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My Father as Assistant?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by gbcc View Post
    I want to run this by everyone on their thoughts. As you all know, my assistant is not working out well and there have been so many issues. With summer coming she will be full time, so will her kids and I think this will mean more hassels.

    So, my father is willing to help me out and come a couple of days per week so I don't have to pay her or all the taxes. This means I can have 2 extra children as well because her children wont be there. Do you think parents would be uncomfortable having a middle aged man helping out in the daycare? I know him obviously and most of the children know him and call him Grandpa because thats what my kids call him. With all the crud going on in the world though I don't want parents being uncomfortable. Obviously he will do the fingerprinting and background checks.

    I can't ask parents directly because I don't want my assistant to know about this until he is approved. I'm not firing her, just limiting her hours.
    If they have a problem with your father because he's a man, tell them that's sexist and prejudicial that they think a man can't provide good quality care for children, and they should be ashamed.

    My parents moved in (kinda, they parked their monster RV in the front yard and made my power meter spin like a whirling dirvish) when my wife re-opened after the baby was born, and all the daycare kids started calling my dad (70 years old) "Grandpa".
    Spouse of a daycare provider....which I guess makes me one too!


    • #17
      Originally posted by grandmom View Post
      I know family child care is so different, but really, would a center-based program even ask this question? No, they'd just hire who they wanted.

      In reality, men are good for the business. Children love them, they play differently. You just have to make sure he's kid-friendly, and not just the warm body you need for licensing.

      When my dad visits, the kids love him, but he's so old fashioned, he won't even let the little girls sit on his lap. He's sooooo concerned about what a parent might think of that.
      it's a good thing that he's concerned about that - really. i was saying in another thread this guy let a girl sit on his lap (a 5th grader) and it was creepy - although there were other things that added to his creep factor. you can never be too careful.


      • #18
        I know this post is old but as a parent I steer clear of any daycare setting be it home or center that has male employees. Just being honest. It's a big turn off. I interviewed a woman who seemed to have a nice home day care but was appalled when she mentioned her live in boyfriend is her helper. Your father is right to be worried in this day and world.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          I know this post is old but as a parent I steer clear of any daycare setting be it home or center that has male employees. Just being honest. It's a big turn off. I interviewed a woman who seemed to have a nice home day care but was appalled when she mentioned her live in boyfriend is her helper. Your father is right to be worried in this day and world.
          I would think it would be best not to look for care in a home then. MOST (not all) have men involved to some extent or another. My husband helps out when he is off work (2-3 weekdays per week) and subs for me when I have an appointment for me or the kids(usually at naptime). I am the main provider of course, but he lives here. So obviously he will have some interaction with the kids. And they LOVE it when he is around. Guys are just so much more fun!::


          • #20
            My husband is my "assistant" several days a week and runs the daycare when I am ill. The parents and kids adore him. He is an amazing father and role model. We are raising 3 awesome children together and there is noone I trust more on this earth. I could not do this without him.....

            When did being male make you unable to care for children? Do those women allow their husbands to be parents? I am just at a loss...:confused:


            • #21
              I think it's a lovely idea! My fiance also helps out in the evenings and the kids LOVE to hang out with him. Especially the boys. It gives all of the kids a chance to be around both a female and male adult to interact with. If you feel that the families you care for might have an issue with it just bring it up for discussion and address any concerns or questions they may have. I'm sure once you answer their questions and explain that your dad will go through the whole process anyone that's a little leary of it will be more open to it. You can make a joke of it by saying that your an equal opportunity employer . That should release some tension.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Golden Rule View Post
                My husband is my "assistant" several days a week and runs the daycare when I am ill. The parents and kids adore him. He is an amazing father and role model. We are raising 3 awesome children together and there is noone I trust more on this earth. I could not do this without him.....

                When did being male make you unable to care for children? Do those women allow their husbands to be parents? I am just at a loss...:confused:
                Are you serious in not knowing the difference between some strange MAN
                being around kids verses their real father??? Wow. I am confused then too.
                I think unemployed men should find jobs and not change little girls and boys diapers
                but hey, what do me and millions of other women know?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Are you serious in not knowing the difference between some strange MAN
                  being around kids verses their real father??? Wow. I am confused then too.
                  I think unemployed men should find jobs and not change little girls and boys diapers
                  but hey, what do me and millions of other women know?
                  LMBO!!! I don't have a "strange man" in my house..... I never said he was unemployed, as a matter of fact he is a Critical Care Paramedic (we both are) and assists me in caring for children with debilitating cardiac/renal on her third open heart surgery. He gives meds, runs EKG'S, sets up feeding tubes and helps me keep vital signs/treats wounds throughout the day.

                  General assumptions about half the population tend to make you appear the a$#. Perhaps you should do a bit more research?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    Are you serious in not knowing the difference between some strange MAN
                    being around kids verses their real father??? Wow. I am confused then too.
                    I think unemployed men should find jobs and not change little girls and boys diapers
                    but hey, what do me and millions of other women know?

                    Holy bucket of b%.*! My husband is great with my daycare kids, the kids at church beg for him to be in the nursey... He loves kids; and yes he can change a diaper, god forbid he know that dirty little task gasp!!!

                    Lady why is it that a woman is allowed and can do a mans job(ice road truckers) but men are not allowed in this profession???

                    Get a clue!!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Are you serious in not knowing the difference between some strange MAN
                      being around kids verses their real father??? Wow. I am confused then too.
                      I think unemployed men should find jobs and not change little girls and boys diapers
                      but hey, what do me and millions of other women know?
                      Wow!!!!! Just b/c a man changes diapers does not make him unemployed. And even if someone is unemployed it doesn't mean he is a pervert!!! If the parent is so concerned about it then maybe the kid's father should be taking care of the little tyke. I commend all women who have wonderful husbands who are willing to step up & take on their role as a FATHER. Real fathers, change diapers, real fathers, fold laundry, real fathers support their wives who do daycare & help out! My husband is employed full-time but he is home everyday at 3:30. My DC kids LOVE him & yes he helps change diapers if needed.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        Are you serious in not knowing the difference between some strange MAN
                        being around kids verses their real father??? Wow. I am confused then too.
                        I think unemployed men should find jobs and not change little girls and boys diapers
                        but hey, what do me and millions of other women know?
                        WOW! You've talked to a million other women about this??? Or are you just assuming that because you think it, well, it must be true! Seriously!

                        My son had a male daycare provider...and my husband now helps with my daycare and while I certainly wouldn't want to speak for a million other women I will say I have NEVER had a parent or a potential client who had an issue with it.

                        By the husband isn't unemployed but what a lovely judgemental statement. I think backward women should keep their 1950's propaganda to themselves.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Golden Rule View Post
                          LMBO!!! I don't have a "strange man" in my house..... I never said he was unemployed, as a matter of fact he is a Critical Care Paramedic (we both are) and assists me in caring for children with debilitating cardiac/renal on her third open heart surgery. He gives meds, runs EKG'S, sets up feeding tubes and helps me keep vital signs/treats wounds throughout the day.

                          General assumptions about half the population tend to make you appear the a$#. Perhaps you should do a bit more research?
                          Wow, I'm sure you and your husband are giving this family a HUGE gift of being able to be totally comfortable with the care their child is recieving. I've known two families so far that have children with heart issues, with all three of the children having had multiple heart surgeries, and I know that it was a huge burden for them to have one of the parents have to stay home instead of working their job to bring in income. It was just impossible for these families to find care for their kids. I wish these families had been able to find the type of care you and your husband are providing.
                          Proverbs 12:1
                          A reminder to myself when I resist learning something new.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by fctjc1979 View Post
                            Wow, I'm sure you and your husband are giving this family a HUGE gift of being able to be totally comfortable with the care their child is recieving. I've known two families so far that have children with heart issues, with all three of the children having had multiple heart surgeries, and I know that it was a huge burden for them to have one of the parents have to stay home instead of working their job to bring in income. It was just impossible for these families to find care for their kids. I wish these families had been able to find the type of care you and your husband are providing.
                            Thank you!!!! That is actually why we opened a home daycare.... When my own son died at his daycare (SIDS) I had alot of interaction with parents (via support group lectures, churches, in my role of paramedic on duty, etc) whom had been through something similar (having actually lost a child, or have extreme health issues).

                            When we were finally ready to have more children (6 years), the fear was this was our solution (few people have to ability to afford not to work). I have found that I have filled a need and healed my own heart this way.... Most of "my" parents drive over an hour just to bring their children to me... I am very blessed. Sorry to the op for off topic.....


                            • #29
                              I think that when parents interview to bring their kids to a daycare, they should be able to meet anyone who will be dealing with their child. And if new staff are hired, parents should be able to meet them too. I know plenty of people in the daycare business, both male and female, that I would love to have taking care of my kids if I had to go back to work. I also know several women and one man in the business that I would never allow to watch my kids, not because they are perverts or anything, but because of their personalities. Personality, experience, and the facilities would be a much bigger deciding factor for me than gender would be.
                              Proverbs 12:1
                              A reminder to myself when I resist learning something new.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Golden Rule View Post
                                LMBO!!! I don't have a "strange man" in my house..... I never said he was unemployed, as a matter of fact he is a Critical Care Paramedic (we both are) and assists me in caring for children with debilitating cardiac/renal on her third open heart surgery. He gives meds, runs EKG'S, sets up feeding tubes and helps me keep vital signs/treats wounds throughout the day.

                                General assumptions about half the population tend to make you appear the a$#. Perhaps you should do a bit more research?
                                Wow, did I cuss you so why the nasty language? Because I disagree with you? ha.

                                I will say this though, the defense attitudes I've seen on here prove my point. No REAL man wants to change boys and girls diapers, rock them to sleep etc. UNLESS THEY ARE THE BIOLOGICAL FATHER OR .

