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Is It Appropriate To Take A Quick Shower While The Kids Are Napping?

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  • Is It Appropriate To Take A Quick Shower While The Kids Are Napping?

    I had an infant vomit on me today. I just feel extremely gross!!!! Do you think it is appropriate to take a quick shower while the kids are napping?

  • #2
    No! Never! Sorry you stink! Blah!


    • #3
      I have. I also let all the parents know at pick up. None were bothered by it. I left the bathroom door open and took a 5 minute shower. I think they would rather that then me walk around in vomit around their children.


      • #4
        I would... if everyone is sleeping and your door was open I don't see why not. It's not like you do it every day, but it's sort of an emergency!


        • #5
          I would never risk it. The chances of something happening are very slim but if they did how would you explain it. Not worth it! Use a a baby wipe,you'll be fine until after work.


          • #6
            I am legally unlicensed. I would shower and change clothes immediately if I had vomit on me. I wouldn't even wait til naptime. Vomit is a contaminant and can transmit germs, especially things like norovirus. It is unhygienic as well as unpleasant. I would gate off older children in a safe area and make sure little ones were safe in a high chair or crib in a separate area. Take a monitor into the bathroom or leave the door open and go fast. I'd probably put a kids show on for the older kids. It's rare I do so they'd be unlikely to move while it was on. I go to the bathroom with DCK are here and I shower fast so I wouldn't be in there much longer than a bathroom run.

            Edited to add: this is for actual vomit - spit up I would use wipes and wait til nap or til the kids went home depending how bad it was.
            Last edited by MamaBearCanada; 11-27-2013, 09:29 AM. Reason: Clarification


            • #7
              This was a HUGE topic of conversation on Cafemom.

              NO! It is NEVER appropriate to shower while child care kids are present in your home.

              Change your clothes and wait until you are off the clock before showering.


              • #8

                Wait until nap if possible, leave the door open, and make it quick.

                oh pooh, BC and I disagree.

                My regs say sight or sound. I would bring the baby monitor in with me to comply.

                I only have 4 kids, though, and they all sleep in pnp's.


                • #9
                  It's baby spit up! No one's going to catch some disease from it.Calm down!


                  • #10
                    As black cat said- no,never!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      It's baby spit up! No one's going to catch some disease from it.Calm down!
                      OP said vomit not spit up. Here infants are 2yrs and under.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Heidi View Post

                        Wait until nap if possible, leave the door open, and make it quick.

                        oh pooh, BC and I disagree.

                        My regs say sight or sound. I would bring the baby monitor in with me to comply.

                        I only have 4 kids, though, and they all sleep in pnp's.
                        I was just curious as to what the regs would say and if I can have them in my gated backyard unattended while I'm within an earshot of them, why couldn't you use the shower quickly if children are all asleep and you have a monitor or door open?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Heidi View Post

                          Wait until nap if possible, leave the door open, and make it quick.

                          oh pooh, BC and I disagree.

                          My regs say sight or sound. I would bring the baby monitor in with me to comply.

                          I only have 4 kids, though, and they all sleep in pnp's.
                          My licensing says sight OR sound too but the risk is simply too high.

                          If and that's a BIG if, but IF something happened during those 5 minutes I was in the shower, I couldn't live with myself and I certainly wouldn't want to have to explain or justify my actions.

                          Like a PP said, it's baby puke. Whatever...most of us have had worse "stuff" on us.

                          I don't know...I am NOT a girly-girl and stuff like that doesn't gross me out, freak me out of make me uncomfortable. I knew this job was messy going in.

                          Also just because we work in our homes, doesn't mean that it's ok to take care of personal needs besides eating and toileting while we are on the clock.

                          What would a center provider do?

                          A preschool teacher?

                          An elementary school teacher?


                          • #14

                            It vomit. I believe the child has the stomach virus going around. I missed the discussion on Cafemom about this, I haven't been on there in awhile. Would someone mind posting a link? I'm not sure what I will do. If it was just on my clothes it wouldn't be as big of a deal but it went down my shirt. I haven't made a decision yet on what to do...


                            • #15
                              NO NO NO! Change your clothes and us a rag to wipe off. If its in your hair stick your head in the sink. There are way to many things that can happen or go wrong.

