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"Unique" Daycare Names?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
    Personally, I think your name is VERY creative and perfect for your business...... considering your name.
    I agree. I was thinking Jimnaisium is one of the most original I’ve read in a long time.

    I prefer purposefully phonetically misspelled names instead of misspelling for the sake of being unique with a total disregard for phonetics. Oh Fahneticks!

    One of my children has a name that is spelled oddly but it is 100% phonetically correct. I named my child after my husband, so the twist in spelling is a homage to him.

    Village Children -----> Village of the Darned Daycare
    Time Out Palace
    Redirection Unlimited Academee
    Minor Mutiny
    Diapers Fully Loaded We save you loads of cash in diapers.
    We Be Bad Babies

    Snot R Us Yes, I really was going to name my business this one. My husband and friends all did one or more of the following slapped their foreheads, blank stared me then laughed out loud, shook their heads. What stopped me is my friend’s husband said, “I would not take my kids there ever.” On the record, I still love the name. I get most don’t share my sense of humor and I’d probably have an empty house or full with parents that had no other options.


    • #47
      Well actually, my name is in fact Wayne.. although a lot of people are starting to call me Jim because of the name. I actually came up with JimNaisium in high school when the movie Porky's was out. They had the name Michael Hunt paged through a diner (mike), and I started thinking of cleaner words to use as names along the same line of thinking.
      Chief cook, bottle washer & spider killer...


      • #48
        When I went to Oregon for a family child care orientation, the lady from the food program (former FCC provider) and the lady doing the orientation both said "You want to make sure that your daycare name stands out from the rest, and that it's not too similar to another daycare in town, so that their reputation doesn't affect your business." Both said "Whatever you do try to avoid using 'angles' in your daycare name! Every other daycare in this town is called 'Little Angel's Daycare' or something similar". The food program lady when on to add "Not to mention, most kids are not little angels."::

        At the time I was living on Diablo street (diablo= devil; in Spanish) and thought, what if there was a daycare called "Little Devil's Daycare"? and the logo could be a red baby with devil horns, a mustache, a pointy tail, and a rattle with flames and a pitchfork on it. Some parents might think it was funny, but I can see a lot of parents being offended by that; so I'll just stick with my original idea.

        I also thought that if there was a Dr. Seuss (or even Mother Goose/ nursery rhyme) themed daycare maybe it could be called "Who-Care? We Care Daycare" and there slogan could be "Where a person's a person, no matter how small" or "I am the Lorax, I speak for the Kiddies" (variation of Dr. Seuss quotes).


        • #49
          Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
          I have a Courtenays Cids Child Care around the corner.

          The missing apostrophe bothers me ALMOST as much as C for kids (which is backwards, too). :confused: Why not just Courtenay's Child Care?
          No wonder she doesn't know how to spell ,if her name is spelled "Courtenay", does she pronounce it "Court-en-nay"? That would bug me, because I would want to just call her Courtney, because it rolls off the tongue better. I used to know a girl in middle school named Tiffanay (Tiff-en-eh) and she used to get annoyed when people called her Tiffany (Tiff-en-ee) by mistake.


          • #50
            My husband just reminded me of one down the road on a rough, very busy road..Decisions Childcare. Are we deciding if we want to leave our kids in a run down extremely busy area?


            • #51
              When picking a name we wanted something that could have a cute sign so we wanted a picture of some kind that would work with the name. A friend's daughter suggested "Little Sprouts" and using a cartoon character that looked like a kid sprout. We loved it! But when we abbreviate our name Little Sprouts Daycare the initials are LSD Then we opened a preschool and wanted the names to tie in together so it's Big Sprouts Preschool. We call it BS Here's our logo. Our slogan is "Where children come to learn and GROW!"
              Attached Files


              • #52
                Originally posted by Christina72684 View Post
                When picking a name we wanted something that could have a cute sign so we wanted a picture of some kind that would work with the name. A friend's daughter suggested "Little Sprouts" and using a cartoon character that looked like a kid sprout. We loved it! But when we abbreviate our name Little Sprouts Daycare the initials are LSD Then we opened a preschool and wanted the names to tie in together so it's Big Sprouts Preschool. We call it BS Here's our logo. Our slogan is "Where children come to learn and GROW!"
                I LOVE the Sprouts idea! I've been playing with the idea of doing something along this line, also.


                • #53
                  Ms Stever

                  My licensed day care is called... ISTY BITSY COUNTRY DAY CARE... MY SIGN HAS A FRIENDLY SPIDER HANGING FROM A WEB


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    My licensed day care is called... ISTY BITSY COUNTRY DAY CARE... MY SIGN HAS A FRIENDLY SPIDER HANGING FROM A WEB
                    I love that!


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by unregistered View Post
                      my licensed day care is called... Isty bitsy country day care... My sign has a friendly spider hanging from a web


                      • #56
                        I am legally unlicensed, so I don't have an "official" name but I've used "Puddle Jumpers" on my business cards. In The first daycare I ever worked at while in college, each classroom had a name. I was in the 2yo room and the lead teacher called us the "puddle jumpers". I've always liked it....


                        • #57
                          We have:
                          Tiny Tots
                          Small Wonders (infant care only)
                          Tot Town
                          TLC Academy
                          Children's Place
                          Discovery Daycare
                          Lil' Squirts
                          Punkin' Patch
                          Growing Place
                          Little Explorers
                          Kid Central
                          Fort Courage
                          Spirit at Play
                          Mother Goose
                          Sunflower & Wildflower (both Montessori and/or organic)


                          • #58
                            Daycare Names

                            In poor areas, the daycares in Ohio are called "Miss" something Daycare, like "Miss Ataea's Daycare". We also have a place called "Tia's Nest".


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Starburst View Post

                              I also thought that if there was a Dr. Seuss (or even Mother Goose/ nursery rhyme) themed daycare maybe it could be called "Who-Care? We Care Daycare" and there slogan could be "Where a person's a person, no matter how small" or "I am the Lorax, I speak for the Kiddies" (variation of Dr. Seuss quotes).
                              There's a pretty lousy center not too far from here I jokingly (sort of) say someday I'm going to stage a coup and turn it into a Dr Suess themed center called Mr Seuss's Funzeum. Think my wife would shoot me if I actually did it. .

                              One of the clerks at the local grocery store calls me Daddy Daycare after the Eddie Murphy movie. I recently found out I'm known in town by that name. Maybe I should run with it. ::


                              • #60
                                I'm pretty sure there's a Tater Tots in Idaho.

