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Daycare Unions and Reps?

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  • Daycare Unions and Reps?

    Does anyone else have them coming around lately?

    Reason I ask is a few years ago I got a visit from one. I told them I wasn't interested in supporting the push to unionize and they asked a few questions about why. They were a bit pushy, felt like I was taking a test and my judgment was being called into question , but ultimately the individual respected my disinterest and moved on.

    Two years ago another one showed up at my door step again and when I told them I wasn't interested they asked a few questions again. I gave the same answers, admittedly this time mildly annoyed, and then they got argumentative right on my doorstep while I had kids standing there!!!! I had to threaten to call the police to get them off my porch and they still left a crap pile of literature on my step with a parting declaration of "you obviously need to better educate yourself because you're the ONLY one not in agreement that this is what the state needs."

    The whole encounter made me want to throw up and I was nervous to take the kids outside the rest of the day

    I just got a notice in the mail Saturday that they will once again be making their way to my home sometime soon. To say I have major anxiety about them stepping foot onto my property is an understatement. I already fundamentally and unequivocally disagree with what they're trying to do and I'm terrified I'm going to end up arguing with another nasty individual.

    Does anyone know if I put up a "NO SOLICITORS" sign if that can keep them from knocking on my door?

    What do you say to them when they show up??

    Birdwalk to a much larger issue - do you belong to a daycare union, why or why not? Am I missing something here with my thinking that family child care is an absolutely ridiculous thing to unionize??

  • #2
    Originally posted by Willow View Post
    Does anyone know if I put up a "NO SOLICITORS" sign if that can keep them from knocking on my door?

    What do you say to them when they show up??
    I have a NO SOLICITING sign. They still knock. Usually at nap time.

    I opened the door and told the guy last time that I was NOT interested and go away. He told me I was ungrateful for all the work they (union reps) are doing and I should be ashamed of myself. He tossed a T-shirt on my steps and left.

    He was a retired social worker from St. Louis county. Nice huh?

    I get e-mails and mail from them all the time but so far no more knocking.

    (Fingers crossed that it will stay that way)

    I am in the process of doing this star rating thing and I heard they are kind of working together so we shall see..... :confused:


    • #3
      Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
      I have a NO SOLICITING sign. They still knock. Usually at nap time.

      I opened the door and told the guy last time that I was NOT interested and go away. He told me I was ungrateful for all the work they (union reps) are doing and I should be ashamed of myself. He tossed a T-shirt on my steps and left.

      He was a retired social worker from St. Louis county. Nice huh?

      I get e-mails and mail from them all the time but so far no more knocking.

      (Fingers crossed that it will stay that way)

      I am in the process of doing this star rating thing and I heard they are kind of working together so we shall see..... :confused:

      Sounds like the same crazy that visited me! I'm SHOCKED at the attitudes! Do they really think they're going to convince anyone of anything that way???!!!!

      I heard the same thing about them having something to do with the star rating. That because they weren't able to unionize the state a couple of years ago now they're trying to gain more control using that avenue?

      It's INSANE how awfully pushy and nasty they are to the people they are saying they're trying to help....

      Do you know BC, if they are successful in unionizing MN will it likely be statewide? County wide? Will participation be mandatory?? I'm terrified of having to deal with them on a forced basis!!!!!


      • #4
        We have a union here too. not sure what they do! They dont bother me, but when I used to get paid from my ccrr agency, they took out union dues. I never got around to finding out why they were charging me when Im not a member though!

        All I have noticed is that they give discounts to members when you go to the annual conference that offers nothing I am interested in!

        They offer between 6-8 choices of classes per 2 sessions and half are in spanish!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Willow View Post

          Sounds like the same crazy that visited me! I'm SHOCKED at the attitudes! Do they really think they're going to convince anyone of anything that way???!!!!

          I heard the same thing about them having something to do with the star rating. That because they weren't able to unionize the state a couple of years ago now they're trying to gain more control using that avenue?

          It's INSANE how awfully pushy and nasty they are to the people they are saying they're trying to help....

          Do you know BC, if they are successful in unionizing MN will it likely be statewide? County wide? Will participation be mandatory?? I'm terrified of having to deal with them on a forced basis!!!!!
          From what little info I do know, the union will be voluntary.

          However, if you accept families who use state child care assistance, participation will be autmatic as the dues will come out of the payment you receive for those families.

          I also KNOW that there will be tax incentives for families who choose to use a provider who is star rated. I have heard the incentive for families on CCAP will be a huge push to choose ONLY providers who are star rated, thus making your participation in unionzation something completely unavoidable because you are serving families on CCAP.....see how that all ties nicely together?!?

          Even with the use of word voluntary.

          Same with the star rating system. You do not HAVE to participate but if there are incentives for families to use programs that are participating, then you can see which providers potential clients are going to again, see how this is headed?

          I have heard that if the unionization does get passed, it WILL be statewide as Parent Aware and CCAP are all done on a state level with each county/area being handled by individuals...but those workers all report to someone who works on a state level.


          • #6
            Email Action Alert I got today

            Action Alert!
            SF 778 will be introduced in the Senate Monday, February 25, 2013 and referred to the
            Jobs, Agriculture and Rural Development Committee. Hearing and testimony will follow shorty.

            SF 778 is a bill for "Representation of Family Child Care Providers"
            • The bill defines Family Child Care Providers as both licensed and unlicensed providers.
            • Seeks Exclusive Representation by a labor organization
            • The Employer of Record will be the State of Minnesota

            • Family Child Care Providers shall have the same rights to
            arbitration provided under section 179A.16, subdivision 2, to essential employees. but is not intended to grant family child care providers status as public employees for any other purpose. Family child care providers shall not have the right to strike.
            • authorization cards, or union membership cards of a labor organization that show a majority (50% plus 1) of family child care providers in the state desire to be represented exclusively , and no other labor organization is currently certified as the exclusive representative, shall be granted exclusive representation (no vote)
            • authorization cards, or union membership cards of a labor organization adequately showing that less than a majority, but at least 30 percent of family child care providers and no other labor organization is currently certified as the exclusive representative, the commissioner shall conduct a certification election by mail ballot.
            With exclusive representative, the state, through the governor or the governor's designee, shall meet and negotiate on :
            1. quality standards and quality rating systems,
            2. the availability of training
            3. opportunities and funding,
            4. reimbursement rates,
            5. access to benefits,
            6. changes to the state system of providing early childhood education services,
            7. the collection and disbursement established dues or fees to the exclusive representative of family child care providers,
            8. licensing and licensing actions,
            9. the monitoring and evaluating of family child care providers,
            10. and any other matters that the parties agree would improve recruitment and retention of qualified family child care providers and the quality of the programs they provide.
            Exemption; federal law. the state intends that the "state action" exemption from federal antitrust laws be fully available to the state, based on the state's active supervision of family child care providers to improve the quality, accessibility, and affordability of early childhood education services in the state.

            Nothing in this section shall be construed to interfere with:
            • parental rights to select and deselect family child care providers or the ability of family child care providers to establish the rates they charge to parents;
            • the right or obligation of any state agency to communicate or meet with any
            • citizen or organization concerning family child care legislation, regulation, or policy; or the rights and responsibilities of family child care providers under federal law.
            Severability. Should any part of this act be declared invalid or unenforceable, or the enforcement or compliance with it is suspended, restrained, or barred, either by the state or by the final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this act shall remain in full force and effect.

            Press Conference Location & Time:
            Room 125
            State Capitol
            1:00 p.m.

            Full text of bill

            Contact information for Committee Members

            Learn more about both sides of the child care union effort
            (listed alphabetically)

            Thank you for taking time to be educated and involved


            • #7
              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
              From what little info I do know, the union will be voluntary.

              However, if you accept families who use state child care assistance, participation will be autmatic as the dues will come out of the payment you receive for those families.

              I also KNOW that there will be tax incentives for families who choose to use a provider who is star rated. I have heard the incentive for families on CCAP will be a huge push to choose ONLY providers who are star rated, thus making your participation in unionzation something completely unavoidable because you are serving families on CCAP.....see how that all ties nicely together?!?

              Even with the use of word voluntary.

              Same with the star rating system. You do not HAVE to participate but if there are incentives for families to use programs that are participating, then you can see which providers potential clients are going to again, see how this is headed?

              I have heard that if the unionization does get passed, it WILL be statewide as Parent Aware and CCAP are all done on a state level with each county/area being handled by individuals...but those workers all report to someone who works on a state level.

              It's all so discouraging......

              Quite frankly, I'd drop all CCAP clients if it came down to mandatory union participation for anyone that takes assistance.

              The Parent Aware/stars rating I'd rather achieve the highest rating I can and then fight it from the "inside." I'd hate to be labeled merely bitter just because my ratings didn't come out as high as I wanted them to. I'd rather say I conquered, and my better rating is supposedly helping my business, but I still vehemently disagree with it

              On a side note I'd love to set up surveillance and catch the impending visit from them on video and audio. There's nothing I'd love more than to take the footage to the local media and share the outright harassment and bullying AFSCME reps are subjecting providers to!


              • #8
                happyface happyface happyface

                I am so delving head first into everything in this link at nap time! Looked like phenomenal information and a way to network with lots of others who are as outraged as I am! Thank you!!!!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Willow View Post
                  happyface happyface happyface

                  I am so delving head first into everything in this link at nap time! Looked like phenomenal information and a way to network with lots of others who are as outraged as I am! Thank you!!!!!
                  The facts page alone on that site will make you

                  I haven't read really deep into it yet, but canNOT believe some of the BS they are trying to pull.

                  The bill is being introduced today.

                  It says

                  "SF 778, a bill unionizing licensed family child care professionals and unlicensed providers who care for children receiving child care assistance from the State of Minnesota will be introduced Monday February 25th. This bill will allow unions to represent you and your business, even if you don't want them to. This bill also denies providers the right to a secret ballot election if the union collects more than 50% of the union authorization cards they have been collecting for the last seven years. For more information on this bill and how you can stand up and keep your rights as an independent business owner, visit the Minnesota website."


                  • #10
                    they take out union dues wether you joined or not. if you get payments from the state they deduct 2% of what you got paid.
                    and they say they have helped providers soo much. ugh whatever. first off yeah sure the rates were increased by 3% but then 2% is taken from you, WTH !!!? . the one time that a union folk came to my door step my licensor had by luck stoped by. they went away. and my licensor advised me not to bother opening the door for these ppl when i have kids in my care, b/c they aren taking up attention from the kids.


                    • #11
                      They are saying here for the stars system that in order to receive a higher pay for state children it will depend on how many stars you have. Also, it may possibly be if you don't want to participate in the stars program you can't accept state children.
                      Each day is a fresh start
                      Never look back on regrets
                      Live life to the fullest
                      We only get one shot at this!!


                      • #12
                        I have nothing to add other than I am also against unionization. I do not see any benefit to me that I do not already have available to me. I feel the Parent Aware ratings and the unions are tied together also. It is very disheartening and it feels so forced.


                        • #13
                          I had one a year and a half ago (I think) and I don't want to see them again. Rude, mean, words I can't type because they won't show up! There is a fb page also
                          Childcare providers who are Happy to Be Union Free. 1,771 likes. The Coalition of Union Free Providers works to promote union free family child care through education,...

                          They update when there is news to go out.
                          I think it's ridiculous, but we shall see what will happen. Even if every rovider said no, I think it is still going to go thru-altho I hope not.


                          • #14
                            I'm in NY and we are unionized. If you take state pay a percentage comes out in dues. I do not take state pay...

                            I never understood the push to unionize - I am my own business/boss. How are they going to shorten my hours or make me more money? Essentially it's just another agency taking money out of our pockets. :confused:

                            As far as them coming to the door, they did several years ago. I would just tell them nicely I was busy and they would leave their stuff.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Willow View Post
                              Does anyone else have them coming around lately?

                              Reason I ask is a few years ago I got a visit from one. I told them I wasn't interested in supporting the push to unionize and they asked a few questions about why. They were a bit pushy, felt like I was taking a test and my judgment was being called into question , but ultimately the individual respected my disinterest and moved on.

                              Two years ago another one showed up at my door step again and when I told them I wasn't interested they asked a few questions again. I gave the same answers, admittedly this time mildly annoyed, and then they got argumentative right on my doorstep while I had kids standing there!!!! I had to threaten to call the police to get them off my porch and they still left a crap pile of literature on my step with a parting declaration of "you obviously need to better educate yourself because you're the ONLY one not in agreement that this is what the state needs."

                              The whole encounter made me want to throw up and I was nervous to take the kids outside the rest of the day

                              I just got a notice in the mail Saturday that they will once again be making their way to my home sometime soon. To say I have major anxiety about them stepping foot onto my property is an understatement. I already fundamentally and unequivocally disagree with what they're trying to do and I'm terrified I'm going to end up arguing with another nasty individual.

                              Does anyone know if I put up a "NO SOLICITORS" sign if that can keep them from knocking on my door?

                              What do you say to them when they show up??

                              Birdwalk to a much larger issue - do you belong to a daycare union, why or why not? Am I missing something here with my thinking that family child care is an absolutely ridiculous thing to unionize??
                              Those encounters would have left a bad taste in my mouth as well.
                              Just because this is the kind of person that I am I'd have put a big sign on my lawn ....

                              Warning to Daycare Union Reps

                              Do not bother coming to my door, I am not interested.
                              Apart from the fact that unionizing family child care will have absolutely
                              NO benefit for ME or MY business I do not agree with your SCARE tactics.

                              The last two times one of your daycare union reps came to my home
                              I was demeaned, interrogated and was called uneducated because I
                              do not share the same opinions that you do.

                              If you come to my door I will have no choice but to take this as a threat
                              as you have already been warned and I will call the police and press
                              charges for trespassing.

                              I'd make it big enough so that neighbors and other people could see the sign and I'd have it posted up well before the reps are due to visit my home.

                              My state is also pressing for the QRIS program like yours BlackCat but I don't see it as a bad thing ... yet. We will see if things change once we get more info. We are only in the pilot program steps for daycare centers and no word yet on whether it's a sure thing for FCC.

                              As far as the union thing goes ... CA has also been pressing for unionizing FCC but I doubt is has much steam left as I haven't heard anything in over 6 months. I wanted to get more info and contacted the group that is pushing for it several times to request information about how it work and what they would do etc but I never got a response.

