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My Father as Assistant?

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  • My Father as Assistant?

    I want to run this by everyone on their thoughts. As you all know, my assistant is not working out well and there have been so many issues. With summer coming she will be full time, so will her kids and I think this will mean more hassels.

    So, my father is willing to help me out and come a couple of days per week so I don't have to pay her or all the taxes. This means I can have 2 extra children as well because her children wont be there. Do you think parents would be uncomfortable having a middle aged man helping out in the daycare? I know him obviously and most of the children know him and call him Grandpa because thats what my kids call him. With all the crud going on in the world though I don't want parents being uncomfortable. Obviously he will do the fingerprinting and background checks.

    I can't ask parents directly because I don't want my assistant to know about this until he is approved. I'm not firing her, just limiting her hours.

  • #2
    I think if your Dad is willing to help out, it would be wonderful for the kids!! And being that it's your Dad - not some random new-hire person, I can't imagine any of your clients objecting.


    • #3
      It wouldn't really bother me...I used to take my girls to a friend that was doing daycare and her father lived next door to her and would be there a lot. I thought he was a cool guy..older/middle age.

      So I guess it depends on his personality, if he is friendly with the kids that would determine if the parents are comfortable or not. I honestly don't blame you, you pay your assistant more than what most people would PLUS give her free spots...I would say it's time for a change. I know you want to avoid firing her, so limiting her hours dramatically might make her walk without you having to fire her.

      Good luck..summer is always crazy, you don't really need to deal with 2 extra there without getting paid for them. It's not worth it..loosing money that could be made PLUS food.


      • #4
        my 76 yr old father in law is my substitute / emergency back up. (he lives next door) all of my families know and are o.k. with that. now, i've never actually left him with all the kids for an extended amount of time, but occasionally he goes to the bus stop and picks up the SA kids for me so i dont have to pack the little ones up, like when the weather is bad. i think if he's friendly and likes kids, it should be fine. plus, i think its nice to have an older male role model around for the kids.


        • #5
          My 58 yr old husband is my assistant. He's been checked out by the state and has all of his certifications. The kids call him Papa and some of the moms(single parents) are excited about having a male role model in their child's life. He has filled in for me in the event I have to go to the doctor or such but is always here otherwise as my assistant. He is also the 'recess lady' and the kids love to be with him. We have had society put so many questions out there about the safety of a child in the "hands" of a man. Should a child be left alone with their own father or grandfather? Do you have any hesitations about leaving your children or any child alone with him? Were you as a child left alone in his care? He'll probably love it and so will the families. Just watch out for him spoiling some of them. So do I feel that your father would be accepted? Absolutely!
          I see little people.


          • #6
            I don't see this as being a problem unless he's not child friendly. I know some men just aren't. I would assume he is since you are thinking about doing this. I as a parent, would have no issue with this. Especially since it's someone you know and quite well at that. :-)


            • #7
              thanks for the responses! It never occured to me actually there would be a problem until my father mentioned it. He told me he would be happy to help but to think about the parents. He is very kid friendly and most call him Grandpa. He is not so outgoing with adults but is nice and respectful. This will save me a ton of money and headache!!


              • #8
                As long as you trust him and he is great with the children... go ahead! My hubby is mine since he works evenings


                • #9
                  My fill-ins for me is either my mom, my mil or my dad. No one has a problem with it. IT's rare that I need to use them and it's never more than like 2 hours. I try to schedule any appts during nap time to make it easier.


                  • #10
                    When my husband was finishing up his teaching degree (he graduated in December) he was also my assistant here...never had a parent with a problem and he still covers for me if need be!


                    • #11
                      I think it would be fine. My husband is also my assistant too. He is home several weekdays each week and helps with the kids, subs for me if I have appt. etc... As long as he is fun and loving with the kids and polite and responsive to the parents (if they had a question and you werent there.)


                      • #12
                        My husband is my full time assistant and has been for 12 years. Parents really seem to love the whole idea of having a male role model for their children. It has never been an issue for us, in fact we haven't had an active space available in 12 years and we have never had an interview that didn't sign up with us. Go for it, there should really be more men working in this field....they have alot to contribute!


                        • #13
                          I know family child care is so different, but really, would a center-based program even ask this question? No, they'd just hire who they wanted.

                          In reality, men are good for the business. Children love them, they play differently. You just have to make sure he's kid-friendly, and not just the warm body you need for licensing.

                          When my dad visits, the kids love him, but he's so old fashioned, he won't even let the little girls sit on his lap. He's sooooo concerned about what a parent might think of that.


                          • #14
                            Daddy Daycare!

                            My husband is convinced that my daycare kids don't like him, even though they always want to talk to him in the mornings before he goes to work. He's convinced himself that he's not good with kids, especially babies, but my new baby totally loves him and is constantly smiling at him and laughing and talking her baby language to him. He thinks that he's no fun, but this is the same guy who will play his drums, guitars, keyboard, bass and mandolin for the kids whenever he is around. He also jokes around with them and he shows them his classic Star Wars figures and ships. He also will take them for "airplane rides" and has a natural ability to bond with the kids, he just doesn't notice it because it happens so naturally. I think he bases his innaccurate view of himself in relationships with kids based on how he handled our daughter when she was little (he knows that he could have done better...but then again, couldn't we all have done better?) When he's around for more than a few minutes, I begin to feel like chopped liver, ! If your dad is into being an assistant, more power to you and him! This is a career field that could use some positive male role models!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by gbcc View Post
                              I want to run this by everyone on their thoughts. As you all know, my assistant is not working out well and there have been so many issues. With summer coming she will be full time, so will her kids and I think this will mean more hassels.

                              So, my father is willing to help me out and come a couple of days per week so I don't have to pay her or all the taxes. This means I can have 2 extra children as well because her children wont be there. Do you think parents would be uncomfortable having a middle aged man helping out in the daycare? I know him obviously and most of the children know him and call him Grandpa because thats what my kids call him. With all the crud going on in the world though I don't want parents being uncomfortable. Obviously he will do the fingerprinting and background checks.

                              I can't ask parents directly because I don't want my assistant to know about this until he is approved. I'm not firing her, just limiting her hours.
                              I wouldn't mind. Of course I would offer to show parents his clear fingerprint record, etc. I hope this works out well for you, especially if it limits the time you have your friend's kids in your care for free!

