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Daycare Without Cry-It-Out

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  • #46
    Originally posted by EntropyControlSpecialist View Post
    I actually read a study on that as well and I have no idea where it is! Basically, infants that the person writing it said "self soothe" wake up less and cry out less than infants that are rocked/bounced/held to sleep at 6 months+. It went on to say that those infants turned into toddlers/preschoolers who woke up seeking comfort until about their 4th year of life.
    ok...not sure how I am reading this...:confused:

    The self-soothers woke up until their 4th year, or the rocked/bounced tykes did?

    My own experience has been that my self-soothers rarely woke up (although I did have a sleep-walker...lots of ha ha moments..). Those parents I know who were rockers, etc, told many stories of night-wakings well into school-age. Did the study (as you remember) show otherwise?

    I know you have special experience with your son, and I understand what you said about him basically being abandoned as an infant to "Self-soothe". I PROMISE you that what goes on here is very different. lovethis I can't imagine your son's birth-mother was much warmer and fuzzier during waking hours, either.

