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New Regs For NYS...Thoughts?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by MrsSteinel'sHouse View Post
    I am scared Ohio's new regs will be like this
    One thing I know is how different states are in regs. I've read all fifty. I don't know if Iowa would do this because Iowa is pretty reasonable. I have a lot of pride in how common sensical the regs are here. They are flat in the middle. I am going to call my inspector and run this by him and see if he would know why it would get to this point.


    • #47
      Originally posted by melskids View Post
      I am in NY.

      NannyDe, that haven't gotten to the centers new regs yet, but they are coming up next.

      #7 is a bit ridiculous....but everyone gets so worked up over stuff like this. As far as the new regs or any regs for that matter, what they don't catch you doing they cant write you up for.

      But you didn't hear me say that. LOL

      I take two online college courses. I do course work at nap time. I will continue to do so. I AM supervising the children. I am sitting right next to them, so it's better supervision than our other reg of physical checks every 15 minutes with a monitor.

      If they force me to sign giving them rights to access anything, that is when I will close. I read and gave my opinion of the proposed regs but I emailed my CSEA rep over the weekend to voice my concerns. It isn't that I spend an excessive amount of time online or on my phone, it's that I do so WHILE maintaining adequate/competent supervision. I don't play games on my phone. Today I called the school to speak to the nurse about my ds. I was on hold, and then she placed me back on hold, for a total of almost 18 minutes. That was during free play as I was sitting on the floor next to my aggressive child to help her/stop any violence before it happened. It isn't rocket science.

      The more regs/rules that they make, the more they justify their existence. It all comes down to big government making themselves useful to 'help' people and in the process creating a whole different set of issues.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Laurel View Post
        Do you have a state child care association? You can fight things you don't like as a group. You don't just have to sit down and take these things. A group will need to be organized obviously.

        There have been many issues changed due to FCC groups, in particular, bucking the system.. BUT when it comes to issues surrounding the QRIS system, it is an uphill battle.....been battling it for 14 years in our state and it remains state-mandated for our state...

        It looks good on paper for lawmakers, but is totally unrealistic when it comes to implementing it into child care programs..... Seeing how hard it is to get persons to listen to us about some of the rules/regs/quis, I feel it is being set in place just like Common Core.....It is here whether we like it or not..... :confused:


        • #49
          I have been dealing with these regs PLUS some others (evacuation cribs, linens laundered/toys soaked daily, must have CDA/ECE Degree if keeping more than 2 kids, liquid soap/disposable hand towels/warm running water only) for a few years, now.

          Guess everyone else will be going through the 5 stages too.... I took a lot of heat here when discussing "sheltering in place" and "no restraint" care. Stinks you guys have it coming, but glad I am not alone anymore.

          I am so grateful I don't have number 7, though. How is that even possible??? I still feel the ultimate goal is to drive home childcare out, entirely over time.
          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
            I have been dealing with these regs PLUS some others (evacuation cribs, linens laundered/toys soaked daily, must have CDA/ECE Degree if keeping more than 2 kids, liquid soap/disposable hand towels/warm running water only) for a few years, now.

            Guess everyone else will be going through the 5 stages too.... I took a lot of heat here when discussing "sheltering in place" and "no restraint" care. Stinks you guys have it coming, but glad I am not alone anymore.

            I am so grateful I don't have number 7, though. How is that even possible???
            Here, the QRIS has become a game with some, pushed some into unlicensed (legally and unlegally), etc......In the beginning, I wanted to excel so I went back to school receiving my CDA then my Associate's, but now I am frustrated with it..... The stress of counting science and math materials, making sure my room is divided into quiet play and loud play, making sure my interview questions are answered correctly, hoping the Assessor credits me with what is in my room or what if she overlooks some materials.....

            I do believe in QUALITY child care, but am not sure the QRIS is how to obtain it....much of what I offer my children comes from my heart, NOT a college textbook.. Furthering my education in early childhood is beneficial but is not the sole thing I use in my program!
            Last edited by Annalee; 12-16-2013, 11:36 AM. Reason: mispelled words


            • #51
              Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
              I have been dealing with these regs PLUS some others (evacuation cribs, linens laundered/toys soaked daily, must have CDA/ECE Degree if keeping more than 2 kids, liquid soap/disposable hand towels/warm running water only) for a few years, now.

              Guess everyone else will be going through the 5 stages too.... I took a lot of heat here when discussing "sheltering in place" and "no restraint" care. Stinks you guys have it coming, but glad I am not alone anymore.

              I am so grateful I don't have number 7, though. How is that even possible??? I still feel the ultimate goal is to drive home childcare out, entirely over time.
              Where are you located Cat Herder?

              You are home-based and required to have an evacuation crib?

              The "no restraint" is not new...but the "sheltering in place" drills are. I asked my health care consultant last week why we needed to have drills because day care itself is a daily shelter in place drill.

              The other things you mentioned are already regs here too.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Michael View Post
                We need smaller government. This is what happens when government thinks it knows better.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                  They aren't going to put a reg in they can't inspect. Be careful what you sign when you reup your license. You may sign away the ability for them to use whatever means necessary to view your online records, your phone records, and your internet TV records.

                  They aren't the only ones to assess your screen use. Any kid that can talk can easily share. Any parent who is on your facebook can tell when you are online. They don't have to view it when you are inspected. I highly doubt they have caught home child care providers playing candy crush during an inspection. They didn't come to this with that problem. They most likely came to it by parent complaints when they were termed or owe a provider money complaining about how the provider has the TV on all day and is on her phone all the time. (that and actually catching center workers on their phones).

                  This is pretty darn serious. I'm glad I'm not in NYS.

                  I don't think it will be long before it comes knocking on's door.

                  With each reg comes the assessment of whether or not their was POTENTIAL harm to a child. I can't let kids play in the street and then protest that they didn't get hurt. Simply letting them play in the street is enough to charge me with neglect.

                  When you have a reg like this you don't have to have something actually HAPPEN to have a violation be founded as neglect. I don't think most folks are getting the gravity of a reg like this. It won't be long until providers are on the Child Abuse Registry for using electronics while kids are present because it is being deemed as unsafe. It is listed as a supervision reg.
                  I totally get what you are saying, I really do. I hear ya loud and clear.

                  Licensing follows my facebook page (the daycare one) and I know they can easily see when I'm on here even. The truth is, the day they dictate when and where I can answer my phone (especially if it's my sick mother) they can take my license and wipe their tooshy with it. I don't live in fear of them.

                  There's a chick in town who is illegal and watching 15 -20 kids at a time. She's been turned in multiple times and they cant do anything to stop her because she wont let them in the house. The day they can shut her down is the day they can tell me when and how often I look at Facebook.

                  And the truth is, they can check time stamps all they want. For all they know my 11 year old can be posting under my name. As a matter of fact, I could be an 11 year old boy posting THIS right now.


                  • #54
                    watching the training videos during nap () Here are my notes-

                    updated wording from uniform code to NYS fire and building code
                    substitutes must now have references, medical and TB

                    crib compliance to CPSC rules
                    house # displayed
                    updated diagram must be submitted prior to renovations that would affect the child care areas
                    outdoor play areas can be public areas
                    additional smoke detector required if napping down hallway/in a room with a door.

                    upstairs/occasional use-no napping upstairs. Bathroom use only.
                    24x24' egress window now may be any size window 5.7sg ft or larger
                    evacuation diagram visible/posted
                    secondary egress used in fire drills
                    primary and secondary emergency relocation must be named

                    cell phones allowed in FDC. Designated place only. audible ringtone. assistants/subs have to know how to use it.
                    evacuation plans-2 emergency relocation places
                    No large outdoor trampoline use. Indoor exercise trampoline ok.

                    pets and animals
                    parents aware
                    pose no risk
                    no disease parasites
                    proof ^

                    develop a plan for sheltering in place. 2 drills/year/documented
                    water and non perishable food on hand

                    cushioned surfaces under outdoor play equipment (no depth req)


                    • #55
                      417.5 cont

                      window blinds up and secure

                      firearms and ammunition stored unloaded/locked in secure container with lock.
                      May be accessed and used in emergency situation.
                      parents must be aware if there are firearms in the home.

                      water safety
                      fcc public water use- must have dept of health permit or be operated by a govt agency. constructed, staffed, maintained in accordance with chapter 1 subpart 6-1 of the NYS sanitary code.
                      must have certified lifeguard, must have CPR/first aid cert person on hand
                      must have written method of implementation/regulation of swimming facilities
                      written plan of supervision
                      written plan for lost swimmer
                      review before going in water


                      • #56
                        While I understand the limiting and/or barring of technology use for personal reasons, I think it is interesting that even the NAEYC supports positive use of media and electronic devices when it's usage is for supporting and/or enhancing an activity or learning experience.

                        They support parental communication/contact via media and electronic devices throughout the day.

                        Electronic usage is also recommended as an excellent way to create observations and/or assessment of the children.

                        Here is their position statement:

                        Guidance on applying the principles of development and learning when considering if, how, and when to use technolgy and new media with young children.


                        • #57
                          I wonder if they will put this in the Center Regs. At first blush it would seem to help center owners to enforce the house rules of no cell phones BUT you have to consider why they allowed it in the centers who inspectors caught staff on phone during inspections.

                          Centers had rules when cell phones became common for their employees to own rules were put in place but as the technology advanced and the price decreased the addiction became more of a problem. A lot of centers have allowed them because the owners realized that if they don't allow them the staff will either just get sneaky (making many long trips into the closets and back turned away from windows and cameras) or just quit. I think a tolerance has become the norm because they would rather have a low paid warm body in the room on their phone than no warm body in the room. Staff have been bold about using their phones because they know they are not easily replaced with low paid workers willing to not work with their phone in their face.

                          I don't think the owners will think this is a blessing if the business is cited because of the employee refuses to stay if the can't have their phone.


                          • #58
                            So I had an inspection on Thursday and all went well. As she was wrapping up, my license rep. asked me if I had any additional question for her. I said I did have a few regarding the new regulations. She said, "We have been instructed not to answer any questions regarding the new regulations."

                            I said well I am worried about violating regulations that I am not even clear about. She said she understood and that they (the licensors and supervisors) have been meeting almost daily to try and figure out exactly what has changed and needs to be enforced. She said I am doing a great job and to keep doing what I am doing in the meantime. While I am happy to hear a positive critique, I am frustrated that such huge changes have been mandated but no one can give any definitive answers about them.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Leanna View Post
                              So I had an inspection on Thursday and all went well. As she was wrapping up, my license rep. asked me if I had any additional question for her. I said I did have a few regarding the new regulations. She said, "We have been instructed not to answer any questions regarding the new regulations."

                              I said well I am worried about violating regulations that I am not even clear about. She said she understood and that they (the licensors and supervisors) have been meeting almost daily to try and figure out exactly what has changed and needs to be enforced. She said I am doing a great job and to keep doing what I am doing in the meantime. While I am happy to hear a positive critique, I am frustrated that such huge changes have been mandated but no one can give any definitive answers about them.
                              Sounds familiar! Licensing personnel here are not and never have been huge fans of the "new" system with unrealistic regs/QRIS....many are counting down to retirement because their jobs have changed drastically as well. After listening to many on this board talk about what "might" happen with QRIS in their state, I feel my state is kind of like a "pilot program". Where I feel our state messed up is when the FCCERS Assessment was written in the is VERY hard to change law.....I wish the assessment was on a voluntary basis then providers could make a choice.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Leanna View Post
                                So I had an inspection on Thursday and all went well. As she was wrapping up, my license rep. asked me if I had any additional question for her. I said I did have a few regarding the new regulations. She said, "We have been instructed not to answer any questions regarding the new regulations."

                                I said well I am worried about violating regulations that I am not even clear about. She said she understood and that they (the licensors and supervisors) have been meeting almost daily to try and figure out exactly what has changed and needs to be enforced. She said I am doing a great job and to keep doing what I am doing in the meantime. While I am happy to hear a positive critique, I am frustrated that such huge changes have been mandated but no one can give any definitive answers about them.
                                WHAT?! That's their JOB! It's their job to make sure we understand the new regs and all of the changes. SMH

