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New Regs For NYS...Thoughts?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by dapb45 View Post
    Here, the QRIS has become a game with some, pushed some into unlicensed (legally and unlegally), etc......In the beginning, I wanted to excel so I went back to school receiving my CDA then my Associate's, but now I am frustrated with it..... The stress of counting science and math materials, making sure my room is divided into quiet play and loud play, making sure my interview questions are answered correctly, hoping the Assessor credits me with what is in my room or what if she overlooks some materials.....

    I do believe in QUALITY child care, but am not sure the QRIS is how to obtain it....much of what I offer my children comes from my heart, NOT a college textbook.. Furthering my education in early childhood is beneficial but is not the sole thing I use in my program!


    • #62
      I realize I'm dragging up an old thread, but I'm reading back and just wanted to say this:
      For the past several years, licensing here has only 'pointed' to the law or rule. They will not 'interpret' it for us.
      I don't think they see their jobs as helping us to understand the regulations anymore. I think their job is now to write us up, fine us, and prosecute us if they perceive us as breaking any law.
      (That said, I have a new licensor almost every time and have managed to keep each of them happy. I do live in fear of new licensors though.)
      Originally posted by Leanna View Post
      "We have been instructed not to answer any questions regarding the new regulations."


      • #63
        Originally posted by SignMeUp View Post
        I think their job is now to write us up, fine us, and prosecute us if they perceive us as breaking any law.
        I am NOT in your state, but in my state FCC is getting hit with many civil penalties. Licensors have been told from up top to "write providers up"....shamefully this usually happens to unseasoned providers whom have never been taught about the "gray" areas....they do not know how to battle back. I consider myself a seasoned provider as do many of my mentors and friends however, even we struggle at times for clarification about rules/regulations. It is enough to drive you crazy and put you on a professional roller coaster! :confused:


        • #64
          Originally posted by Annalee View Post
          I am NOT in your state, but in my state FCC is getting hit with many civil penalties. Licensors have been told from up top to "write providers up"....shamefully this usually happens to unseasoned providers whom have never been taught about the "gray" areas....they do not know how to battle back.
          No clue what licensors are told here, but it does seem that there are lots of fines now and lots of people being written up. Lots of prosecutions for what would have been considered a SIDS death a few years ago, and for which a parent would not be prosecuted. To be clear, I do believe in providing an appropriate safe sleep environment, but it does present some difficulty when the parent isn't doing this too.

          I've done this for quite a while, but I don't know how to fight back either. Got any tips? I have not been written up in a long time, before we were required to post it at our entries. I never fought it, even when they were wrong, because it was such small stuff, and had no repercussions for me. I just didn't rock the boat.


          • #65
            Originally posted by SignMeUp View Post
            No clue what licensors are told here, but it does seem that there are lots of fines now and lots of people being written up. Lots of prosecutions for what would have been considered a SIDS death a few years ago, and for which a parent would not be prosecuted. To be clear, I do believe in providing an appropriate safe sleep environment, but it does present some difficulty when the parent isn't doing this too.

            I've done this for quite a while, but I don't know how to fight back either. Got any tips? I have not been written up in a long time, before we were required to post it at our entries. I never fought it, even when they were wrong, because it was such small stuff, and had no repercussions for me. I just didn't rock the boat.
            Just know the rules and make your licensor show you in writing what the rules are and what they mean! If your licensor can't explain the rule to you, go up the ladder until you get matter how far the ladder takes you, as a provider, demand clarification. We have a manual here to go I have only had to go up the ladder a couple of times, but my licensor knows I will do that. We have a good relationship at this time, but I do not take that for granted anymore. Being in business for over 20 years, I have had 5 to 6 licensors so perceptions vary and pet-peeves vary by person. Licensors are human and have expressed their discontent for the way the system is run at this time due to QRIS taking over for the past ten plus years. Needless to say, the system is messed up and is NOT set up to benefit small FCC/Group child care homes. BUT that is another story which has been written on these boards many times. I appreciate this forum because it helps me to view the overall picture and realize this is a NATIONAL problem not just a local/state issue.

