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Crystal...This One's For You!

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  • Crystal...This One's For You!

    Parents Are Borrowing From Cesar Milan, the Dog Whisper

    Parents are borrowing from Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer, who is known for inspiring discipline, order and devotion.

    Actually, I'm not trying to annoy you...but I do think this is an example of when someone on the forum gets immediately offended by some comment without really giving it thought. Is there really nothing we can learn from the animal kingdom or puppy training when it comes to children?

    Are we really comparing children to dogs in the negative "wow" light you percieve?

    Sometimes I think we just need to take a moment and really think about it before we post these "wow, just wow!" comments!

    Hail Cesar!

  • #2
    Originally posted by jen View Post
    Parents Are Borrowing From Cesar Milan, the Dog Whisper

    Parents are borrowing from Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer, who is known for inspiring discipline, order and devotion.

    Actually, I'm not trying to annoy you...but I do think this is an example of when someone on the forum gets immediately offended by some comment without really giving it thought. Is there really nothing we can learn from the animal kingdom or puppy training when it comes to children?

    Are we really comparing children to dogs in the negative "wow" light you percieve?

    Sometimes I think we just need to take a moment and really think about it before we post these "wow, just wow!" comments!

    Hail Cesar!
    Yes Hail Cesar

    We have so much in common with other species. We need to learn from them and apply what CAN be applied to small children. Cesar is brilliant. I've learned so much from him.


    • #3
      I understand that children in care are part of a group, yet I hesitate to call it a "pack". My group of children sometimes follow one another, but more often than not behave in their own unique ways.

      I prefer to treat children as INDIVIDUALS, with their own temperaments and reactions to stimuli/environments/people and treat them as such.

      Just because people follow Cesar, does not mean they are right.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Crystal View Post
        I understand that children in care are part of a group, yet I hesitate to call it a "pack". My group of children sometimes follow one another, but more often than not behave in their own unique ways.

        I prefer to treat children as INDIVIDUALS, with their own temperaments and reactions to stimuli/environments/people and treat them as such.

        Just because people follow Cesar, does not mean they are right.
        LOL...You missed the point. You don't need to... Wow! Just Wow! or because a theory isn't in line with YOUR theory. Many people are utilizing different theories and finding them highly successful. Just because you don't agree, doesn't mean you need to be disrespectful of their ideas. "Wow...just Wow" is disrespectful as is rolling your eyes at someone.

        I'm actually a little surprised given your education you are so quick to dismiss other theories so quickly. In psychology, the first thing you learn is that you should never limit yourself to ONE school of psychological thought. You should always pay attention to what can be learned from other theories and adapt the best of that theory to fit your personal style. It seems to me, that by being so dismissive of other schools of thought, you are really limiting yourself and your program.

        There is almost always something positive to be learned when you make the effort to understand another perspective.


        • #5
          Well I use his ideas for my dog and he DOES wear a Tshirt I made for him to wear in the cold that says " my dog behaves better than your kid". And,...... It's true. I use the same types of ideas on in my childcare. Happy, well exercised kids involved in a mentally and physically type environment showered with positive guidance and love? Hmmm gee everyone should be so lucky.


          • #6
            I am glad someone else thinks comments made by Crystal are sometimes just inappropriate and mean spirited. I tried once before to mention it.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Crystal View Post
              I understand that children in care are part of a group, yet I hesitate to call it a "pack". My group of children sometimes follow one another, but more often than not behave in their own unique ways.

              I prefer to treat children as INDIVIDUALS, with their own temperaments and reactions to stimuli/environments/people and treat them as such.

              Just because people follow Cesar, does not mean they are right.
              Crystal, I might be wrong but I dont' think anyone mentioned anything about kids being a "pack" I used the word "group" but it is the same in some lights.

              No one said we weren't treating the children and allowing them to be individuals. By no means was that ever intended.

              BUT we all have to work together in a group so it flows smoothly. Do you let Johnny run around climbing on furniture because that's what he enjoys doing, and let Sally cut Jilly's hair because thats what she enjoys doing?

              Each child will have individual qualities that they can bring to the group, set them apart from the group, but the group as a whole has to have some form of limits/boundaries, some form of generally acceptable behaviors, and attitudes to abide by, to keep everyone in check and to keep the day as happy, as can be.


              • #8
                Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
                Well I use his ideas for my dog and he DOES wear a Tshirt I made for him to wear in the cold that says " my dog behaves better than your kid". And,...... It's true. I use the same types of ideas on in my childcare. Happy, well exercised kids involved in a mentally and physically type environment showered with positive guidance and love? Hmmm gee everyone should be so lucky.
                " my dog behaves better than your kid".


                I need one that says "my kids behave better than my dogs".

                The brown pup NEEDS a trip to the Dog Psychology Center.

                The Daycare Whisperer could use some Dog Whisperer whine removal intervention. ::


                • #9
                  Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                  " my dog behaves better than your kid".


                  I need one that says "my kids behave better than my dogs".

                  The brown pup NEEDS a trip to the Dog Psychology Center.

                  The Daycare Whisperer could use some Dog Whisperer whine removal intervention. ::
                  Holy smokes! That is one cute puppy! What kind of dog is that? We have Teddy Bears...I love them!


                  • #10
                    my dogs are constantly running away. I tie them up, and they untie themselves, open the gate and run away. OR they get collars off and run away.

                    They are far too smart of dogs. don't ask me how they do it, but they do it. A couple of times, they some how switched collars! some times they switch chains too, but I cannot figure this out.

                    Or else we have a little elf that is very mischievous.


                    • #11
                      :confused: I must have missed something..... why is there a thread to gang up on Crystal???

                      I think we have all said rude things on here, whether we meant them that way or not.

                      Since I am leaving daycare and probably wont be on here much, I want to say this and you ladies can take it or leave it: We are all in the same business and although we do things differently there is still a human being on the other side of the computer screen, picking certain people out in this group or being mean doesnt help anyone, nor is it the point of this forum.

                      I am not saying that is what you were doing Jen, I havent seen you be rude so I dont think that is the intent, I just want you ladies to support each other and be kind. When I first started on this forum I started a thread called Santa Claus, and instead of getting feedback in a non-judgmental way it went crazy and it turned into personal attacks. I was a bit taken back, but kept coming and Im glad I did because I love this forum, but wow it didnt take long for me to be attacked and honestly I felt like SH** because of it.

                      So anyway stepping down now Thanks for all the advice that I have gotten here I have cried, laughed and even gotten angry on this forum but it was fun and made me not lose my mind with no adult interaction.


                      • #12
                        DID YOU SERIOUSLY JUST CREATE A THREAD TO BE RUDE TO ANOTHER MEMBER??? If you have a problem with how someone handles things, please find your nice voice and send a PM.

                        I am very very sad that there are so many providers on this forum that have so little respect for others and have such a small amount of professionalism.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by kendallina View Post
                          DID YOU SERIOUSLY JUST CREATE A THREAD TO BE RUDE TO ANOTHER MEMBER??? If you have a problem with how someone handles things, please find your nice voice and send a PM.

                          I am very very sad that there are so many providers on this forum that have so little respect for others and have such a small amount of professionalism.
                          While I believe the name of the thread could have been more tasteful, it is a great topic to have it's own thread.

                          I don't believe there is anyone attacking this particular member though. Except maybe the op.

                          I just wanted to make it clear that we are not saying we are using Caesars methods to "train" our children like they are animals. Just that his methods can be applied to other aspects of everyday life, including raising children.


                          • #14
                            First, let me say thanks to Nikia and Kendallina for having my back ::

                            Second, let me say, I can "get" that we must command respect from our charges.....but I think it needs to be done in a DAP way, not a "I am the alpha dog here, so do as I say" way.

                            deHMom, I think that you mean it in a DAP way. Others I have seen here, in previous, far past posts, have stated it in a way that they expect the children to bow down and do as they are told, with no room for a child to be an individual, and to be treated as such.

                            Now, I'm going to leave this thread, as it will just continue to be a thread about how I am wrong and you all are right and it's not worth my time to particpate in something that will go absolutley nowhere.


                            • #15
                              OMGosh that is an adorable dog!!!!!

                              Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                              " my dog behaves better than your kid".


                              I need one that says "my kids behave better than my dogs".

                              The brown pup NEEDS a trip to the Dog Psychology Center.

                              The Daycare Whisperer could use some Dog Whisperer whine removal intervention. ::

