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Is It Appropriate To Take A Quick Shower While The Kids Are Napping?

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  • #46
    I respect both sides of this argument - but I lean more to it being fine. I wouldn't take a bubble bath or anything, but a quick shower with the door open, sure.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      I haven't ever been to the mom confessions group there before. I have only read a few comments and I see what you mean!! The discussion will be my entertainment during nap time! Lol!
      Oh my goodness! I just started reading some posts from cafe mom during nap. Wow, some (a lot) of these people are cray cray! Very interesting to see the other side of things though. I wonder if parents that come here think we are all bonkers? "My child comes home with dirt on his knees isn't this so horrible?" "My daycare won't serve special meals what should I do?" "My baby is suddenly happy and content at home should I be concerned she's being ignored at daycare?"
      Oy, we see the other side of these stories all of the time on here but never thought that the parents would be so adamant that they are in the right and that their daycare is horrible....and so many people agree with these ridiculous things. I'm not going back there, I could feel my brain cells slowly dying reading some of that stuff.
      Sorry for the hijack OP, my mind is blown.
      Last edited by nanglgrl; 11-27-2013, 12:58 PM. Reason: i put dieing instead of dying...see proof that I lost brain cells!


      • #48

        Originally posted by nanglgrl View Post
        Oh my goodness! I just started reading some posts from cafe mom during nap. Wow, some (a lot) of these people are cray cray! Very interesting to see the other side of things though. I wonder if parents that come here think we are all bonkers? "My child comes home with dirt on his knees isn't this so horrible?" "My daycare won't serve special meals what should I do?" "My baby is suddenly happy and content at home should I be concerned she's being ignored at daycare?"
        Oy, we see the other side of these stories all of the time on here but never thought that the parents would be so adamant that they are in the right and that their daycare is horrible....and so many people agree with these ridiculous things. I'm not going back there, I could feel my brain cells slowly dieing reading some of that stuff.
        Sorry for the hijack OP, my mind is blown.
        I know I was very surprised! I know that everyone parents differently and has different views. But some of those are just over the top!

        I don't mind! Not hijacking

        Also how did the title of the post change?


        • #49
          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          I know I was very surprised! I know that everyone parents differently and has different views. But some of those are just over the top!

          I don't mind! Not hijacking

          Also how did the title of the post change?
          One of the mods must have changed the title?

          I went back, I keep going back..I need to escape that forum!::


          • #50
            I would, personally, NOT shower. My bathroom is through my bedroom and on the second floor. Last I talked to my licensing rep we are not allowed to use baby monitors as a form of sight or sound. If I were in your shoes, I would change my clothes, use a wash cloth with soap on it, and wipe yourself down really well. If it got in your hair, stick your hair under the sink. A shower is too risky. What if something happened and you were in the shower? Even if you did hear something what are you going to do? Jump out of the shower and run down the hall, soapy and butt naked? And heaven forbid your licensing rep be at the door If you're really worried about germs... throw some hand sanitizer on that washcloth as well.


            • #51
              Originally posted by littlemissmuffet View Post
              I respect both sides of this argument - but I lean more to it being fine. I wouldn't take a bubble bath or anything, but a quick shower with the door open, sure.


              • #52
                Originally posted by nanglgrl View Post

                I went back, I keep going back..I need to escape that forum!::
                Sometimes when I am really bored, I will click into that group but's just waaay over the top for me and I feel brain cells revolting when I stay too long but sometimes, I just can't help myself. ::


                • #53
                  I am so thankful my husband and son are here with me so Id ont have to worry about this


                  • #54
                    I have been doing this a long time and I have showered occasionally. Once I got gas all over me. No way no how was I not going to shower, it was really hot out and I felt like I was going to burst into flames. But I only ever did it when all the kids were fast asleep, no one was due to wake, and I just washed body not hair.

                    We have the see and/or hear rule here.


                    • #55
                      Oh, I have also done it early in the morning when I had 5:30am drop off and the dckid went back to sleep.


                      • #56
                        Sadly, no. This would be even bigger no for me. My shower is upstairs in an unlicensed area.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                          But someone else is supervising the kids so....
                          This is where it breaks for me too. I used to shower regularly after kids arrived, but I had an adult helper. Now, I could wake my husband if it were that bad, but I prefer he get to sleep most days, so I shower at night after they are all gone.
                          I don't think I would be comfortable even though I still have teenage kids here...just too much liability.


                          • #58
                            I would, just like I showered when my own kids were little. And are you ladies going to tell me that you don't go pee all day, because your looking at almost 5 min. in the bathroom. And all my kids are in pnp and are all sleeping.


                            • #59
                              I have before, very rarely. I am legally unlicensed and that's how I like it. I took a shower after a kid vomited all over me and all over my hair and took a shower while all kids were safely deposited in pack and plays (I generally have four or less kids under 3 years old). I realize that there is a tiny risk but I can shower fast, probably faster than the average person takes in the bathroom anyways LOL Really, I would not expect my sitter to be stinky and covered in filth when all the kids were safe! This isnt a common thing but yes I have done it very very rarely. One time a kids diaper literally exploded all over me and I put him in the bath and literally hosed him down, put him to nap and then jumped in the shower.


                              • #60
                                I did have a daycare mom watch the kiddos once while I showered. I had a girl vomit her entire lunch down my shirt and bra

