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Is It Appropriate To Take A Quick Shower While The Kids Are Napping?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by MamaBearCanada View Post
    Good point...

    But then if the provider can hear them and within sight Or sound is allowed aren't the DCK also being supervised?
    My same line of thinking in reply to TwinKristi applies here too.

    I'd rather explain my lack of supervision due to a child's needs verses taking care of my own. kwim?


    • #32
      I didn't real all 250+ posts obviously but even just a few were kinda silly! :: I find it a lot different though when a provider just "decided to take a shower" because she had a busy morning vs washing off baby vomit quickly. I personally wouldn't care either way IF my child was asleep and in a crib or contained with the exterior doors locked and a monitor or within sound. I personally have never showered with daycare kids here, even after I've been pooped on, spit up on, etc. I just take a gypsy shower with diaper wipes and some good antibacterial soap and change my clothes.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
        My licensing says sight OR sound too but the risk is simply too high.

        If and that's a BIG if, but IF something happened during those 5 minutes I was in the shower, I couldn't live with myself and I certainly wouldn't want to have to explain or justify my actions.

        Like a PP said, it's baby puke. Whatever...most of us have had worse "stuff" on us.

        I don't know...I am NOT a girly-girl and stuff like that doesn't gross me out, freak me out of make me uncomfortable. I knew this job was messy going in.

        Also just because we work in our homes, doesn't mean that it's ok to take care of personal needs besides eating and toileting while we are on the clock.

        What would a center provider do?

        A preschool teacher?

        An elementary school teacher?


        • #34
          I would not shower while kids are present. Change clothes, wipe off yes. Shower, no. Yesterday, I had one of my kidlets have a dream and cry out and if I hadn't been right there he would have easily awoken all of them and caused chaos! I do stay either in the playroom or at the table in the breakfast nook (can fully see playroom) during naptime. I wouldn't go upstairs to put clothes away or anything during naptime.
          So what if you were in the shower and the smoke detector went off. If I was using the bathroom I would be done at that moment. If you had the monitor in the bathroom and you heard someone screaming, what would you do? Run out dripping with a towel around you?

          And per licensing I cannot have pre school aged kids outside without me in the yard.

          I would have to call troll on this whole post though....


          • #35
            Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
            This was a HUGE topic of conversation on Cafemom.

            NO! It is NEVER appropriate to shower while child care kids are present in your home.

            Change your clothes and wait until you are off the clock before showering.

            I would wait to shower till kids were gone for fear of licensing, health, fire or food program persons coming in.


            • #36
              I also agree it's a risk I wouldn't take. I'm surprised no one else has neighbors around. I would ask someone to come over at naptime so I could take a quick shower and change (or right away if it was really gross). If no one was around and I was covered, I'd go in the bathroom, take off my clothing, wash up well in the sink and put on fresh clothes. I've been thrown up on and clothing is usually a pretty good barrier.


              • #37
                vomit so the parent is coming to pick up I would ask dcm if she could stay for a few so I could take a quick shower. ut if it was my own child so no one was coming I would go grab clean clothes and do a sponge bath as I changed.
                It:: will wait


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                  My licensing says sight OR sound too but the risk is simply too high.

                  If and that's a BIG if, but IF something happened during those 5 minutes I was in the shower, I couldn't live with myself and I certainly wouldn't want to have to explain or justify my actions.

                  Like a PP said, it's baby puke. Whatever...most of us have had worse "stuff" on us.

                  I don't know...I am NOT a girly-girl and stuff like that doesn't gross me out, freak me out of make me uncomfortable. I knew this job was messy going in.

                  Also just because we work in our homes, doesn't mean that it's ok to take care of personal needs besides eating and toileting while we are on the clock.

                  What would a center provider do?

                  A preschool teacher?

                  An elementary school teacher?

                  When I used to work in a center a sick toddler vomited all over me, my face. my hair, my clothes, all over. I told the Head Teacher I had to go home shower and come back and she told me to wait until nap time and I could go and come back. I would not have stayed the entire day with puke on my clothes and hair.


                  • #39

                    I read the forum about showering on Cafemom. You did warn me! A lot of those comments are just plain ridiculous, some had my blood boiling. Like that providers work for them, it is our business and we provide a service but we are not their employee.

                    I was having a hard time deciding what I should do, no one could stop by for a bit. I decided on a sponge bath until the daycare child leaves. I only have one now since the baby is sick and left. Mom had already left with the child before I posted. Otherwise that would have been a great solution!

                    I'm not a troll! Not sure why you think that?


                    • #40
                      I can see there are diff opinions on this one. The way I see it, if I had to go to do # 2 to the toilet I will take about 5 minutes minimun. Don't always do it, but I do suffer from IBS so when I when I need to go, it means exactly that, I need to go. I put the baby in the playpen, the older ones will watch TV and I will use the toilet with the door open, so for me , in a case like this will be almost the same, but I would only do it during nap time.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        I read the forum about showering on Cafemom. You did warn me! A lot of those comments are just plain ridiculous, some had my blood boiling. Like that providers work for them, it is our business and we provide a service but we are not their employee.

                        I was having a hard time deciding what I should do, no one could stop by for a bit. I decided on a sponge bath until the daycare child leaves. I only have one now since the baby is sick and left. Mom had already left with the child before I posted. Otherwise that would have been a great solution!

                        I'm not a troll! Not sure why you think that?
                        Yep, I warned you ::

                        WAY too much drama for me over there...the only reason I even saw that thread was because it was posted on the front page of Cafemom as a Hot Topic/suggested reading.

                        There is a providers group on Cafemom that discussed this topic as well but the group is a private one you have to request membership so I didn't link to it because you can't read it unless you are a member but that discussion was much more friendly and more understanding. The general consensus was that they would wait too.

                        Better to be safe than sorry in my opinion.

                        Sorry this happened to you.

                        As for the troll comment...most HOT TOPIC super debatable threads are started by unregistered trolls. Often times, members will assume that is the case if the subject matter is touchy....

                        I will vouch for you though and say you are NOT a troll. I recognize your posts as being a frequent unreg poster so it's all good.

                        You should consider registering...there are some great perks to being a member...such as the Off Topic section where there are lots of hot topics happening..

                        Seriously, if you aren't a member already, please consider it.


                        • #42

                          Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                          Yep, I warned you ::

                          WAY too much drama for me over there...the only reason I even saw that thread was because it was posted on the front page of Cafemom as a Hot Topic/suggested reading.

                          There is a providers group on Cafemom that discussed this topic as well but the group is a private one you have to request membership so I didn't link to it because you can't read it unless you are a member but that discussion was much more friendly and more understanding. The general consensus was that they would wait too.

                          Better to be safe than sorry in my opinion.

                          Sorry this happened to you.

                          As for the troll comment...most HOT TOPIC super debatable threads are started by unregistered trolls. Often times, members will assume that is the case if the subject matter is touchy....

                          I will vouch for you though and say you are NOT a troll. I recognize your posts as being a frequent unreg poster so it's all good.

                          You should consider registering...there are some great perks to being a member...such as the Off Topic section where there are lots of hot topics happening..

                          Seriously, if you aren't a member already, please consider it.

                          I honestly didn't think it would be a hot topic until you mentioned cafemom and I started to read it. I am on the private daycare group on cafemom so I will have to read that too. It's just been a long time. This forum is much better. But now I can understand what you mean.

                          I can't sneak anything past you BC. I am a registered member but been posting as unregistered for a long time now.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by TwinKristi View Post
                            I'm not that poster, but the same thing could happen if you went to use the restroom and washed your hands. The same thing could happen while you changed a really messy diaper. Or perhaps like the provider recently who was right there when a child picked up a toy they shouldn't have had access to and perhaps swallowed it. I understand your point, but I have been stuck going to the bathroom (TMI but sometimes after having your gallbladder removed you have some nasty BMs when you eat certain foods... not always the same foods!) while the kids were asleep and I was so thankful this happened during nap time and not while they were all awake!
                            I guess thinking as a parent myself, if my baby threw up all over my provider and she waited until naptime to take a quick shower, I really wouldn't mind. But I have faced far worse actions from a provider so I guess it's all relative.
                            Oh trust me I totaly get what your saying (im 8 months prego and sometimes can't hold it ) It just got me when It was said to leave them in a high chair or being naked while having kids that aren't my own in the house. Thats all I was trying to say. I understand that bathroom breaks happen and stuff like that. But shower is a lil more in depth then just going to the bathroom`.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post

                              What would a center provider do?

                              A preschool teacher?
                              I have had this happen when I worked at a center. I had to run home on my break and change my clothes, no time for a shower. I learned after that day to bring extra clothes to work!


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                                Yep, I warned you ::

                                There is a providers group on Cafemom that discussed this topic as well but the group is a private one you have to request membership so I didn't link to it because you can't read it unless you are a member but that discussion was much more friendly and more understanding. The general consensus was that they would wait too.

                                I am a member on Cafemom, how did I not see the providers group? I'll have to check it out!

