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Disrespectful Parents

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  • #31
    yep I keep my door locked and let them in as they come. And as they pick up I will either have their kids dressed and ready to go if I know exactly when they are coming or I will bring their kid to the door when they come so they parents have no reason to leave the entry. Some of my parents will call and say that they are running 10 min early so that I can get them ready its a win win for both of us. They don't sit and chat forever either them. I also use table salt for my walk ways and it does not seem to get brought in I don't even have that white scum on everything. It works great.


    • #32
      I have made a generous size area for parents to come in and drop off/pick up kids. 1/3 of my living room actually is dedicated to drop off/pick up. Just can't quite understand why you have to step off the area rug to pick up your child. It is simply disrespect. Heck, I don't even ask the parents to take their shoes off before coming in, only to stay on the rug.....why are some things that should be so simple and a part of being respectful be so darn hard.


      • #33
        How about getting these and as the parents walk in, you hand them one and stand in front of them until they put them on. I can see how taking shoes on and off could be a pain...maybe that's part of the problem?? This would be easier.


        • #34
          Originally posted by mac60 View Post
          With all the snow, ice, slush and everything else the parents bring in on their shoes, I need to put a sign on my door that lets them know they need to stay on the area rug provided at the entrance. It is 5 x 8, and yet they can't seem to keep their damn wet shoes on it. Did I say disrespectful.

          I want to put up a little sign with a ditty (saying) on it, letting them know they need to stay on the rug.

          Seriously, what is wrong with people today.....We had ice yesterday, and a mom came in and said ......I almost fell on my ass in the driveway.....well, yes, school is cancelled due to ice, I DID salt my driveway very well, but everyday you choose to wear shoes that are not appropriate for the weather conditions here, and then you wonder why you slip. Use your head.

          So, any cute sayings for keeping your shoes on the rug?
          I have passed out papers asking them to ring the bell--And they don't.
          I asked them to stay on the rug---And they don't. You would think they don't know how to read.
          Maybe like everything else the answer is $$$$. Don't say anything just tack on an additional carpet cleaning charge to those parents who keep their shoes/boots on and leave the rug. Have their bills read:

          Services for week of 1/17-21 $***X
          Leaving the rug with wet boots: $25

          I bet they will start staying on the rug!


          • #35
            I have a really cute sign on the door that says please remove shoes before walking on carpet, had it made at the fair.... My husband's culture is to remove shoes before entering the house. I often have to remind parents that it helps keep carpet cleaning cost down and rates from going up....


            • #36
              Originally posted by Danielle View Post
              How about getting these and as the parents walk in, you hand them one and stand in front of them until they put them on. I can see how taking shoes on and off could be a pain...maybe that's part of the problem?? This would be easier.

              LOL! Great idea. I will try this next time I need to. My husband has a bunch in the garage for his job.


              • #37
                Originally posted by My Daycare View Post
                LOL! Great idea. I will try this next time I need to. My husband has a bunch in the garage for his job.
                I saw this on America's Next Great Inventor a few years ago....
                I think it was designed for contractors and repairmen who don't have time to take shoes/boots off when doing a service call in someone's home.


                • #38
                  I do not expect them to remove their shoes when entering to drop off and pick up, I am expecting them to stay on the area rug provided 5 x 8, and not step on the carpets. This is what I need a sign to say...


                  Thank you for staying on the area rug. (Simple and to the point, but is it rude for me to put this on my front door?)

                  The after hours maid thanks you for keeping your shoes on the area rug.

                  Please be respectful of my home and keep your shoes on the area rug provided.

                  Don't be a douche bag.....keep your feet on the area rug when entering.



                  • #39
                    I like getting the kids involved. My kids know the routine at the front door (shoes, then coat) and we discuss how visitors stop at a certain point or wipe their shoes well.

                    The other day one girl had a different person drop her off. (She's 3). She came in the door and the person dropping her off tried to walk further. She (very politely) said, "No, I stop here to take off my shoes and you need to wipe your feet. This is Mrs. Miller's home."

                    It was SO adorable and solved that problem! (It's especially great if another parent overhears this conversation )


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by mac60 View Post
                      I do not expect them to remove their shoes when entering to drop off and pick up, I am expecting them to stay on the area rug provided 5 x 8, and not step on the carpets. This is what I need a sign to say...


                      Thank you for staying on the area rug. (Simple and to the point, but is it rude for me to put this on my front door?)

                      The after hours maid thanks you for keeping your shoes on the area rug.

                      Please be respectful of my home and keep your shoes on the area rug provided.

                      Don't be a douche bag.....keep your feet on the area rug when entering.

                      lmao i think i just fell off my chair reading:
                      Don't be a douche bag.....keep your feet on the area rug when entering.
                      make me one of those signs too..


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                        I saw this on America's Next Great Inventor a few years ago....
                        I think it was designed for contractors and repairmen who don't have time to take shoes/boots off when doing a service call in someone's home.
                        :::::::::::: I've never seen that before.

                        I just copied and pasted this statement from the front page of their site. "The original and still the best shoe cover dispenser available, despite many lmitations.
                        " Am I reading this right, are they insulting themselves?


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by mac60 View Post
                          I do not expect them to remove their shoes when entering to drop off and pick up, I am expecting them to stay on the area rug provided 5 x 8, and not step on the carpets. This is what I need a sign to say...


                          Thank you for staying on the area rug. (Simple and to the point, but is it rude for me to put this on my front door?)

                          The after hours maid thanks you for keeping your shoes on the area rug.

                          Please be respectful of my home and keep your shoes on the area rug provided.

                          Don't be a douche bag.....keep your feet on the area rug when entering.

                          I have it in my contract- something like this- please be respectful to my home and daycare and please remove shoes, if you are going to walk past the foyer area. This is also taught to your child here in daycare. Also please knock before entering my private home and daycare


                          • #43
                            mac, douchebag...

                            how about: "Douchebags, mac60, and daycare kids only beyond this point"!


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by missnikki View Post
                              mac, douchebag...

                              how about: "Douchebags, mac60, and daycare kids only beyond this point"!
                              This is a good one!!!


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by mac60 View Post
                                Don't be a douche bag.....keep your feet on the area rug when entering
                                OMG that made me laugh so hard I have tears in my eyes! ::::
                                "Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your kid at the same time".

