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Daycare Unions and Reps?

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  • #46
    My state recently unionized. The first year title xx (state paid childcare) had to pay fair share dues. I was p**sed!

    Then a new governor was elected and eliminated the fair share dues so now its optional... YAY!!

    I don't see the need for union and I am finding out they side with the state anyway ::::

    Really its not a laughing matter and there are many many changes in the near future where I live--- universal preschool is probably one of them.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Lucy View Post
      Ok, so what exactly will it harm me to only have a 1? Where does this come into play anyway? Is how many stars I have only known if parents go to a state website and look me up? Because if they don't, then I could care less how many stupid stars I have. I don't take state paid families, and I don't give a hoot about moving up the ranks education-wise. So where exactly will the extra stars benefit me?

      Is summer of 2014 the target date for all this to start? I honestly know NOTHING about it. I mean, I went to that focus group thing, but that was just for the 50 bucks!! It was Christmas time, ya know!

      Is our state looking at Universal Preschool? I'm obviously very un-informed!!!
      No, your stars will be known through the state, CCR&R, possibly on your registration, DHS. From what I'm understanding is if a parent asks for providers with XX amount of stars those will be the ones referred to? Possibly the higher the stars the more referrals you will get. Maybe someone who has it in their state already could explain-

      I have heard that it will go into full effect the summer of 2014.

      All states would do the Universal Preschool from my understanding of it. There was just an article again about it in the newspaper last night.
      Each day is a fresh start
      Never look back on regrets
      Live life to the fullest
      We only get one shot at this!!


      • #48
        Ok seriously, one of us needs to become disgruntled enough to quit and run for governor.

        Even better yet president?

        Any takers? Because I'm sure that would sort this out right quick.

        Ask not what your fellow providers can do for you, but what you can do for your fellow can sacrifice your life of wiping booger noses and butts for fantastic digs and great food!!! And you'll be helping all the rest of us to boot!!!


        • #49
          Originally posted by Willow View Post
          Ok seriously, one of us needs to become disgruntled enough to quit and run for governor.

          Even better yet president?

          Any takers? Because I'm sure that would sort this out right quick.

          Ask not what your fellow providers can do for you, but what you can do for your fellow can sacrifice your life of wiping booger noses and butts for fantastic digs and great food!!! And you'll be helping all the rest of us to boot!!!

          No thanks, unless you could do it just long enough to straighten this out and then quit-I don't want to deal with the rest of the "issues" I have enough stress!


          • #50
            Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
            No, your stars will be known through the state, CCR&R, possibly on your registration, DHS. From what I'm understanding is if a parent asks for providers with XX amount of stars those will be the ones referred to? Possibly the higher the stars the more referrals you will get. Maybe someone who has it in their state already could explain-
            Here our star ratings are listed on the child care website and are right on our license that we have to have posted. Our stars also can determine whether we can get any type of grants. Our state assistance reimbursment rate is based on your star rating and you can't get reimbursement if you aren't at least 3 stars.


            • #51
              Originally posted by snbauser View Post
              Here our star ratings are listed on the child care website and are right on our license that we have to have posted. Our stars also can determine whether we can get any type of grants. Our state assistance reimbursment rate is based on your star rating and you can't get reimbursement if you aren't at least 3 stars.
              Thank you for responding! I was thinking I had heard the same thing was going to be for our state.
              Each day is a fresh start
              Never look back on regrets
              Live life to the fullest
              We only get one shot at this!!


              • #52
                I just got a new Avatar. I wasn't sure what to pick, then I saw one that was titled "One Star". Perfect. Enough said. LOL


                • #53
                  Originally posted by snbauser View Post
                  Here our star ratings are listed on the child care website and are right on our license that we have to have posted. Our stars also can determine whether we can get any type of grants. Our state assistance reimbursment rate is based on your star rating and you can't get reimbursement if you aren't at least 3 stars.
                  I just think that's a bunch of b.s. (Not you... the state ruling about it!) Since when is "just babysitting", which is what I consider myself to do and am perfectly happy with, a job that requires me to take hours and hours and hours of classes and get piles of certifications? I took recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect. I took infant and child CPR and first aid, I get inspected every other year. Is that not enough?

                  Kudos to anyone who really WANTS their job to be one where they achieve higher levels of education. I have absolutely NO problem with that. I just choose to be a "dummy" and provide safe, reliable, loving, caring "babysitting". I don't need a government grading me and telling parents that my neighbor on the next block is somehow better than me because she has a flippin' star on her license. Call me an under-achiever... I'm fine with it!

                  Sorry to sound so negative about this, but -- well, I AM!! ::


                  • #54
                    This is completely OT, but every time I scroll down the lists of threads I read this one as "Daycare Unicorns...":: It's been that kind of day, and I only worked a half day today.

                    I hadn't heard of any union here in NY, but apparently we have one because I looked it up. They are just starting a star program here, but we haven't heard much about it yet.


                    • #55
                      I totally see what you are saying lucy. most of the classes they offer are useless anyway. if you want to babysit, then why not! If the parents were home with them, they wouldnt have to "teach" them and probably wouldnt. Child safety, cpr, I get it.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Willow View Post
                        Ok seriously, one of us needs to become disgruntled enough to quit and run for governor.

                        Even better yet president?

                        Any takers? Because I'm sure that would sort this out right quick.

                        Ask not what your fellow providers can do for you, but what you can do for your fellow can sacrifice your life of wiping booger noses and butts for fantastic digs and great food!!! And you'll be helping all the rest of us to boot!!!
                        Willow for President!! happyface

