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New Regs For NYS...Thoughts?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by nannyde View Post
    I've been searching all weekend and I can't see that this has been done for centers. I'm not seeing a center regulation speaking to number seven and I can't see where the center regs have changed. Maybe I'm just not finding it.
    There's always the possibility that I was ... um.. lets say "misinformed"
    Chief cook, bottle washer & spider killer...


    • #32
      Originally posted by Mister Sir Husband View Post
      Well, my licensor told me that the rule on screen time happened because some providers in centers were busted because they had multiple kids in a room and were on their phones surfing the web instead of interacting with the kids. And as far as my cell phone not being in my pocket, I am using 5 different rooms on 2 floors in my home for daycare. If its on the counter as the new regs suggest, and I forget to grab it before heading downstairs.. Welp the parent calling me about their kid might just have to be ok with getting my voicemail, in which case I will gladly give them the number of the ocfs.
      Caregivers can be doing lots of other things to "not be interacting" with could be reading, chatting w/ coworkers, staring at a wall, etc...
      So, if that is truly the rationale does this mean I can't wash dishes or toys or anything else that isn't directly interacting/supervising?
      Further, to make that a rule in centers is one thing...they are employees...not small business owners in their homes.

      Originally posted by nannyde View Post
      I've been searching all weekend and I can't see that this has been done for centers. I'm not seeing a center regulation speaking to number seven and I can't see where the center regs have changed. Maybe I'm just not finding it.
      As far as I can tell from the news section on the New York State Office of Children and Family Services website, there are only new regs for Family and Group Family child care. I don't see anything even remotely similar in the regs for centers.


      • #33
        Originally posted by nanglgrl View Post
        . They can't keep telling us what to do and acting like we're self employed.


        • #34
          So far these regs are only for family and group, but they are working on changing the regs for centers. They will be similar and there will be a public comment period for those. (Heard this at the videoconference training about the new regs.)
          What bothers me almost as much as the regs is that they totally ignored most of the feedback made during the public comment period and just went ahead w/ what they proposed. In spite of numerous complaints about the screen time and phone issues.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Leanna View Post
            Caregivers can be doing lots of other things to "not be interacting" with could be reading, chatting w/ coworkers, staring at a wall, etc...
            So, if that is truly the rationale does this mean I can't wash dishes or toys or anything else that isn't directly interacting/supervising?
            Further, to make that a rule in centers is one thing...they are employees...not small business owners in their homes.

            As far as I can tell from the news section on the New York State Office of Children and Family Services website, there are only new regs for Family and Group Family child care. I don't see anything even remotely similar in the regs for centers.
            Leanna could you spare the time to talk to me on the phone?


            • #36

              Click on number 8 Supervision

              It's at the 53 second mark

              Watch Video Training on New Regulations on OCFS Website

              OCFS posted a video training that reviews the newly adopted child care regulations on the OCFS website. Major changes to the adopted Family Child Care and Group Family Child Care regulations are discussed in detail. The regulations will go into effect on May 1, 2014. We encourage you to make time to watch the video as soon as you can to prepare for the implementation of the new regulations in the spring.

              View the Video Conference


              • #37
                Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                Leanna could you spare the time to talk to me on the phone?


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Leanna View Post
                  I will pm you


                  • #39
                    Based on the things I see in my center, #7 seems to be more for centers. This not a state regulation but the majority of centers have it in the employee handbook. It doesn't make any sense to include home centers. Have there been a lot of child death/injuries in NYS? It seems like they're making changes in response to too many cases of negligence and/or injuries/deaths.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Michael View Post
                      We need smaller government. This is what happens when government thinks it knows better.


                      • #41
                        I am in NY.

                        NannyDe, that haven't gotten to the centers new regs yet, but they are coming up next.

                        #7 is a bit ridiculous....but everyone gets so worked up over stuff like this. As far as the new regs or any regs for that matter, what they don't catch you doing they cant write you up for.

                        But you didn't hear me say that. LOL


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Leanna View Post
                          Here is another change:
                          The regs used to say: For children unable to nap, time and space must be provided for quiet play. During day and evening care, children must not be forced to rest for long periods of time.
                 children who didn't nap could play quietly on their mats. This was my policy...always has been.Works great for me.

                          Now the regs say: Children unable to sleep during nap time shall not be confined to a sleeping surface (cot, crib, etc.) but instead must be offered a supervised place for quiet play.
                          So now we can't have them play on their cot? We have to allow them to be up and about? How is that supposed to work when other kids are sleeping? We are required direct visual supervision so it's not like we can send Johnny into the playroom all by himself.
                          It's pretty simple. Sure, you may no longer be able to have them sit on their cot to play, but nothing says you cant put the cot away and put down a carpet square and have them sit THERE and play. Problem solved. LOL


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by melskids View Post
                            I am in NY.

                            NannyDe, that haven't gotten to the centers new regs yet, but they are coming up next.

                            #7 is a bit ridiculous....but everyone gets so worked up over stuff like this. As far as the new regs or any regs for that matter, what they don't catch you doing they cant write you up for.

                            But you didn't hear me say that. LOL
                            They aren't going to put a reg in they can't inspect. Be careful what you sign when you reup your license. You may sign away the ability for them to use whatever means necessary to view your online records, your phone records, and your internet TV records.

                            They aren't the only ones to assess your screen use. Any kid that can talk can easily share. Any parent who is on your facebook can tell when you are online. They don't have to view it when you are inspected. I highly doubt they have caught home child care providers playing candy crush during an inspection. They didn't come to this with that problem. They most likely came to it by parent complaints when they were termed or owe a provider money complaining about how the provider has the TV on all day and is on her phone all the time. (that and actually catching center workers on their phones).

                            This is pretty darn serious. I'm glad I'm not in NYS.

                            I don't think it will be long before it comes knocking on's door.

                            With each reg comes the assessment of whether or not their was POTENTIAL harm to a child. I can't let kids play in the street and then protest that they didn't get hurt. Simply letting them play in the street is enough to charge me with neglect.

                            When you have a reg like this you don't have to have something actually HAPPEN to have a violation be founded as neglect. I don't think most folks are getting the gravity of a reg like this. It won't be long until providers are on the Child Abuse Registry for using electronics while kids are present because it is being deemed as unsafe. It is listed as a supervision reg.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Play Care View Post
                              I WISH I could be legally unlicensed, but only being able to have two dck's wouldn't do it for us.
                              The storing of bedding bothers me - I'm an in home. Every week I wash the child's bedding, fold it and store it in my linen closet until Monday...So now I can't do that?
                              then it is clean. they are saying after nap cot/ mat surfaces can't touch. blankets can be put together "dirty"


                              • #45
                                I am scared Ohio's new regs will be like this

