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CIO 7-Mos.-Old

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  • #31
    Originally posted by EntropyControlSpecialist View Post
    She is totally fine around the kids. It is the sleeping BATTLE that is killing me! I think I will start it tomorrow so that we have the 3 day weekend on our side. What do I do?! How do I do it?!? She is really stubborn.

    Mine didn't have any issues at birth...she was just my first live baby out of 4 so I enjoyed the snuggling. Still do but the sleep battle is getting to be horrible and I could really benefit from a child that will nap on her own!!!
    If she was over 1 I wouldn't even be worried since she was out of infancy. Ugh.
    aaw man...:hug:

    Ok...I'm going to give you the tough love now, darling:

    1: "If she were over 1, I wouldn't be worried" is huuha. You know, it's going to be harder after she can stand up, right? You KNOW!

    2. We could have told you so, but we won't say that, because we love you. teehee

    3. If she's crying, she's breathing. Remember that!

    4. Buy a camera with a phone app, and mount it in her room. i saw them at Menards for $50 or so. Turn off the sound, because I'm sure she doesn't need amplification. Then, before you can't stop yourself and have to go in there, watch her on the app. (you could link it to your phone or pc). Then, you can see she's just pissed, but fine, right?

    5. Get er' done now! It'll be 3 days of terror, and it'll be over. Give her lots of extra lovin' during the waking part of the day if you feel so guilty.

    It'll be ok. If you need to call me and get a virtual hand-holding via phone, I will be glad to PM you my phone number.

    You can do this, and so can she!lovethis

    Ok...have to add. I PROMISE you, you will not permanently harm your little girl. She will not remember this. She will not give a eulogy for you one day where she says " mom was a cold B**** because she made me sleep alone".


    • #32
      Originally posted by EntropyControlSpecialist View Post
      Nighttime sleep doesn't bug me. I guess it is just the process and the fact that she won't nap unless she is being held or worn in an ergo or wrap. Ahhh.
      Ahhh, that would be harder. I always fed to sleep until I weaned around 14 months. But I also wasn't doing DC. Hopefully someone has some ideas!


      • #33
        Originally posted by Heidi View Post
        aaw man...:hug:

        Ok...I'm going to give you the tough love now, darling:

        1: "If she were over 1, I wouldn't be worried" is huuha. You know, it's going to be harder after she can stand up, right? You KNOW!

        2. We could have told you so, but we won't say that, because we love you. teehee

        3. If she's crying, she's breathing. Remember that!

        4. Buy a camera with a phone app, and mount it in her room. i saw them at Menards for $50 or so. Turn off the sound, because I'm sure she doesn't need amplification. Then, before you can't stop yourself and have to go in there, watch her on the app. (you could link it to your phone or pc). Then, you can see she's just pissed, but fine, right?

        5. Get er' done now! It'll be 3 days of terror, and it'll be over. Give her lots of extra lovin' during the waking part of the day if you feel so guilty.

        It'll be ok. If you need to call me and get a virtual hand-holding via phone, I will be glad to PM you my phone number.

        You can do this, and so can she!lovethis

        Ok...have to add. I PROMISE you, you will not permanently harm your little girl. She will not remember this. She will not give a eulogy for you one day where she says " mom was a cold B**** because she made me sleep alone".
        Bahahahah. So funny! I DO have a baby cam with a video feature. So that is a good thing. I use it for the daycare now! ::

        I am excited to get this over with! Tomorrow night it begins. Dun dun dunnn. I LIKE the idea of 3 days of torture. Weeks!!??!??? That sounds exhausting.


        • #34
          Not what you want to hear but I have her twin!!! My own DD she would not nap to save her life, screamed bloody murder when left alone in a play pen to the point of gaging and throwing up. She finally started napping about 4 months ago, She just turned 2 in December. I gave up and would hold her for 45 min a short nap was better than none. I needed my sanity.


          • #35
            Originally posted by EntropyControlSpecialist View Post
            Bahahahah. So funny! I DO have a baby cam with a video feature. So that is a good thing. I use it for the daycare now! ::

            I am excited to get this over with! Tomorrow night it begins. Dun dun dunnn. I LIKE the idea of 3 days of torture. Weeks!!??!??? That sounds exhausting.
            It won't be weeks. Surest way to prolong it, though, is to cave. That'll teach her to just try harder.

            Hang in there!:hug:


            • #36
              I totally get it! I am hoping the girl learns to sleep alone.


              • #37
                Originally posted by EntropyControlSpecialist View Post
                She just wakes so often it is miserable at night!
                I totally understand, but I promise it gets better! Is she waking to feed? She's only 7mo, so are you positive she's not hungry?


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Wednesday View Post
                  I totally understand, but I promise it gets better! Is she waking to feed? She's only 7mo, so are you positive she's not hungry?
                  If she wakes and she isn't hungry, then check her diaper. If she's not wet, put her back to bed. If she's hungry, feed and change her and put her back to bed.

                  You can do this


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Wednesday View Post
                    I totally understand, but I promise it gets better! Is she waking to feed? She's only 7mo, so are you positive she's not hungry?
                    Oh at night, she is hungry ablut every 3-4 hrs. It isn't the nightwaking that is the issue...its the fact that she is becoming increasingly difficult at naptime!

                    The waking often at night happens when she isn't right next to her parents. Otherwise, its normal nightwaking.


                    • #40
                      I can relate. My oldest was sleep hell as a baby. She didn't really sleep through the night until she was over three! She was also one who went from a little mad to hysterical within seconds if I tried any kind of CIO. I honestly don't remember much about her was 7 years ago and I was exhausted, ::
                      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                      • #41
                        Started for evening nap. She was fine the first couple of minutes, cried, I went in and patted her back and said "night night!" and walked away, and she fell asleep about a minute after. 4ish minutes of crying I will take!!!!! Here's to hoping it continues.

                        --Edited: Briefly woke and cried for a bit and went back to sleep.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Hollydawn View Post
                          Your little one and my Leo could be friends.

                          He is nine months and only sleeps when held or in bed with me. He also nurses a billion times per night.

                          He is my third. I parented my first two much the same but they were not like this guy. When I attempt to lay him down while he's asleep, he wakes up and screams like it's his job.

                          Fortunately, for him I am soft and will just ride it out until it passes or until he's older. I did a modified CIO with my middle son but not until he was almost two.

                          If you're comfortable with it, CIO will be your best bet.

                          Good luck!
                          Sorry to high jack

                          Be careful with night time nursing. My youngest did this and ended up with tooth decay just like kids who have a bottle to sleep with .. Her tooth decay wasn't as bad as " bottle" mouth,, but it damaged her front teeth. I refused silver fillings and demanded white. It all worked okay.

                          Just a word of caution.


                          • #43
                            Not too bad of a night! Not nearly as bad as I thought it would be!

                            Lots of dramatic crying that shushing and time soothed.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Sorry to high jack

                              Be careful with night time nursing. My youngest did this and ended up with tooth decay just like kids who have a bottle to sleep with .. Her tooth decay wasn't as bad as " bottle" mouth,, but it damaged her front teeth. I refused silver fillings and demanded white. It all worked okay.

                              Just a word of caution.
                              Can't wiping the teeth with a cloth fix that before going back to sleep?


                              • #45
                                CIO- THE BEST invention ever!

                                I don't mean CIO for hours on end like people assume (wrongfully).

                                CIO teaches the child independence, and can start around 6-8 months. It teaches the child you CAN be trusted.

                                How it is SUPPOSED to work:

                                1. Meet all the child's needs (fed? Held? Boogies wiped? changed?)
                                2. Put child down on a consistent schedule when possible
                                3. If the child starts to cry right away, do not pick up the child
                                4. leave wait 5 minutes
                                5. if child is still crying, check and reassure but NO picking up the baby
                                6. leave and wait 5 minutes
                                7. check and reassure, leave and repeat til child is asleep.

                                Eventually the checking and reassuring lessens (not every few minutes) but at first you do have to do that.

                                After a week or so, the baby should have no problem sleeping.

