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Crystal...This One's For You!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by nannyde View Post
    She was sold to me as a teddy bear but I think she's got some kind of mickey mouse chasing dog in her.

    She is SO fussy. I've never had a puppy like this. My son calls her a "Mom Addict" ::
    LOL! They do have a ton of personality don't they!!!! I have two and they are as different as night and day, but equally needy


    • #32
      Originally posted by Crystal View Post
      I can "get" that we must command respect from our charges.....but I think it needs to be done in a DAP way, not a "I am the alpha dog here, so do as I say" way.

      If you look at the topr right testimonial you will see one from one of my long term clients. Her child was tested for talented and gifted one year and five months after being in my home for five years.

      The child was tested and got into our talented and gifted program as a SIX year old and didn't have a single day of DAP in her early childhood.

      You DO understand there are many methods of child rearing that net super great kids. Really smart, kind, and respectful children....

      It IS possible. I do it year after year after year.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Crystal View Post

        I prefer to treat children as INDIVIDUALS, with their own temperaments and reactions to stimuli/environments/people and treat them as such.
        My thoughts exactly.


        • #34
          Originally posted by jen View Post
          LOL! They do have a ton of personality don't they!!!! I have two and they are as different as night and day, but equally needy
          Ah you don't know what a needy puppy is until you get a load of the brown pup.

          I watch the Dog Whisperer for FIVE years and do you think I can cure it? NOPE.

          She wakes me up so much at night that I have to have her sleep with ds. If I'm anywhere near her she won't sleep.

          I know I have to do BIO (bark it out) but I can't do it. Her cry sounds like a wounded hyena. My neighbors would be calling animal control. It's SO loud.

          I went to a training class on Saturday and came home after being gone eight hours and you would have thought I'd been gone two months. She NEEDS her Mama

          The white pup with one black eye
          is a dream puppy. They are supposed to be half sisters with the same puppy daddy but I have my doubts. They are NOTHING alike.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Crystal View Post
            First, let me say thanks to Nikia and Kendallina for having my back ::

            Second, let me say, I can "get" that we must command respect from our charges.....but I think it needs to be done in a DAP way, not a "I am the alpha dog here, so do as I say" way.

            deHMom, I think that you mean it in a DAP way. Others I have seen here, in previous, far past posts, have stated it in a way that they expect the children to bow down and do as they are told, with no room for a child to be an individual, and to be treated as such.

            Now, I'm going to leave this thread, as it will just continue to be a thread about how I am wrong and you all are right and it's not worth my time to particpate in something that will go absolutley nowhere.
            Totally with you here, Crystal. Every word you said describes EXACTLY how I see this topic.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Michael View Post
              Ok, here is how you put someone in your "Ignore" list.

              Click on the User CP link in the upper left side of the forum. (In the Dark Blue Section)

              Click on Edit Ignore List in the left hand column (In the Dark Blue Section)

              You can add member names there.

              Ignore away!
              Oops, sorry, I didn't mean to "ignore" your request , I was watching my son's college ball team play in MS via the internet - too cool!

              I've not actually used this feature - I like to hear all opinions, whether I agree or not.


              • #37
                Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                Ah you don't know what a needy puppy is until you get a load of the brown pup.

                I watch the Dog Whisperer for FIVE years and do you think I can cure it? NOPE.

                She wakes me up so much at night that I have to have her sleep with ds. If I'm anywhere near her she won't sleep.

                I know I have to do BIO (bark it out) but I can't do it. Her cry sounds like a wounded hyena. My neighbors would be calling animal control. It's SO loud.

                I went to a training class on Saturday and came home after being gone eight hours and you would have thought I'd been gone two months. She NEEDS her Mama

                The white pup with one black eye
                is a dream puppy. They are supposed to be half sisters with the same puppy daddy but I have my doubts. They are NOTHING alike.
                We let our sleep in the bed with us...they each have to be touching us. Spoiled, spoiled puppies.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by jen View Post
                  We let our sleep in the bed with us...they each have to be touching us. Spoiled, spoiled puppies.
                  Yes they have this thing about getting the most possible amount of their body attached to your body.

                  I have asked the vet TWICE about why she is SO fussy and he keeps telling me she's teething.

                  "Et tu, Brute?"

                  As if I haven't heard THAT one before.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                    Yes they have this thing about getting the most possible amount of their body attached to your body.

                    I have asked the vet TWICE about why she is SO fussy and he keeps telling me she's teething.

                    "Et tu, Brute?"

                    As if I haven't heard THAT one before.

                    Mine must be getting her 4 year molars!!!! hahahaha!! We actually got a 2nd one because we thought she would occupy the first we just have 2 that needs alot of attention!

                    I'm mostly kidding...they are pretty needy but it is way better now that they have each other!


                    • #40
                      I'm totally loving the turn this thread has taken! :: As you can tell from my profile avatar, I'm a dog lover. My pom sleeps in our headboard on a pillow! :::: And the lab mix we have is more spoiled than she is!


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by jen View Post

                        Mine must be getting her 4 year molars!!!! hahahaha!! We actually got a 2nd one because we thought she would occupy the first we just have 2 that needs alot of attention!

                        I'm mostly kidding...they are pretty needy but it is way better now that they have each other!
                        Me too. I seriously thought she would be a great FRIEND and wrasslin partner for white pup with one black eye.

                        I couldn't WAIT to get another one after having such a sweet one on the first go. I begged the breeder to give me a full blooded sibling.

                        Now I have the WWF goin on in my livingroom all day long plus whining all night long. ::

                        My son keeps saying "Gidget just wants a Momathon all day every day".


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                          Me too. I seriously thought she would be a great FRIEND and wrasslin partner for white pup with one black eye.

                          I couldn't WAIT to get another one after having such a sweet one on the first go. I begged the breeder to give me a full blooded sibling.

                          Now I have the WWF goin on in my livingroom all day long plus whining all night long. ::

                          My son keeps saying "Gidget just wants a Momathon all day every day".
                          Maybe you should call SuperNanny. (I'm kiddin folks...lurking, not voicing my true opinion)


                          • #43
                            Sounds like you all need to practice some Cesar Milan methods with your dogs,


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Crystal View Post
                              Sounds like you all need to practice some Cesar Milan methods with your dogs,

                              I even put a picture of Cesar inside her puppy kennel thinking it would work on some kind of karmic cosmic kind of way... but NOOOOOOOOOO


                              • #45

