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  • #46
    Originally posted by daycare View Post
    today my exhusband was here visiting our daughter and he brought up something that really striked me was that TV today is so plastered with sex based commericals and TV shows and parents allow their children to watch TV. But you never see anything about religon, like a kid/adult praying or doing something in regards to ones faith.... That right there sends the message that it must be wrong..... I guess since I don't really ever watch TV much and if I do, I record the shows and fast forward through the commericals that I have never really taken notice..

    But you are so right about those who shun the idea when its not NECESSARY for them and then when things take a turn they are the first one down on their knees.....

    ohhh ughhh what can we do.. We cant do everything right to make everyone happy. Lucky today the issue was not brought back up and things went on as if the crazy mom never called and complained...
    The Mormon faith has been running a lot of ads both on TV and on radio. But you're right. Sex sells...


    • #47
      Originally posted by jen View Post
      The Mormon faith has been running a lot of ads both on TV and on radio. But you're right. Sex sells...
      well just when you think that everything is running smoothly in DC there is always a surprise hiding around the corner...

      DC def keeps me on my toes thats for sure.


      • #48
        My one cent... two cents

        I have to say.. I have always found it odd that parents are appalled when their children come home reciting prayers. As a highly-educated professional, one who finished graduate school, I have found it odd that people want to distance themselves from God. First off, this is a Christian founded country, but we are doing everything we can as a whole to banish God from the country. It's absolutely astounding to me that people wonder why so many negative things happen i.e school shootings, pandemics, hatred, racism, and etc. The answer is simple. God has been removed from everything. The goodness of the world is eroding away leaving nothing but sterile, emptiness in its place. It has always been my belief that if God was included more, there would be less hate-driven, racism, xenophobic, etc. people in this country, and more people focused on living together in harmony.


        • #49
          Most of the time, I think those that hate are brought up to hate from very young ages, I think that if kids were taught tolerance and that GOD made us all in his image than maybe things might be a lot better, this is just my opinion


          • #50
            We are a Christian based center and we have the children do a prayer before meals & the parents don't have any problems with it. We also read a Bible story from a children's Bible and pray.


            • #51
              I would tell mom that you understand she is upset but you don't teach religion but you also can't stop children from talking about it on their own privately. It is the same with some families believing in holiday myths and others not believing.


              • #52
                This thread is from 2011.
                - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.

