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When You Don't Tell The DCP But The Child Does

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  • #46
    It's a "Catch 22" for us really. If we say too much we're bad mouthing and if we say too little we're not sharing. School teachers have the same dilemma.

    I feel like you just have to balance it out according to what set of parents you're dealing with. For this parent in particular, I would have probably said something like he's a good boy overall so I didn't want to overshadow his day with a small negative that I was able to handle myself. I would offer to call her at work every time he gets a time-out, pushes, hits, falls, screams, or passes gas.....THEN see what she has to say.

    Me personally, I don't want to hear my child's every screw up....especially from my 7 year old's teacher....are you kidding me??? I'd be in THERAPY!!! ::

