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  • #31
    Originally posted by QualiTcare View Post
    i just think it's totally unfair that children who are born into a religion aren't given a choice. how many children born into a catholic church aren't dragged to church every sunday? likewise, how many children born to atheist/agnostic parents are ALLOWED to go to church? i think if christians are so devout and so sure of their religion then they should have no issues with their children being exposed to other religions. the fact that they don't want them exposed speaks volumes IMO.
    I totally agree.

    And I love to chat with the mormons...well at least the two ladies that come to my door! They have some fantastic (albeit bias) literature sometimes. I got a book from one yesterday which addresses popular questions about religion and it's links to science and they supports the answers with quotes from the bible. How "correct" is it? Not sure....but it's very interesting reading. They're coming back in two weeks to discuss it with me. I think at this point there are just as interested in hearing what I have to say about it as I am to see what they have for me. I don't believe much of what I read from them but we do have lively conversations about it.


    • #32
      Well, in this crowd this will probably get me flamed, but her goes.

      I am a Christian and run a Christian Daycare. We pray before each meal, watch Childrens' Christian music videos and learn the bible songs and even read bible stories. At any interview, I make sure parents know this. If they don't want their little darlings to learn about Jesus, then my home is not for them.

      Personally, I think the mother overreacted. Little children share what they know. I think the child sharing the prayer has just as much right to NOT be silenced, as the other child. If she chooses to tell her little darling at home not to do the prayer, then, that is her choice. However, to expect the DCP
      to silenced the other child is wrong. That is just like telling them now, don't talk about Barney, he is purple.

      Is he allowed to ever watch Sesame Street? Yesterdays episode was about the Jewish faith. Is she going to put him in a bubble?

      Again, this is the mother's problem to deal with, not the DCP.


      • #33
        Originally posted by SandeeAR View Post
        Well, in this crowd this will probably get me flamed, but her goes.

        I am a Christian and run a Christian Daycare. We pray before each meal, watch Childrens' Christian music videos and learn the bible songs and even read bible stories. At any interview, I make sure parents know this. If they don't want their little darlings to learn about Jesus, then my home is not for them.

        I won't flame u. I have respect for every religion even atheists have their right to opinion. Being that u discuss this openly with the Parents before they even enroll makes it ok in my book. If a parent has an issue with it then it is their choice to go elsewhere for care. No problem. I wouldn't mind my son learning more about Jesus so we would enroll in your program. We do go to church. Now come Christmas and Easter I do mention Jesus and God but briefly. I just don't teach my DKC about Jesus daily because of the possible issues that could arise. BUT u cover that from the get go so all is good!


        • #34
          Originally posted by QualiTcare View Post
          there are very few people who know i don't believe in god. i have people i've known for years that don't know - not because i'm ashamed, but because i don't feel that it's important to share. my first boyfriend was a muslim. i was best friends with someone (who wasn't my bf only because i already had one) who was a mormon. i've always opened my door to mormons (bc they come knocking at the door) and i'm respectful, but i let them know they're wasting their time.

          i just think it's totally unfair that children who are born into a religion aren't given a choice. how many children born into a catholic church aren't dragged to church every sunday? likewise, how many children born to atheist/agnostic parents are ALLOWED to go to church? i think if christians are so devout and so sure of their religion then they should have no issues with their children being exposed to other religions. the fact that they don't want them exposed speaks volumes IMO.
          My children have NEVER been "dragged' to church.:confused::: They go with us because when they were little they went wherever we it the store, the restaurant, grandma's or church. Now that they are older (13-26) they go b/c they want to!
          As a parent there were a lot of things I didn't expose my young children to. All parents have a belief system that they want their children to learn. Whatever it is, that is their choice. As kids get older, they will question things on their own. We live in America and it's 2011. There is no way to shelter kids like that anymore (unless you're amish!)
          For example: I didn't have to bring my girls to the mosque for them to learn about dd's roommate is muslim and has spent many weekends at our house, interacting with our whole family. They will learn about whatever they want to learn know how kids are! I didn't bring them to a satanic church, because I didn't want them to go-that doesn't mean i'm insecure in my means I'm careful about what I allow around my children (as are all parents)

          To the OP, you did nothing wrong and neither did that little girl. I would just tell the other mom that you can't stop her from praying, if she doesn't want her daughter to say it then she can tell her daughter that. It's on her, not you.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Kaddidle Care View Post
            Lord knows we all can use as many prayers as we can these days.

            Just wait until her little darling comes home off the school bus saying the "f" word.

            If something so small as a prayer sets her off then she's in for a wild ride in life.
            Not saying this mother particularly, but some parents would be more comfortable with little Johnny saying the f-word or any other curse over a prayer. Like you said, we can use as many prayers (good thoughts, positive vibes, whatever you want to call them) as we can these days!

            I am Christian (Lutheran to be specific). My grandma lived with us, she was a devout Catholic, my dad grew up Catholic and even went to parochial school at the elementary age. That said, I find religion fascinating. Not just the Christian religion. I am always interested in learning more. For the longest time I thought Satanism was worshiping the devil with sacrifices and the like. I got a copy of the Satanic Bible and it is all about self worship and you are solely in charge of your own life (destiny). Very interesting. I have my own personal beliefs that don't necessarily tie into the Christian church, but to other religions I've learned about, and I think the God I worship is ok with that.

            When I interview a new family I do inform them that though I am NOT a Christian based daycare, I am Christian. We have a Christmas Tree up, and a Nativity scene at Christmas. We celebrate Easter as well. We go to church (almost every Sunday). I teach Sunday School once a month. My kids are likely to talk about church/religion related things. They are taught that different people believe different things and taught to respect those differences, but at the same time, I can't always prevent them talking about our religion. Most of my families have Christian based values and celebrate major holidays. I have one dad who is not religious, but Santa and the Easter Bunny still visit.
            Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


            • #36

              Does anyone get upset when someone says "Bless you" after a sneeze?


              • #37
                land of the free?

                Originally posted by momofsix View Post
                My children have NEVER been "dragged' to church.:confused::: They go with us because when they were little they went wherever we it the store, the restaurant, grandma's or church. Now that they are older (13-26) they go b/c they want to!
                As a parent there were a lot of things I didn't expose my young children to. All parents have a belief system that they want their children to learn. Whatever it is, that is their choice. As kids get older, they will question things on their own. We live in America and it's 2011. There is no way to shelter kids like that anymore (unless you're amish!)
                For example: I didn't have to bring my girls to the mosque for them to learn about dd's roommate is muslim and has spent many weekends at our house, interacting with our whole family. They will learn about whatever they want to learn know how kids are! I didn't bring them to a satanic church, because I didn't want them to go-that doesn't mean i'm insecure in my means I'm careful about what I allow around my children (as are all parents)

                To the OP, you did nothing wrong and neither did that little girl. I would just tell the other mom that you can't stop her from praying, if she doesn't want her daughter to say it then she can tell her daughter that. It's on her, not you.
                "You believe what you believe, and I'll believe what I believe" - words from a county song. Frankly to those who are easily offended by "things" others do; what business is it of yours? If you want to pray, what right does another have to say otherwise? If you happened to be among a group who did, and you didn't; you wouldn't like having their ways shoved down your throat either. As I get older we seem to think that "we" should be able to run everybody else's business. What happened to us?

                I saw some people not long ago in public eating. BEFORE anyone took a bite, they all lowered their heads and silently prayed! I sat a couple of tables away and noticed it. Wow, I thought - you don't see that much any more!

                Personally I do not. I was raised that way, and chose not too when I got out on my own. However, when my family comes for Thanksgiving and Christmas these last few years we have taken to offering a prayer before anyone eats. Is it right or wrong?
                As a country we use to have much higher morals than today. You can see it by watching TV. What you see (and hear) is often not fit for little eyes and ears; but it has become the accepted way. Those who choose NOT to accept that way have every right to do so.
                I have yet to met a person who didn't consider themselves a "good" person. Yet some feel their beliefs or ways should be the way everybody else lives. Doesn't the freedom we have in our country allow for differences? What makes your way the only way?

                To the lady with the child praying in your daycare, I hope you consider telling the complaining mom, she might want to go elsewhere if that is such a big problem for her. "Good" people pray. They pray for others enduring loss of a family member, or some hardship because they care enough about others to want to help. It may or maynot actually help, but most of the time they are the people who do so many other things besides "just" pray. They bring food, offer what help they can. What a sad cold place we all will live in when the believers have to start believing in secret AGAIN because they are no longer allowed to in public.
                There are good people that do not pray as well. Those people are not trying to control the others, but agree to disagree and live together. We can all do that if we would just expect to yield sometimes. It's like smoking, the smokers have that right, as do the non smoker to not breath the smoker's smoke. I smoked for decades and stopped. I don't kick up about those that do when I am around them. If the smoke bothers me, I move. They don't blow it in my face, and we all get along fine.


                • #38
                  So you want me to tell the parents that thier child was praying so they should find a different DC? Please tell me why I should do this? I don't understand you reason for it.

                  It's not like the child is being shuned or not accpeted here. We love our friends and there is nothing wrong with what the girl did. I can't help it if there is a parent that does not agree with something someone did. Guess what, just like others said, this woman is in for a rude awakening for when her child goes to public school.

                  I really dont understand your advice.


                  • #39
                    Daycare-I think Mike is saying the lady who was complaining should find another childcare if she was offended or not happy.
                    Each day is a fresh start
                    Never look back on regrets
                    Live life to the fullest
                    We only get one shot at this!!


                    • #40
                      I think I was still suffering withdraws from the sever being down.... I just reread it again....

                      thank you for clearing it up for me...hahha DetaDe.....


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by daycare View Post
                        So you want me to tell the parents that thier child was praying so they should find a different DC? Please tell me why I should do this? I don't understand you reason for it.

                        It's not like the child is being shuned or not accpeted here. We love our friends and there is nothing wrong with what the girl did. I can't help it if there is a parent that does not agree with something someone did. Guess what, just like others said, this woman is in for a rude awakening for when her child goes to public school.

                        I really dont understand your advice.
                        No that wasn't what I meant. That child has every right to pray if she wants too. I meant tell the parent that was complaining about her praying; if it bothers her that much maybe she should look else where. I would expect later that she will find something else some other child says or does that she will take offense to. And again she will expect you to accommodate her wishes. I agree with you - there is NOTHING wrong with the child praying. So why should you try to fix something that ain't broke? If she wants to totally control the environment that her child is exposed to - perhaps she should keep her herself.
                        There is nothing about one child praying with another that should cause anyone to be offended. One child is raised up in a good and proper way, and influenced another child by doing what she was taught. That's heart warming in my opinion, because generally children learn things from their peers that aren't exactly what we want them to as their parents. I would be very proud of my child for it rather than looking to "protect" her from it.
                        The child seems to have better sense and judgement than the mother IMO.::


                        • #42
                          I just gotta add this. It's funny how some people who claim not to believe in God or those who poke fun at others who do believe and practice faith. Later in life u see the same people begging for God's help when something bad happens. I have seen it many times.

                          My son and I get made fun of by a few family members, at large family gatherings when we suggest saying prayer before eating dinner. Things have been said like "oh whatever" and the person digs into the food. Another will be a smart arse and say "yeah rub a dub thanks for the grub" and dig in. When my Mother suggests the family allow my son to say prayer those family members roll their eyes. Now wouldn't u know it as soon as a health issue arises they ask for help from God. Money problems need a job, help God... I just want to ask them, Where were u when it was time to be THANKFUL for what HE has already given u?


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by PitterPatter View Post
                            I just gotta add this. It's funny how some people who claim not to believe in God or those who poke fun at others who do believe and practice faith. Later in life u see the same people begging for God's help when something bad happens. I have seen it many times.

                            My son and I get made fun of by a few family members, at large family gatherings when we suggest saying prayer before eating dinner. Things have been said like "oh whatever" and the person digs into the food. Another will be a smart arse and say "yeah rub a dub thanks for the grub" and dig in. When my Mother suggests the family allow my son to say prayer those family members roll their eyes. Now wouldn't u know it as soon as a health issue arises they ask for help from God. Money problems need a job, help God... I just want to ask them, Where were u when it was time to be THANKFUL for what HE has already given u?
                            today my exhusband was here visiting our daughter and he brought up something that really striked me was that TV today is so plastered with sex based commericals and TV shows and parents allow their children to watch TV. But you never see anything about religon, like a kid/adult praying or doing something in regards to ones faith.... That right there sends the message that it must be wrong..... I guess since I don't really ever watch TV much and if I do, I record the shows and fast forward through the commericals that I have never really taken notice..

                            But you are so right about those who shun the idea when its not NECESSARY for them and then when things take a turn they are the first one down on their knees.....

                            ohhh ughhh what can we do.. We cant do everything right to make everyone happy. Lucky today the issue was not brought back up and things went on as if the crazy mom never called and complained...


                            • #44
                              Matthew 5:5 - it's a good-un!


                              • #45
                                You can not and will not talk to each child to monitor and sensors. The right of children to pray for his / her faith. And you should not tell kids they can not pray

