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Whats Your Policy For Closing, Days Off, Vacation Rate Etc..??

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
    Most my families take vacation the same time as I do.

    I also only charge 50% of regular tuition for my vacation weeks and most my parents begin adding a little extra to their weekly checks a few weeks before my vacation week.

    I take my vacation weeks during a time when most people around here either have family members around for the holidays or have teenagers available to watch thier kids.

    I charge for a total of 10 days per where I am not actually available to watch their children. NONE of my families have ever complained or said no. They know signing on that is my policy and recently I have even ahd a few parents tell me I should take more time off paid because they understand that a happy well rested provider makes a good provider.

    If they weren't willing to pay on those 10 days that I charge, then I would have to work just to make ends meet financially and an over worked, tired stressed out provider isnt healthy for anyone.

    I am grateful that my parents are all willing and understanding about my paid days off, I have good parents and good relationships with them all so I feel it is a compromise and a win-win for everyone.

    This is just my opinion and how I personally do things. It is in no way the only way, the right way or the wrong way. It is just a way that BOTH provider and clients agree too and it works for all of us.
    I'm in no way saying it's right, wrong or otherwise. I'm just wondering how they handle it. I've never asked for paid vacations. I just stopped giving my families 2 weeks worth of days that they could use for their own vacation and not pay. I didn't have any problem doing that because they don't have to pay someone else to watch their kids if they're off. I have great relationships with my families too. I've never heard any flack about any day that I take off or leave early at all. Maybe it's differnet areas that are more accepting of that. Around here there is noone that I can find that charges for their own vacation thereby having the parents pay double for the week. I probably would be out of business if I tried it. Not that I wouldn't love it, because trust me that would be fabulous. If you can do it and your parents don't mind, more power to ya. I think that daycare is expensive enough and to have to pay twice if you don't have the time off or family to watch the kids then that's a bummer.

    Just for kicks, I think I'm going to ask my families today to see what they woudl say. Of course I'm not going to tell them that I'm doing that, but just tell them I want their honest opinion.

    BC, did you say you charge full rate or 1/2 rate when you take vacation or sick?


    • #32
      I've been "in the business" for over 21 years.
      I don't charge if the kids aren't here. I don't charge holidays, I don't charge sick days, I don't charge vacation days...nothing. Some of my families will pay me anyhow-but that is their choice-and I always thank them for it. They ALL tell me how grateful they are for my payment policies. They don't take advantage of it.
      I guess I agree with Willow, if I don't work I don't think I should be paid. (speaking for myself and my own conscious here-NOT judging any one else!)


      • #33
        Originally posted by lovemykidstoo View Post
        BC, did you say you charge full rate or 1/2 rate when you take vacation or sick?
        For holidays that fall during the week, I close and the parents pay their regular weekly rate.

        For MY vacation times (one week during the week of 4th of July and one week between Christmas and New Years) I charge 50% of their regular rate.

        Most my families start adding a few extra dollars to their weekly checks a few weeks prior to the vacation so that it isn't a huge financial burden to them.

        I have only used one sick day in all my years open and I do not charge for any days I close and am unavailable to care for the kids other than the vacation/holidays I mentioned.

        I do periodically close a day here and there when I have only a couple kids scheduled but I never charge for those days.


        • #34
          I don't charge for my days off and I take quiet a few.

          Would it help me, I guess but at the same time I feel I make a good wage without having to do this and believe me, I make far less then alot of providers on here.

          Also, even though this is my career-I don't want to make it about money. I want to do this because I enjoy it and can make money at what I like to do. I remember paying for child care and couldn't believe everything I was charged for. I think back to those days and want my parents to know I'm thinking of it also from their stand point also.

          If I'm having to charge for everything-then I have to look at my own living situation. Why am I needing/wanting to charge for time off. In the next two days I'm going to lose probably $200 dollars. Same with Veterans day-Probably $100.

          I guess I could charge for my time off but for some reason I personally wouldn't feel right having my parents pay when I'm not providing the service that they are paying me for and then have to pay an additional fee to some one else.

          Thats just me personally and I think its great for those that can do it. I think that is why I have parents stay with me for so long-I don't charge over the top for my services but still provide great services. I have had 4 referral calls in just this month from 2 of my families (3 from one family and 1 from another). This tells me I'm doing something right!
          Each day is a fresh start
          Never look back on regrets
          Live life to the fullest
          We only get one shot at this!!


          • #35
            I'm going to be off only for the holidays that my Husband has off. SO I'm not charging for Christmas and Thanksgiving. I'm also going to take off for a few days each time my kids are out of school,so I can do something special with them (take them to park/zoo etc.. chill with no DKkids) . Those days will all be unpaid,including Christmas &Thanksgiving. However, the other holidays other people usually get off work,like when banks and post office are closed (when my husband still has to work) I am still charging for those days. Because that's what works for me. And I think it sounds fair .

            What *I* hate is when a client takes their own vacation and I don't get paid until two weeks later,or the end of their vacation week,for the following week. I found that really hurts my pocket .
            For example I am closed Thursday and Friday (I didn't charge for those to begin with). I was open Mon-Today . So I had ONE child on Monday. Both families payments for this week,from last Friday was already pro-rated to begin with. The other family is on vacation ALL this week. She didn't tell me until FRIDAY of last week. She expected to not pay me at all. I told her she still had to pay for this week,on Friday because it's pay whether he comes or not (If I'm available) . And because last time she got a free week, was because I had told them at our interview that if I got LOTS (like months) of advance notice about vacation,they didn't have to pay. Her mom told me from the day of the interview about the last vacation they took,so i didn't charge her. SO this time,she gives me no notice and says she doesn't remember that agreement. (Which is one of the many reasons why I'm making a handbook now! )
            Since I didn't have a policy about paying for the following week after a vacation week, I was too uncomfortable to tell her, "OH by the way I also need payment for the week after next, NOW" Since you'all will be gone all next week." Instead I told her to get payment for next week ,sometime this week. The other family I have, (kid who came Monday) paid me in advance for next week , just to be nice .
            SO I'm going to have it in the new handbook that if there is a vacation week (for either person) Payment for the next week after, is due, before that vacation week, not during or after.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Texasjeepgirl View Post

              Frankly.. I feel that those caregivers that DO NOT VALUE THEMSELVES...are the providers that do not charge their clients for sick days... personal days... and vacation time... as well as NATIONAL HOLIDAYS...

              Home CHILD CARE is a brutal business if you don't develop some professional policies... conduct your business as though you are the C E O of a major corporation.
              When you don't charge for sick days... vacation days...
              you are basically setting yourself to be a 'glorified' babysitter....

              If you love your child care business... if you love the fact that you are your OWN BOSS...then be a good boss to your NUMBER 1 employee...
              Chief bottle washer... diaper changer... window washer... boo boo fixer...

              I've said it before.. and I will continue to say it..

              Put some thought and research into your PARENT HANDBOOK...
              When you have a potential client... provide them with your parent handbook.. and MAKE SURE they read and agree to it...
              If you have a client that doesn't want to pay for your sick days.. personal days... and vacation time.. then you don't need to have them as a client.
              I agree with the post immediately before mine...
              I don't have ANYONE COMPLAIN about my fees.. my closing dates... vacation... etc..
              Because they agree to it all when they choose me as their caregiver...
              I make sure that my clients CLEARY understand and agree to all of my policies.. or I suggest they seek other care.

              5 years ago I didn't charge for vacation time.
              I needed a hysterectomy. My school teacher sister 'lead me to believe' that she would come run my daycare for me so that I could have the surgery.
              (it was summer time.. she was out of school).
              She arrived at my home on Monday evening... I had surgery Tuesday.. while she and my teenage daughters ran daycare. I returned home from hospital on Thursday.. and that evening her young son began to throw up...
              I sent her home... and the following day.. Friday.. I ran my daycare.. with the assistance of my daughters and husband...
              The daycare NEVER CLOSED..
              Why.. ???
              Because I didn't charge my clients for vacation time.. and I could not afford to close down and loose the income.
              My daughters helped me for 2 weeks.. lifting the babies on to the changing table so that I could change them.. cooking and serving meals.. and basic supervision assistance... but I was on my feet every day... from 3 days after surgery...
              IF I had paid vacation time back then.. I could have closed.. atleast 1 week...without suffering an income loss...
              Thank you! Do you happen to have a blog? I feel like i've read this somewhere else. If my parents get paid for the same benefits then why not? I've been on the fence lately.....but it does seem to be the norm around here. I NEED my income


              • #37
                My policies are that I get paid for all major holidays. I do not charge for my vacation but then again I am fortunate to have an assistant and another staff person available for those days.

                Since my daughter was in daycare before I understand the parent perspective of being a little miffed by having to pay for another provider to watch their children in addition to paying their regular provider. I have nothing against anyone who does it, it just was not the route I wanted to take. If I take a day off (aside from holidays) and cannot cover that time, I do not charge the families.

                I don't think it's a matter of devaluing my service, I just think it's my personal and professional way of handling my business. If I don't support an idea I cannot put it into practice and stand behind it. I simply charge more per week and that way it evens out to where it is not the end of the world for my 2 week vacation. btw this is actually an idea out of Tom Copeland's book on family daycare!


                • #38
                  [QUOTE=Willow;287668]I don't charge for any of my days off, holiday or not.

                  Why? Because my parents raised me to believe you get paid for the work you DO. [\QUOTE]

                  Me too! And that's why I *DO* charge for holidays/vacation and sick time
                  I work my butt off 2300 + hours per year - I DESERVE the 350 hours off a year I get! My DC parents agree - that's why they never question or complain about paying me when I am closed. They VALUE my services and know they get MORE than they pay for

                  I have nothing against providers who don't take paid time off - but I find that these are the providers who are the least happy with their career choice, the least happy with the families they end up with and happen to vent the most here on the forum... I know this isn't *always* the case, but I (and I'm sure others) see a strong connection.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Willow View Post
                    I don't charge for any of my days off, holiday or not.

                    Why? Because my parents raised me to believe you get paid for the work you DO. [\QUOTE]

                    Me too! And that's why I *DO* charge for holidays/vacation and sick time
                    I work my butt off 2300 + hours per year - I DESERVE the 350 hours off a year I get! My DC parents agree - that's why they never question or complain about paying me when I am closed. They VALUE my services and know they get MORE than they pay for

                    I have nothing against providers who don't take paid time off - but I find that these are the providers who are the least happy with their career choice, the least happy with the families they end up with and happen to vent the most here on the forum... I know this isn't *always* the case, but I (and I'm sure others) see a strong connection.
                    I think that your last statement depends on the person. If you are like me and cannot stomach the thought of charging a family for days when YOU are unable to provide services and they STILL have to pay someone else to watch their child/children, then your decision not to charge the families for sick or vacation time does not make you unhappy with your career choice.

                    I am glad that you said that you know this isn't always the case, I just wish everyone would accept that there will be times when they make decisions for their business that others would not make and it's okay. : )


                    • #40
                      I charge a weekly rate for FT spots and PT rates are based on # of days they are here - I charge more per day the less they are here. I am open from 7:30 am to 5 pm and they can use some or all of the hours, but the rate is the same no matter how many hours they use per day/week.

                      I think I have a mix of getting paid vs not for certain things. This is what I have established:

                      No charge for my own sick days or vacation days - up to 3 wks/year

                      I allow 5 or 3 sick/free days per year, depending on FT or PT spot


                      I do charge once they have used up those sick/free days if their child is off
                      I do charge for Stat Holidays when I am closed
                      I do charge if I send the child home after drop-off (even if they have sick days to use)
                      I do charge if I need to close early - they pay the regular rate - no discount

                      I know most centers around in my area charge no matter what, but I've found for families around my area a big draw to home daycare is the fact that there is more wiggle room to these rules (amung other things too), but I find they like not paying 52 weeks per year and it's an advantage to me to offer it.

                      I offer sick/free days outside my own vacation days to encourage parents to keep their children home when they are sick. It helps keep sickies at home, not always, but it does help.

                      I know most places of business allow employees to take paid vacation, but I guess I feel that if I'm not providing anything for families since I'm on vacation they shouldn't really have to pay. I know it's not any different if I worked in an office and got paid to do nothing for them while I take days off...but I guess it's more the industry in this case and what families in each area are willing to pay for!


                      • #41
                        I used to give five free days. I read here where someone's policy is 5 free days if child attends five days a week, four free if they attend four days, three free if they attend three days, etc. I think this is a great idea and I would not have thought of it. So that's what I do now. At some point I'm getting rid of free days all together.

                        I live in a low income and rural county. I'm sure centers in urban areas charge whether kids attend or not. One area center (not a family child care center) gives families two weeks off! That's crazy!

                        I don't charge for holidays, sick days or my vacations or days off. I feel I'm self employed and need to budget in for that. If I owned a floral shop and closed for a holiday or had to have someone work because I was sick I'd bring in less $$$.

                        I am a professional in every sense of the word. I have a B.A. Early childhood/elementary Ed. I've taught preschool and kindergarten, etc., and years of experience in the early childhood field.

                        That said I do understand the advice to not undersell yourself and to take care of
                        the business side of your child care service.

                        I charge on the upper end for my area and I won't work for less. I wil never allow a family to attend if they are not up-to-date with payments, I charge a small extra fee for preschool activities,
                        I won't take more than one infant and one toddler, as personally i can't deal with more (the rest are preschool age), etc.

                        I have a large policy parent handbook and go over carefully before parents enroll.

                        I hire someone to come in twice a week for few hours so I can go out to eat with a friend, go down to the local coffe shop and chill out, etc.

                        Those are just a few ways I take care of myself and my business.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by LaLa1923 View Post
                          Thank you! Do you happen to have a blog? I feel like i've read this somewhere else. If my parents get paid for the same benefits then why not? I've been on the fence lately.....but it does seem to be the norm around here. I NEED my income
                          I don't have a blog...
                          I occasionally post on this forum... a few weeks ago I posted a thread about having a backbone... and told a few stories that were my recent experiences ... Michael contacted me regarding that story...and it is now on the front page of this site...
                          Trusted by 45 Million Parents for 25 years!

                          perhaps what you remember reading was in that story.. or in the thread I had posted..?


                          • #43
                            I have read over and over on this thread... as well as other threads on same subject....

                            The providers are concerned about what the parents will do if they have to 'DOUBLE PAY'

                            NOT charging your clients for sick days.. vacation days... and even holidays.. because you are worried for them that they would have to pay your time off... and then pay someone else's time as well..

                            Using that thought as the reason for not charging is making a blanket assumption that every single client and future potential client has no other options for child care if you were to close .

                            That may be true for some of your clients.. but the truth is.. IF you give your parents as much ADVANCE notice as possible..for vacation time.. many of them have other options... family members, grandparents, teenager in the neighborhood that babysits for extra income, comp days/vacation in their own job... etc... etc.. etc.

                            Obviously sick days usually happen with little or no advance notice... but anytime I have closed my daycare down for a vacation.. my parents are notified 4 to 6 months in advance... and I ALWAYS offer the option of adding a few dollars per week to their regular weekly fee in order to cover the cost so that it doesn't hit them all that week.

                            Think about this...

                            Let's say you charge a client $100 per week.
                            You give these clients 3 months notice that you are going to take your paid vacation.
                            12 weeks advance notice...
                            They could pay $8.33 per week extra.. and cover the week.
                            if you gave them even more notice..... 4 months.. 16 weeks... they could pay $6.25 per week extra.

                            If you are a HOME caregiver.. and you have a good relationship with your clients...they would be more than glad to pay $5 or $6 extra per week .. for a few weeks.. in order for the caregiver of their precious child to have a vacation.

                            This is JUST MY OPINION...and maybe some of you that do not charge have never thought about it this way...

                            Someone made the comment that they couldn't 'stomach' the thought of charging their clients for service not provided..
                            That implies that you feel you are CHEATING THEM...

                            When you work for a company...
                            you gradually earn 'paid vacation time'.. this is usually earned by staying with the company... the longer you are with the company.. the more vacation time you build up.. you also 'earn' this vacation time by 'being a good employee'.. if you weren't a good employee.. then they could fire you and hire someone else .. right?

                            Then when you take your paid vacation.. you are NOT at your job... you are not doing the job you are paid to do.. yet you are being paid.

                            That is how PAID vacation works... you are being PAID to not be at work.
                            someone is paying you... the company you work for is paying you NOT TO BE AT WORK....
                            And in many cases... that company has to pay SOMEONE ELSE to do your job.... so .. in that instance.. that company is basically DOUBLE PAYING..
                            paying you to be off work.. and... paying someone else to do your job....

                            That is why .. in my original post on this thread.. I made the statement that you should treat your child care business like you are the CEO of a large company.
                            You are the boss... you are the employee...

                            If you have read many of my posts.. or..
                            clicked on the link to my website.. or my SHUTTERFLY... you may know a little about me.
                            Although I am a HOME provider in TEXAS... I don't live in a traditional HOUSE.
                            We live inside our 16,000 sq ft furniture store in a private apartment we created in a back room.

                            When I applied to Child Care Licensing to put my daycare inside this building.. I was given the option to become a FACILITY style daycare .. because this building is zoned for commercial use. I specifically chose NOT to become a facility... even though I am qualified to be a DIRECTOR...

                            I do not want to be a facility.. I do not want to have employees .

                            I explain to each and every person that contacts me for child care that I am NOT A FACILITY..
                            I am a ONE WOMAN SHOW... if they select me as their caregiver.. then they have to understand that from the begining...

                            We all know that if a parent places their child in a facility.. they are choosing the facility... because it is a nice building.. nice location.. nice curriculum ... But the child will be in a room with a morning teacher.. and an afternoon teacher... and assistants... and a DIRECTOR of the entire facility.

                            If they choose a HOME caregiver... they are choosing THAT PERSON... that person's home... that person's FAMILY.. to assist in caring for their child.

                            When you add a child to your daycare.. you are adding a child to your family if you are running a home care business..

                            With that said...
                            I feel that if a person chooses me to care for their child... they value me... they value my ability to provide the most wonderful.. safe.. nurturing care for their child...
                            They also value that I have a family...a home.. bills to pay.
                            After all.. why else do you choose to do this job? To earn money to pay the bills for your home and family. I will need time off for illness... personal days.. and vacation. If I don't recieve payment for those things.. then.... I might not take that time off...because I can't be without my income...

                            I speak from experience on this issue... I only started charging for my vacation in 2010...
                            I took a 1 week vacation in 2002... and I didn't take another 1 week vacation until 2006.. because I just couldn't afford to do it.
                            I don't know about the rest of you...but working for 52 weeks per year.. with no vacation time at all.. makes for a burned out care giver.

                            By choosing to be a home caregiver... and by a potential client selecting a HOME CAREGIVER rather than a facility.. there are certain things that have to be acknowledged...

                            Home caregivers NEED to be able to have sick days.. and not have a huge fluctuation in their income.
                            Home caregivers need to be able to take a vacation.. and not suffer an income loss.... and since a home caregiver is their own boss.. you have the ability to run your business this way.. and provide EXCELLENT care to your clients when you are working.. so that they want you to have the needed time off to continue to be the BEST CAREGIVER to their child when you are working....if that means they have to DOUBLE PAY... while you are off work.. in the event they don't have other... 'free' options... allot of parents will be glad to do that... because they value the care you give to their child so much...

                            If you were a professional 'nanny'.. for let's say.. a wealthy family...
                            Paid holidays... paid sick time... paid vacation.. would be included in your salary. That family would value your service to their family.. to their child.. so much.. they would compensate you to have time off.

                            Being a home provider of child care is the same thing.. except that you are doing it in your own home...with your own equipment..

                            I'm not describing this in such detail to
                            Put down any provider that does not charge.. so please don't misunderstand ..
                            All I am attempting to do is give other view points .. for those of you who don't currently charge.. in case it helps you with how you choose to run your child care business. I think all of us are always trying to find new ways to improve our businesses. IF you read a new view point on an issue.. and it helps you decide to implement a new policy in your business.. that might improve the quality of your business.. the quality of your life.. then it is a win win.... but.. as always..
                            We are all OUR OWN BOSS.. and that is the beauty of home care giving... we get to decide what policies will work best for us.. our home.. our child care business.

                            Create photo books, personalize photo cards & stationery, and share photos with family and friends at

                            Last edited by Texasjeepgirl; 11-24-2012, 01:56 PM. Reason: add to a section


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Texasjeepgirl View Post
                              I'm not describing this in such detail to
                              Put down any provider that does not charge.. so please don't misunderstand ..
                              All I am attempting to do is give other view points .. for those of you who don't currently charge.. in case it helps you with how you choose to run your child care business. I think all of us are always trying to find new ways to improve our businesses. IF you read a new view point on an issue.. and it helps you decide to implement a new policy in your business.. that might improve the quality of your business.. the quality of your life.. then it is a win win.... but.. as always..
                              We are all OUR OWN BOSS.. and that is the beauty of home care giving... we get to decide what policies will work best for us.. our home.. our child care business.

                              Create photo books, personalize photo cards & stationery, and share photos with family and friends at

                              Tammy, I think that was very well said. I know not everyone agrees and does things the same way as you do but I do think it is important for providers to hear about and really understand other perspectives.

                              Being able to fully understand why some providers do what they do or have policies that they do helps them become the best provider they can be.

                              If your post helps someone considering charging for time off to begin charging from now on, then great!

                              If your words reinforce the policy another provider has about not charging for time off, then that's great too!!

                              Why? because that is the beauty of sharing a perspective. It helps a provider be absolutely sure and confident in the policies and rules they have chosen for their child care and supporting what they believe is right as far as those rules/policies.

                              Thank you for sharing and I hope that whether a provider chooses to charge for time off or not charge for time off, that they all feel as though they are valued and respected as that is the whole reason we belong to this forum in the first we can learn from, teach and share with each other.


                              • #45
                                I do charge for sick days but not for my vacation. Although the extra money is helpful we don't rely on my income. I only watch two families PT & take the whole summer off (teacher's families). Ilove the families I watch & love my job but wouldn't dream of charging for days I take off mostly because I enjoy my days off & don't expect parents to pay for what I don't provide. However, I don't think any of you providers are wrong to do so - I simply choose not to. Now if I wad providing care for 4-5 families. I would likely handle it differently

