post, because I get up to help someone, run interference, or change a diaper. Kids first, forum 2nd.

                It's late January in WI. I am alone with 3-5 children all day, 50 hours per week. Being here keeps me sane!:Sunny


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Catherder View Post

                  Sometimes I am sitting at a desk while they are doing art. Sometimes I am on my cell while they are at free play..... Sometimes I am not open yet.... sometimes I am closed, sometimes they are asleep...

                  Typing this took 60 seconds, tops. I am in the same room at all times... If I stare directly at them the entire day, they will NOT play with the centers at all.

                  Also, I am already "online" often when I come to check out this forum because I rarely click the log out tab... I just close out the window.

                  Even when my computer is turned off off, I show "online".

                  My DCK's are currently chasing DH around with bubble blowers in the is a rare sunny day here and almost 60*.

                  MMMMM... Hot fresh coffee...happyface
                  Lucky you w/the weather! It's about 26 here & breezy!


                  • #10
                    Many members are logged in at all times but it doesn't mean they are actually on-line reading the forum. If you hang around long enough, you will notice the busy times and the slow times.

                    Members are also spread across the country, continent and world so time zones vary as well.

                    Many members also have assistants and are not working alone. Not to mention with technology today, smartphones, i-pads and laptops make communication throughout the day possible with the click of a mouse or a few finger taps...

                    There are so many different situations/variables that it is really unfair to assume that because a member is on the forum all day that they are not watching kids.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by mac60 View Post
                      I am wondering the same thing about are at your supposedly job, and your boss allows you to be on a daycare website.
                      I'm off today


                      • #12
                        This is 2012 and most of us are posting from the palm of our hand. No one is chained to a desktop in another room while kids are choking on stuff. My dck is napping btw. I keep my iPhone on my person at all times to snap photos for parents or if I need to call parents/police.


                        • #13
                          Ok, that answers my question, thanks!


                          • #14
                            I'm closed today


                            • #15
                              My desk is in my kitchen. Playroom is 5 ft to my left, kitchen table in right behind me, and the family room is 3 ft to my right. Right now I only have 1 child before 3 PM so I'm able to be on the computer while he's playing.

