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Pennsylvania DPW

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Former Teacher View Post
    Thank you Seashell! Finally another provider who agrees with me that licensing is nothing but a joke. I believe licensing, esp. TX licensing are a bunch of hypocrites.

    It is quite funny and sad at the same time when I read up on my former center. There is a website to look up violations (I don't know if all centers do that) but now they have a system to rate their "standards". TX licensing name some of the stupidest standards as high (such as an ACTIVITIY plan not being posted) to low (e.r. card not filled out, which I would think is more important )

    Anyway I am pleased to see that I am not the only who thinks the same!

    P.S. To to the poster about how the license is free. I am sorry but in TX you must pay for your license. The last time I checked it is a standard fee plus so many dollars per child that you are licensed for. That is how they pad their pockets.
    Where do you think the funding comes from that pays for that website to look up violations, and the inspectors wages and expenses who find those violations?

    The cost of the license helps fund that.

    For those bashing licensing, think the amount of work you as a parent would have to go through to cover the same thing that a licensor does-fire extinguisher inspection, egress window inspection, fire escape plan checking, double checking the vaccinations of any pets in the home, running your own well test, etc etc.

    There's a hell of a long list that would have to be done by each and every parent if we had a "parent's responsibility" instead of licensing.
    Spouse of a daycare provider....which I guess makes me one too!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Chickenhauler View Post
      Where do you think the funding comes from that pays for that website to look up violations, and the inspectors wages and expenses who find those violations?

      The cost of the license helps fund that.

      For those bashing licensing, think the amount of work you as a parent would have to go through to cover the same thing that a licensor does-fire extinguisher inspection, egress window inspection, fire escape plan checking, double checking the vaccinations of any pets in the home, running your own well test, etc etc.

      There's a hell of a long list that would have to be done by each and every parent if we had a "parent's responsibility" instead of licensing.
      The whole point is, after initial inspection, the state doesn't ever do this again unless a complaint is filed. The items you listed are important, but situations change. My fire extinquisher could expire a month later. The dog needs shots every year . . . etc. There is no follow up with the state! Maybe other states are different in their practices, but I still believe it's the parents responsibility, not the state. Child care is too personal to leave to a stranger.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        I am just wondering how the state pads their pockets? The license is free. They even give you your orientation class free. But they do check for unhealthy conditions in daycares. The state sets a minimum standard for day cares, and if you are in Key Stone Stars the standards go up from there, to help improve the daycare available in Pa and to help educate the providers. Sorry that so many are so against the states part in daycare.
        What state are you in? It's definately not free in CT. I've never heard of it being free anywhere.


        • #19
          In Illinois you don't pay anything and my "DCFS lady" shows up once a year to check everything out. She also can, and has, popped in anytime. Checks to make sure we are doing fire/tornado drills and everything.
          I think this is a case of personal experiences and an example of how, well, it just depends. It's all situational.
          Lots of different people and many different experiences. What may not work for some may work for others. Look into it and find the best option for yourself that you feel secure with. No one person's opinion, including my own, is necessarily correct for everyone.


          • #20

            First of all...
            Thanks to Seashell.
            As many have said...
            Very well written..

            I have had my own experiences with Licensing, and must agree with all you said.
            I started my home child care 17 years a Registered Home in Texas. I sent in my application...was inspected...and my REGISTRATION was issued.
            August 1992. The standard for Registered Homes at that time was inspection every 2-3 years.
            Apparently there were some changes in Licensing Reps during that time...and I 'fell through the cracks' so to speak.
            I didn't see a Licensing rep for a routine inspection until July 1997.
            5 years.
            And...when I was was the same person that had inspected me the first time....they had switched reps AGAIN.
            Oh...funny thing...a year after my REGISTRATION was issued...I moved to a new home. I called...notified Licensing of my new address...and they mailed out a new certificate...
            never inspected me.....


            • #21
              Originally posted by Texasjeepgirl View Post
              First of all...
              Thanks to Seashell.
              As many have said...
              Very well written..

              I have had my own experiences with Licensing, and must agree with all you said.
              I started my home child care 17 years a Registered Home in Texas. I sent in my application...was inspected...and my REGISTRATION was issued.
              August 1992. The standard for Registered Homes at that time was inspection every 2-3 years.
              Apparently there were some changes in Licensing Reps during that time...and I 'fell through the cracks' so to speak.
              I didn't see a Licensing rep for a routine inspection until July 1997.
              5 years.
              And...when I was was the same person that had inspected me the first time....they had switched reps AGAIN.
              Oh...funny thing...a year after my REGISTRATION was issued...I moved to a new home. I called...notified Licensing of my new address...and they mailed out a new certificate...
              never inspected me.....
              Its to bad the general public doesn't know how ineffective licensing really is. Blind faith in a system that doesn't work is just sad.


              • #22
                I am wondering how you get relicensed if your licensor doesn't come back and reinspect your home? It took FOREVER for the licensor to find the time in her schedule to come give my initial inspection. I'm terrified of losing my license (it not being renewed in time) because she can't find the time to come back out before my expiration date. They seem rather strict where I live. The odds are that my license would expire and I'd have to go through many hoops to get it back, rather than them just sending out a new license.
                Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by seashell View Post
                  The whole point is, after initial inspection, the state doesn't ever do this again unless a complaint is filed. The items you listed are important, but situations change. My fire extinquisher could expire a month later. The dog needs shots every year . . . etc. There is no follow up with the state! Maybe other states are different in their practices, but I still believe it's the parents responsibility, not the state. Child care is too personal to leave to a stranger.
                  In my state, there is an initial inspection (very rigorous) followed by annual re-inspections (not quite so in depth) and at least one un-announced "drop in" per year, that can happen at anytime.
                  Spouse of a daycare provider....which I guess makes me one too!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Texasjeepgirl View Post
                    First of all...
                    Thanks to Seashell.
                    As many have said...
                    Very well written..

                    I have had my own experiences with Licensing, and must agree with all you said.
                    I started my home child care 17 years a Registered Home in Texas. I sent in my application...was inspected...and my REGISTRATION was issued.
                    August 1992. The standard for Registered Homes at that time was inspection every 2-3 years.
                    Apparently there were some changes in Licensing Reps during that time...and I 'fell through the cracks' so to speak.
                    I didn't see a Licensing rep for a routine inspection until July 1997.
                    5 years.
                    And...when I was was the same person that had inspected me the first time....they had switched reps AGAIN.
                    Oh...funny thing...a year after my REGISTRATION was issued...I moved to a new home. I called...notified Licensing of my new address...and they mailed out a new certificate...
                    never inspected me.....
                    I know where we live, if your license expired, they'd be on you like stink of road kill the day after it expires.

                    As for the moving thing, no way would they automatically issue a license without inspecting the location...NO WAY!
                    Spouse of a daycare provider....which I guess makes me one too!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Chickenhauler View Post
                      I know where we live, if your license expired, they'd be on you like stink of road kill the day after it expires.

                      As for the moving thing, no way would they automatically issue a license without inspecting the location...NO WAY!
                      It's interesting how situations very from one person to the next. It's a very inconsistant system to say the least!


                      • #26
                        Dpw pa

                        Sorry to say, PA has strict rules about all centers. It's a shame because DPW is short-handed and when the site know that they are coming, they spruce everything up. Some jerk must have reported you, and without following their precious regulations, which are ridiculous, you cannot continue your business. Sorry. Where in PA are you?


                        • #27
                          It wouldn't suprise me.....

                          Originally posted by Texasjeepgirl View Post
                          First of all...
                          Thanks to Seashell.
                          As many have said...
                          Very well written..

                          I have had my own experiences with Licensing, and must agree with all you said.
                          I started my home child care 17 years a Registered Home in Texas. I sent in my application...was inspected...and my REGISTRATION was issued.
                          August 1992. The standard for Registered Homes at that time was inspection every 2-3 years.
                          Apparently there were some changes in Licensing Reps during that time...and I 'fell through the cracks' so to speak.
                          I didn't see a Licensing rep for a routine inspection until July 1997.
                          5 years.
                          And...when I was was the same person that had inspected me the first time....they had switched reps AGAIN.
                          Oh...funny thing...a year after my REGISTRATION was issued...I moved to a new home. I called...notified Licensing of my new address...and they mailed out a new certificate...
                          never inspected me.....
                          Being that your name has TX that you are from TX. Nothing that state licensing here does surprise me. What a bunch of jokers.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Sorry to say, PA has strict rules about all centers. It's a shame because DPW is short-handed and when the site know that they are coming, they spruce everything up. Some jerk must have reported you, and without following their precious regulations, which are ridiculous, you cannot continue your business. Sorry. Where in PA are you?
                            without disclosing my exact location for privacy purposes, i am in the north central part. i have gotten a few of my children back, but 6 doesn't compare to 17. my husband and adult son are home with me all day and we have many fun activities for the kids. they missed the pool this summer!


                            • #29
                              do it legal!

                              To the North central PA caregiver,
                              I would advise you to do it legal if you really feel led to childcare. Yes PA is tough, but if you were caught w/ operating a non-licensed childcare, it can get costly! Not only will the state come down on you, but your local townships also have rules of how many children a person can watch at a given time. If the utilities get wind of it they too will get you for being a business, not to mention Uncle Sam and the IRS. You may need rezoning for your home as business/residential. Been there done that. The only way you could watch 17 kids, would be license as Center, or if you want to be a home group daycare, you can be licensed for up to 12 kids at any given time. The up-side to running it out of your home legally is that you can claim many tax advantages on your home for upkeep and upgrades. Once in the system you also have many resources, training, and grants available.
                              Food For Thought......


                              • #30
                                Well, first off I have to say I am NOT pro-licensing. That said...

                                If you are operating an unlicensed ILLEGAL daycare (as opposed to an unlicensed legal one) you are always at risk of being shut down. While I certainly feel for the OP, that is the risk she chose to take.

                                As for not opening the door...not a good idea. If you are operating illegally and refuse to allow them inside I can promise you that they will return with law enforcement and a warrent.

                                My advice to the OP is to get the ball rolling on licensing today! Get letters from your parents stating how wonderful you are and beg licesning to let you operate with a provisional license while you complete the process.

                                If that doesn't work, take the family with the most amount of kids and see if you can nanny for them during the licensing process.

                                Good luck! I know that this is a horrible time for you and I really do sympathize with your situation.

