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My Father as Assistant?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by fctjc1979 View Post
    I think that when parents interview to bring their kids to a daycare, they should be able to meet anyone who will be dealing with their child. And if new staff are hired, parents should be able to meet them too. I know plenty of people in the daycare business, both male and female, that I would love to have taking care of my kids if I had to go back to work. I also know several women and one man in the business that I would never allow to watch my kids, not because they are perverts or anything, but because of their personalities. Personality, experience, and the facilities would be a much bigger deciding factor for me than gender would be.
    I agree, I have everyone in the interview meet my entire family, inc. my husband which is my assitant, when I have an appt.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      Wow, did I cuss you so why the nasty language? Because I disagree with you? ha.

      I will say this though, the defense attitudes I've seen on here prove my point. No REAL man wants to change boys and girls diapers, rock them to sleep etc. UNLESS THEY ARE THE BIOLOGICAL FATHER OR .
      I removed the last part of your sentence. You need to register if you are going to make such broad and biased statements. This is not a sounding board with no reproach. Do not impugn our members anonymously.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Wow, did I cuss you so why the nasty language? Because I disagree with you? ha.

        I will say this though, the defense attitudes I've seen on here prove my point. No REAL man wants to change boys and girls diapers, rock them to sleep etc. UNLESS THEY ARE THE BIOLOGICAL FATHER OR .
        I'm guessing the reason you don't like men, is because they don't like you!! Back off!! Unless you have some are facts don't come and get all up in our Kool aid!! You are making some assumtiobs that you can't prove!!

        You don't all men!! We have all kinds of day care providers on here, each with there own husband, dad or boy friend; and these men are all willing to step in and help with the business when need be!!

        You be take a step back and look at the world with your blinders off!!
        Last edited by Michael; 06-18-2010, 04:27 PM.


        • #34
          My husband is my full time assistant. He has worked alongside me for more than 12 years. He is a wonderful asset to our program, and our families could not be more pleased in the care that their children recieve. My husband has been "dad" to many children over the years - as many children are born to single Mom's and absentee fathers. He has been a role model and mentor for them - offering them opportunities and experiences in a child care program that I alone could not provide them. He takes an active role in the early care and education of every child who walks through our doors - I cannot imagine him not working with children. He's teaches them to throw, catch, play a wide variety of sports and also shows them that it's OKAY to be a loving, caring, DAD.

          In the 12+ years that he has worked with me, we have NEVER had a family interview us that did not enroll their children in our program. Our families value and appreciate him contributing to the upbringing of their children and realize that he has many wonderful attributes and alot to offer their children.

          While there may be some parents out there who are so narrow minded that they think any man who wants to work with children is a pervert or "not a real man", there are many more people who realize that is just not the case.

          Certainly we all hear horror stories about male teachers who molest children, but, then we've all heard of "Uncle Larry" or even "Daddy" doing the same thing - we cannot lump all men into the same category.

          So, to the "unregistered" who has chosen to spew bs, I invite you to come meet my husband - he can show you what a "REAL MAN" looks like.


          • #35
            Originally posted by michael View Post
            I removed the last part of your sentence. You need to register if you are going to make such broad and biased statements. This is not a sounding board with no reproach. Do not impugn our members anonymously.
            i wouldnt even bother to respond to this anonymous person anyway. its probably not even a woman. its probably some punk teen with nothing better to do with his time.

            michael , you should make it where you have to be registered to post replies.....


            • #36
              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Wow, did I cuss you so why the nasty language? Because I disagree with you? ha.

              I will say this though, the defense attitudes I've seen on here prove my point. No REAL man wants to change boys and girls diapers, rock them to sleep etc. UNLESS THEY ARE THE BIOLOGICAL FATHER OR .
              I think it is really sad that the only models you have for "real men" are perverts or uncaring cads that couldn't possibly care for a child other than their own. I was really upset by your earlier remarks but this last post has shed a lot of light. I'm sorry that you haven't had the opportunity to interact with genuine, caring men. I can only imagine how sad your relationships must be; patriarchal relationships are so oppressive to both women and men.

              So...for all the ladies whose husbands can change a diaper, make dinner, and put the seat down, cheers to us! May we always remember how truly blessed we are!


              • #37
                Well, thought I would add another for him being your assistant. I have my boyfriend as my assistant, he is here daily, fulltime, and that is his job. I have interviewed many families and I had one tell me that her husband was not comfortable with him changing her diaper, so they did not enroll. That is up to them, and I told them so. They called me to ask me to take their daughter after this and I choose to say no. I said since that was already a problem for them, I was not going to do a "trial run"
                Other then that I love having him as my assistant. I can now take the babies whom my long time families are pregnant with ( since i can only have 4 under age 2 by myself and no other kids, or 8 total with him here daily). He also pushes the quad stroller just fine for our daily walks, and the kids love to play with him ( dress up, ball, cars, games, etc. ) My new daycare girl ( just turned a year ) falls asleep with him in there singing to her then me!

                Good lucK! I think more men need to be in this profession, so not everyone looks at male daycare providers/teachers as stange creepy men who are not the father.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by jen View Post
                  So...for all the ladies whose husbands can change a diaper, make dinner, and put the seat down, cheers to us! May we always remember how truly blessed we are!
                  I agree 100%.

                  However my boyfriend has no kids of his own, is great with my kids and is my assistant, volunteers a youth basketball league, and just loves kids. I see no issue with this, and whomever does is very close minded. Im sorry for you!


                  • #39
                    my husband has never helped me take care of kids other than our own. he doesn't want to and i would find it funny if he did. he works away from home and he'll say hi, but that's about it.

                    many people have good reasons for not wanting a man to take care of their kid, and men have a good reason to not want to go near a naked kid.

                    yeah, women can do it too, but we all know it's more common for a man to do something inappropriate than a woman. nothing personal - just statistics.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by michael View Post
                      I removed the last part of your sentence. You need to register if you are going to make such broad and biased statements. This is not a sounding board with no reproach. Do not impugn our members anonymously.
                      Thank you Michael.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by melskids View Post
                        michael, you should make it where you have to be registered to post replies.....
                        That type of post does not happen that often. More so that we receive great comments from non-members that are just dropping in.
                        Last edited by Michael; 06-18-2010, 06:57 PM.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by melskids View Post
                          michael , you should make it where you have to be registered to post replies.....
                          I TOTALLY agree! IMO its the ones that are unregistered that really like to get the regulars "going" with topics that would upset us. That is why I absolutely REFUSE to post to an unregistered's thread unless I think it's a legit question. Like the ones that talk slang such as saying wit instead of with, or they say anywho instead of anyhow...I stay away from.

                          Petty I know but I come here to enjoy myself and have mature conversations with adults. Not deal with people who just like to make every one's blood boil! ::


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by michael View Post
                            That type of post does not happen that often. More so that we receive great comments from non-members that are just dropping in.
                            I agree. I have not seen this happen all that often. Many of the members (including me) posted as a guest before becoming a member.


                            • #44
                              I know this may sound corny to some of you but, instead of becoming angry or frustrated with this guest poster, I think that he/she needs prayers to heal the heart instead. It is painfully obvious that somewhere in their lifetime they had a bad experience with men and they are now very emotionally scared from this. We have been blessed with wonderful fathers and husbands whom we trust and lean on so we don't understand this kind of lashing out.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by gbcc View Post
                                I know this may sound corny to some of you but, instead of becoming angry or frustrated with this guest poster, I think that he/she needs prayers to heal the heart instead. It is painfully obvious that somewhere in their lifetime they had a bad experience with men and they are now very emotionally scared from this. We have been blessed with wonderful fathers and husbands whom we trust and lean on so we don't understand this kind of lashing out.
                                That ended being my thoughts as well....

