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Daycare Unions and Reps?

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  • #31
    When I was visited by union reps several years ago I told them it didn't make much sense since I decide my prices. Their argument was for state pay providers. As a PP stated, that may not work out well if the dues are higher than the raise.

    Homeschooling Mama to:
    ds 10
    dd 8


    • #32
      Got this last night at quarter after 10, I was impressed at her dedication!!! happyface

      Hi *******,

      Thank you for your email. This attempt to unionize your business is a DFL move and one that I worked against last year.

      This year the DFL control the House, Senate, and Gov. Mansion so it's a bit tougher. I need your help in talking to other providers about this very dangerous move to your business.

      Perhaps a town hall meeting with Childcare providers in ********* County is in order?

      Attached is a news clip from today....

      Democratic lawmakers introduced a bill Monday calling for a union election. It would give Minnesota child care providers a chance to vote on whether to form a union.

      Also, I am the Chief Author of House File 846 which would protect your business from being unionized.

      Contact me anytime.


      Representative Mary Franson 8B
      211 State Office Building
      St. Paul, MN 55155

      email: [email protected]

      office: 651.296.3201
      cell: 320.304.4001

      Subscribe to my email updates at:

      "Like" me on Facebook

      "Follow" me on Twitter @RepMaryFranson

      Sent from my iPhone

      I'm not sure what House File 846 is but that sure peaked my interest! I do plan to email or call her at nap time to ask more about it.

      I posted to the MN providers facebook page and have gotten quite the response there, so many had no clue what all this could mean for them. It's sad this is being pushed so hard and so many providers don't have any or nearly enough information about it.

      I also sent an email to the link BC provided this morning because although I don't remember signing a card I could see myself doing something like that to get more information and I DO remember getting mailings from AFSCME in the past. I don't want them to be able to use it if I did!!!


      • #33
        Found out last night that in order to participate in the Parent Aware stars rating program, providers MUST have atleast one family on CCAP.

        That is just INSANITY!!!!!!!


        • #34
          Originally posted by Willow View Post
          I also sent an email to the link BC provided this morning because although I don't remember signing a card I could see myself doing something like that to get more information and I DO remember getting mailings from AFSCME in the past. I don't want them to be able to use it if I did!!!
          You probably did fill out the card.....I did because I was told it was for my name to be placed on a list of providers seeking information.

          If you are getting mailings from AFSCME, you probably filled out the card.

          Originally posted by Willow View Post
          I'm not sure what House File 846 is but that sure peaked my interest! I do plan to email or call her at nap time to ask more about it.
          Here is what House File 846 says:

          Section 1. [179A.015] FAMILY FREEDOM ACT.
          1.6 Subdivision 1. Title. This section shall be known as the Family Freedom Act.
          1.7 Subd. 2. Prohibition. A self-employed individual shall be considered an
          1.8 independent contractor as provided for under the National Labor Relations Act, United
          1.9 States Code, title 29, chapter 7, subchapter II, section 152, even if some or all of the
          1.10 funding for any service provided to any client of the individual comes from a governmental
          1.11 subsidy. Self-employed individuals may not form or join a labor or employee organization
          1.12 under authority of chapter 179; the Public Employment Labor Relations Act, chapter
          1.13 179A; or any other law. Individuals subject to the prohibition in this section include, but
          1.14 are not limited to, child care providers and personal care attendants.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
            Here is what House File 846 says:

            Section 1. [179A.015] FAMILY FREEDOM ACT.
            1.6 Subdivision 1. Title. This section shall be known as the Family Freedom Act.
            1.7 Subd. 2. Prohibition. A self-employed individual shall be considered an
            1.8 independent contractor as provided for under the National Labor Relations Act, United
            1.9 States Code, title 29, chapter 7, subchapter II, section 152, even if some or all of the
            1.10 funding for any service provided to any client of the individual comes from a governmental
            1.11 subsidy. Self-employed individuals may not form or join a labor or employee organization
            1.12 under authority of chapter 179; the Public Employment Labor Relations Act, chapter
            1.13 179A; or any other law. Individuals subject to the prohibition in this section include, but
            1.14 are not limited to, child care providers and personal care attendants.


            I stunk at social studies/political science to dumb down what the above means?

            I understand the wording but not how it would pertain to being it like, a counter bill? Is it something that would need to be passed just the same? If they both pass how would that play out for providers? Would it just wipe the unionization bill off the books or would we just be able to use it to fight the unionization bill's effects on an individual level?


            • #36
              Originally posted by Willow View Post
              I stunk at social studies/political science to dumb down what the above means?

              I understand the wording but not how it would pertain to being it like, a counter bill? Is it something that would need to be passed just the same? If they both pass how would that play out for providers? Would it just wipe the unionization bill off the books or would we just be able to use it to fight the unionization bill's effects on an individual level?
              Basically it would legally classify family child care providers as independent contractors. Meaning we would be allowed to remain operating under our own policies (within the licensing rules of course) and that any attempt to unionize family child care providers would be illegal.

              I do NOT know how this pertains or effects child care centers and or workers within a center as they could possibly still form a union (which I don't necessarily think is a bad rap for them).

              I am unsure how each bill being passed at the same time, before or after would work as I don't know what the laws are in regards to "bills" and executive orders from the governor or senate work as far as who gets to supercede who....kwim?

              Bottom line though is this house bill would protect INDIVIDUAL child care providers to make their own choices and that much I do understand and like!


              • #37
                Originally posted by Willow View Post
                Found out last night that in order to participate in the Parent Aware stars rating program, providers MUST have atleast one family on CCAP.

                That is just INSANITY!!!!!!!
                Thats what I don't like about these programs!!!! We are no longer business owners but work for the government IMO.

                Its sooooooo irratating!!
                Each day is a fresh start
                Never look back on regrets
                Live life to the fullest
                We only get one shot at this!!


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                  Providers who signed a card and do not wish to be automatically enrolled as a union member should request their card back.

                  AFCSME/Council 5
                  Attn: Adrienne Kern
                  300 Hardman Avenue South
                  Suite #2
                  So. St. Paul, MN 55075
                  Phone: 651-450-4990
                  Fax: 651-455-1311

                  You may email Adrienne directly to request your card back at:
                  [email protected]


                  Found out last night that in order to participate in the Parent Aware stars rating program, providers MUST have atleast one family on CCAP.


                  although the union (if passed) will be voluntary, union dues will be taken automatically from CCAP payments so basically taking a family who is using CCAP will automatically make you part of the union.

                  Nice how that ties together.

                  Providers participating in Parent Aware will be the providers our CCR&R recommend when families call looking for child care services.

                  Families who choose providers who participate in Parent Aware will also receive tax incentives (?) and be eligible for scholarships to help pay for child care all through the Parent Aware program.

                  Participation may be voluntary and/or optional but they sure aren't making it easy to NOT participate. *sigh*
                  I was just coming back to post that info BC, thanks!

                  I have also attached a de-authorization form that can be filled out and emailed per the instructions on the sheet.

                  About Parent Aware....I am totally LOL'ing here.

                  I have been on the fence about PA for quite awhile. I was involved in the initial launch years ago when it was just called 'The Quality Rating System' and questioned how far it would go then. More recently, I have participated in Launching Early Learners and other programs that involved a mentor/coach that came to my childcare regularly. My mentor/coach was also is very, very involved in PA and we would have these discussions when she was at my home about the union and PA and CCAP and mandatory vs voluntary. I'm kinda to the right and she's sorta to the left, but we would have these really great conversations.

                  She absolutely assured me ( a year or so ago...) 'that would NEVER happen, it is NOT the intention of PA to require any type of participation in any other program!' I said, 'OK, we'll see...". And here we are.

                  I say the same thing about the union. ANY gov't money you receive will be subject to union dues. I truly believe that at some point you will need to be a member of the union to be licensed. JMHO.
                  Attached Files


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by DCMom View Post
                    I truly believe that at some point you will need to be a member of the union to be licensed. JMHO.

                    I believe from the bottom of my heart that eventually ALL child cares, in every state will be regulated by the same rules and policies and family child care as we know it today will no longer exist.

                    Providers will eventually all hold degrees (a CDA at minimum) and will have to adhere to and follow the same guiding principals as the Head Start programs.

                    After all, PA touts Head Start as "the model of success" ( ) and to me that simply means another way for the government to step in and insist that we do things "their way", which to means we will be working for them, there will be NO support; monetary or otherwise, in return as the money will be used up in unnecessary grants and super big salaries for those folks that over see us working folk.

                    Our education system is a failure as it is and I am truly saddened by the fact that any educated person knows that the early years before school entrance are the most important one but yet the caregivers and teachers of these young children are given the least amount of respect and the least amount of pay for their services.

                    ....and now the government wants to step in and ask more of us?

                    I don't know about you, but I barely have time to do the paperwork I have and I barely live over poverty level so again, until someone can tell me how a union or star rating system is going to benefit me or change those things, I am NOT on board.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post

                      I believe from the bottom of my heart that eventually ALL child cares, in every state will be regulated by the same rules and policies and family child care as we know it today will no longer exist.

                      Providers will eventually all hold degrees (a CDA at minimum) and will have to adhere to and follow the same guiding principals as the Head Start programs.

                      After all, PA touts Head Start as "the model of success" ( ) and to me that simply means another way for the government to step in and insist that we do things "their way", which to means we will be working for them, there will be NO support; monetary or otherwise, in return as the money will be used up in unnecessary grants and super big salaries for those folks that over see us working folk.

                      Our education system is a failure as it is and I am truly saddened by the fact that any educated person knows that the early years before school entrance are the most important one but yet the caregivers and teachers of these young children are given the least amount of respect and the least amount of pay for their services.

                      ....and now the government wants to step in and ask more of us?

                      I don't know about you, but I barely have time to do the paperwork I have and I barely live over poverty level so again, until someone can tell me how a union or star rating system is going to benefit me or change those things, I am NOT on board.

                      Agree completely. The government wants to provide cradle to grave 'education'.

                      This union thing is nothing but a money grab. Think about it ~ they are going to collectively bargain to raise the re-imbursement rate, then they are going to take 2% back out? Who's the winner here? Hint: not the provider, not the parent and not the taxpayer. That right, the union.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Lucy View Post
                        I detest all the government interference. Having health and safety rules, I get. All the other b.s. can just go away.



                        • #42
                          Originally posted by DCMom View Post

                          This union thing is nothing but a money grab. Think about it ~ they are going to collectively bargain to raise the re-imbursement rate, then they are going to take 2% back out? Who's the winner here? Hint: not the provider, not the parent and not the taxpayer. That's right, the union.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                            Thats what I don't like about these programs!!!! We are no longer business owners but work for the government IMO.

                            Its sooooooo irratating!!
                            Yeah...without government employee benefits!

                            In our state, we must be WILLING to care for state funded kids. There is really no way they can say you must have some enrolled...what if there is no demand in your area?


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                              The whole thing with the STARS program on the meetings I've gone to, if you don't participate you will only receive a 1! The only way to get a 2 is to committ to the program then I think you have so long to get above that before going back to a 1.

                              I've already received the 1st revision on it last week. I'm curious how many revisions before summer of 2014.

                              My concern/question is why do all the stuff for the STARS if we are going to end up with Universal Preschool. No one here (in my area) seems concerned with it though so they want to really get the STARS program going.
                              Ok, so what exactly will it harm me to only have a 1? Where does this come into play anyway? Is how many stars I have only known if parents go to a state website and look me up? Because if they don't, then I could care less how many stupid stars I have. I don't take state paid families, and I don't give a hoot about moving up the ranks education-wise. So where exactly will the extra stars benefit me?

                              Is summer of 2014 the target date for all this to start? I honestly know NOTHING about it. I mean, I went to that focus group thing, but that was just for the 50 bucks!! It was Christmas time, ya know!

                              Is our state looking at Universal Preschool? I'm obviously very un-informed!!!


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Heidi View Post
                                Yeah...without government employee benefits!

                                In our state, we must be WILLING to care for state funded kids. There is really no way they can say you must have some enrolled...what if there is no demand in your area?
                                Exactly!! I want health bennies and retirement!!! ::

