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Crystal...This One's For You!

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  • #46
    Originally posted by missnikki View Post
    Maybe you should call SuperNanny. (I'm kiddin folks...lurking, not voicing my true opinion)
    Yeah she needs a DAPPuppy program.

    She's not that smart.

    When I tell her to come she bolts off the other way.
    When I throw something for her to fetch she looks at me like "Whatja do that for?" :confused:
    She can't do the leash so we put her in her little puppy kennel and put her in the middle seat of the triple stroller for our walks.

    I made the mistake of letting her have a buffalo bone after I made broth with it and now every time I make buffalo she jumps head on at the cabinet and whines at the crockpot.

    She ah... "special"


    • #47
      Originally posted by missnikki View Post
      Maybe you should call SuperNanny. (I'm kiddin folks...lurking, not voicing my true opinion)
      I'd love to hear your opinion....even if you think I suck Really, I would. I think you are great voice of reason on this forum.


      • #48
        Originally posted by nannyde View Post
        Yeah she needs a DAPPuppy program.

        She's not that smart.

        When I tell her to come she bolts off the other way.
        When I throw something for her to fetch she looks at me like "Whatja do that for?" :confused:
        She can't do the leash so we put her in her little puppy kennel and put her in the middle seat of the triple stroller for our walks.

        I made the mistake of letting her have a buffalo bone after I made broth with it and now every time I make buffalo she jumps head on at the cabinet and whines at the crockpot.

        She ah... "special" dogs don't do any of that either. I think they are way too smart for silly games. My white one can't jump on the bed at night, cries until wil pick her up, but she has NO problem getting on the kitchen table. Go figure.


        • #49
          Well I don't usually like to give personal opinions, more of a paperwork kinda gal....

          But since you asked- There will always be someone with an innate skill or ability who is able to do a job and make it look easy. Sometimes, those jobs are things others pay people to do because they themselves struggle with it....for example DAYCARE or DOG TRAINING. Not all people can train their dog, and pay for training. Same token, not everyone can deal with their progeny all the livelong day, and pay someone to do it for them because working is much more within their abilities. (Not to go off on who should be a parent tangent) What I'm trying to say is....

          There are similarities in the 2 jobs:
          -Understanding of development and personalities
          -Energy for ideas and practices
          -Getting parents (or owners) to buy in to make transitions easier

          The list goes on and on...
          It's only natural to compare the 2 jobs, and guess what----they ARE similar.


          • #50
            Originally posted by jen View Post
   dogs don't do any of that either. I think they are way too smart for silly games. My white one can't jump on the bed at night, cries until wil pick her up, but she has NO problem getting on the kitchen table. Go figure.
            How much do yours weigh?

            Mine are pretty small. Tilly is about eight pounds. Gidget is about five now at six months.

            I got Tilly at 12 weeks. The breeder said they don't release them until they are twelve weeks because they are so small that a lot of people can't keep up with the tiny feedings until they are bigger.

            She let me have Gidget at eight weeks because she knew me from buying Tilly and the year I hounded her to make me another one. I think now she was just too young and too little. She was less than two pounds when I got her.


            • #51
              Originally posted by nannyde View Post
              How much do yours weigh?

              Mine are pretty small. Tilly is about eight pounds. Gidget is about five now at six months.

              I got Tilly at 12 weeks. The breeder said they don't release them until they are twelve weeks because they are so small that a lot of people can't keep up with the tiny feedings until they are bigger.

              She let me have Gidget at eight weeks because she knew me from buying Tilly and the year I hounded her to make me another one. I think now she was just too young and too little. She was less than two pounds when I got her.
              one is about 15 and the other probably closer to 20...the one who can get on the table is closer to 20


              • #52
                I'm feeling guilty for leaving out my other "family" members...

                We have a 13 year old Golden and a 12 year old Brittney. I also have a horse name Pep and a pony named Buttercup.

                3 kids, 4 dogs, 2 horses...8 daycare kids!


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Crystal View Post
                  I'd love to hear your opinion....even if you think I suck Really, I would. I think you are great voice of reason on this forum.
                  FTR, I don't think you suck!


                  • #54
                    Oh and of course, I don't think anyone sucks, I just choose to disagree occasionally. It does not mean that will happen everytime, but here and there. No one is completely disregard-able on here.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by jen View Post
                      one is about 15 and the other probably closer to 20...the one who can get on the table is closer to 20
                      Oh wow that's big.

                      These two are really small.


                      • #56
                        Here they are!
                        Attached Files


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by jen View Post
                          Here they are!

                          I'm SO in love See aren't they SO SO SO SO SO SO awesome.

                          I love this breed. They are so cute and furrilicious.


