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Daycare Forum and Watching Kids!?!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    This is Cat Herder..... and look, I am already logged it...

    It is like I am magic, although I miss all the options of smileys and tags this way.

    Not logging in is just not as much fun, it seems...
    smarty pants!! ::::


    • #32
      Originally posted by sahm2three View Post
      THANK YOU! Daycare providers are held to an IMPOSSIBLE standard. What we are expected to do is ridiculous.

      As for me, I have a full time assistant, and while doing bookwork off and on throughout the day I am able to post here. So there, justified your dumb question.
      I don't think it is a dumb question to wonder what your provider is doing while watching your children. It is responsible parenting. You can't be upset if I "don't get involved in my childrens's lives" enough, and then turn around and be upset if I do research to make sure that that they are getting their needs met.

      My provider e-mailed me today, at a time other than snack, lunch, or naptime. She watches 7 children, so naturally, I came to other providers to find out if this is indeed, possible, and ok for the kids, before I make more of a big deal about it than I should. It isn't dumb, it is responsible parenting.

      PS: I got lots of great answers, so I feel much better about the situation.


      • #33
        I thought you'd like that, Blackcat.....

        I have to mention it took me three tries to get that sight code right... I had to put my annoying new reading glasses on...

        My DCK's are all cleaned up, fed, changed and laying down to sleep, now... They are peeking to see what I giggled at....

        They should be out cold in minutes....
        - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          I don't think it is a dumb question to wonder what your provider is doing while watching your children. It is responsible parenting. You can't be upset if I "don't get involved in my childrens's lives" enough, and then turn around and be upset if I do research to make sure that that they are getting their needs met.

          My provider e-mailed me today, at a time other than snack, lunch, or naptime. She watches 7 children, so naturally, I came to other providers to find out if this is indeed, possible, and ok for the kids, before I make more of a big deal about it than I should. It isn't dumb, it is responsible parenting.

          PS: I got lots of great answers, so I feel much better about the situation.
          You have every right to ask. Please do not feel like you shouldn't. I do hope that we have all given you a few scenarios that make sense and put your mind at ease as to what it is we do all day. This forum is as much for parents as it is for providers so never ever feel like a question is dumb when it involves the care of your child.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
            You have every right to ask. Please do not feel like you shouldn't. I do hope that we have all given you a few scenarios that make sense and put your mind at ease as to what it is we do all day. This forum is as much for parents as it is for providers so never ever feel like a question is dumb when it involves the care of your child.

            I think it's a very valid question. I think some people just get a little defensive because you're original question seemed a little snarky which obviously wasn't intentional.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              I don't think it is a dumb question to wonder what your provider is doing while watching your children. It is responsible parenting. You can't be upset if I "don't get involved in my childrens's lives" enough, and then turn around and be upset if I do research to make sure that that they are getting their needs met.

              My provider e-mailed me today, at a time other than snack, lunch, or naptime. She watches 7 children, so naturally, I came to other providers to find out if this is indeed, possible, and ok for the kids, before I make more of a big deal about it than I should. It isn't dumb, it is responsible parenting.

              PS: I got lots of great answers, so I feel much better about the situation.
              It wasn't a dumb question. Unfortunately, one can't read tone, so perhaps someone didn't read it in spirit it as intended.

              If your child comes home happy & healthy, chances are your provider is doing her job. A good provider can multi-task, just like most moms. You dinner, talking on the phone, nursing the baby, and telling Jimmy not to color on the walls all at the same time!


              • #37
                OP, are you having issues with your provider? We may give you answers but we aren't your provider, so we can only answer for ourselves. There are good eggs and bad eggs.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Ariana View Post
                  While my kids are happily involved in free play I pop on and off. Some days it could take me an hour to finish a one sentence post and other days it only takes 2 seconds. I do most of the reading and answering during nap time which is 2 hours long!!

                  I am in no way shape or form neglecting my duties, if the kids needs me I'm right there. Kids don't need adults to be in their business all the live long day either.

                  In addition to this, I have a small group right now. Today it's just me, my own son (4) who's watching tv, and a 2 month old who sleeps A LOT. So to keep myself from going insane I am on a lot.


                  • #39
                    I know I posted a smart alect remark/picture, but that's just my nature.

                    You have every right to ask questions, especially when it involves your children.

                    I'd rather a parent ask me and be open and honest about their concerns, then never say anything at all.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Breezy View Post
                      My ds and dcg are having free playand chatting away to each other. I am writing this from my tablet computer where I am logged in all day. I see the members of this forum as my coworkers and they keep me sane all day!! Its nice to chat with adults throughout the day. Dont you talk to your coworkers?


                      • #41
                        I'm not a child watcher, I'm a daycare provider. I provide a safe clean environment for your child to learn and grow. One where they learn to socialize with their peers, cope with their feelings and learn to explore. Plus much much more

                        I don't sit and stare at your child all day, nor do I sit/stand and entertain your child all day every day while in my care..

                        Right now my DCKs are building a play-dough fort. I am not going to do it for them. They are learning math, cooperation, small motor skills, and communication. All while I sit here type and watch over them...


                        • #42
                          It is 100% fair question.

                          Before the internet I used to read magazines and books during the periods of time I needed them to play independently. I now save a lot of money by being able to just look things up.

                          It is developmentally important that they learn how to interact with each other. I am here to intervene and redirect as necessary....but sometimes I MUST stand back and let them play as a child led group. YKWIM?

                          We do have several periods during the day that I lead, circle times, story times, meal times...etc.

                          The flip side is that this is a lonely/stressful job without being able to talk to each other. Providers that don't have to ability to talk with other adults during the day tend to obsess over smaller issues and risk taking it out on the kids.

                          This is actually part of a well thought out/documented Stress Management plan that is discussed during training classes. Provider Burnout is a very real risk.
                          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                          • #43
                            My group is primarily 3 1yos and a 3yo. This morning I posted while my 3yo was playing playdough, and the 1yos were playing blocks. I post from my smartphone. Everyone was happy and playing, and I was just sitting by watching.

                            Now I'm posting during naptime from my laptop. I have cleaned up lunch, prepped for the afternoon and now am taking a few minutes. Sometimes I sit for a few minutes before I clean up lunch. Sometimes I post from my phone in the backyard while the kids are playing too. I text my parents pictures of their kids too.


                            • #44
                              ok, this got me thinking. How many parents text their providers during the day and want an instant response, kinda wonder what are they doing all day too


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by countrymom View Post
                                ok, this got me thinking. How many parents text their providers during the day and want an instant response, kinda wonder what are they doing all day too

                                I have one parent who teaches 1st grade, and texts me occasionally through the day...and another one who is a nurse. How on earth do either of those professions have time to text????

