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Lunchtime Crying

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  • #46
    I had a little guy like that and at first it bothered me a lot. He'd just look at stuff, declare he wouldn't like it. I had many conversations about just one bite, give it a try, our bodies run on food as fuel and you want to give it healthy fuel, it all fell on deaf ears. Often I'd ask him what he had for dinner the night before, a corn dog. And if he ate the corn dog he'd get a cookie. Yikes, here was a hyperactive kid living on sugar and processed foods. For him, it was corn dogs, pizza and pb&j. I got to the point I just set the plate down and didn't pay any attention to him. It's not something you can control. He would even refuse mac and cheese. Then one day I noticed all his mac and cheese was gone(well the whole one little spoonful I'd place on his plate). I knew with him it was a game he played, an issue of control.
    His mom would even bring in breakfast bars for him to eat at snack. I'd simply put it in his backpack and serve him what everyone else was having.
    All kids try to play these games to see what they can get, maybe in different ways. Many kids will eat cereal for supper while parents eat normal food. I don't play into it here at all. They can choose to eat or not eat, I'm not playing restaurant and have told them that many MANY times.
    In fact, one of the dcks used to say "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit."

