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What Makes Your Cringe At Drop Offs?

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  • #46
    Ohhh I love these!

    Here's more of mine.

    Children who come with a wet overnight diaper on.
    One DCB I had years ago arrived at 6 am in their jams. I said to DCM I can put him back to sleep but please have his dressed. So she started putting him to bed in clothes and dropping him off wearing a huge dirty smelly diaper. Yuck!

    After several months of DCK morning behavioir issues and many many chats with DCP about this I was shocked to find out DCK was being bribed into the car in the morning with candy. Shocked and totally ticked off! I had invested so much time and effort into helping DCK. It was only because DCK had not finished his candy in the car and I saw it in his mouth. Mornings were better after I said no candy or no daycare.

    Muddy boots/shoes.

    DCP's who think every surface in my foyer is a landing spot for their kids things. Cubbies are there for a reason.


    • #47
      Oh....I HATE when kids come in overnight diapers. They are absolutely toxic smelling!!!! And the poor kids who have to wear them! That must feel miserable on their bottoms. Thankfully, none of my parents now do that. Thier kids arrive clean, dry and dressed. happyface I used to have a little girl though who the parents must have taken straight out of bed to the car. She had her overnight diaper on every morning when she came. It was a very early drop off so she just went back to sleep when she got here, but they could have changed it before they came. It would have taken a couple minutes!


      • #48
        When the first thing Mom or Dad says to me is, "I'm sorry." I know it's been a rough morning at home!! Of course, one of my families follows up, "I'm sorry." with "I burned you a new movie for tonight!!!" *big grin* ::


        • #49
          Originally posted by CheekyChick View Post

          3. Pajamas. Ashley didn't want to get dressed this morning so we let her wear her pajamas.

          4. Valentine's Day and the child comes in without cards for their friends, yet they go home with a huge bag of goodies from everyone else. :confused:
          The pajamas -- for me, that child would also go HOME in those pajamas. I had a mom who would do this. She'd bring the 18-20 mo old in his pajamas, and say, "his clothes are in his bag." Well, I changed him into the clothes once or twice, then I thought - why am I doing this mom's job??? So from then on, he went home in the pajamas. She finally got the hint after about 2 weeks.

          The Valentine's -- I know what you mean! And what's worse is when it's kids you've had since LAST Valentine's!! I have 2 sisters who didn't bring Christmas gifts or Valentine's, yet they went home with a bunch of stuff. They were here last year and got stuff. Didn't it dawn on them to bring it this year???? (Of course I'm referring to the mom, not the kids)


          • #50
            Originally posted by MissAnn View Post
            I have almost all teachers kids......they get out at 2:15 but don't pick up till 4:30 and many times come in with a different hairstyle or clothes than what they had on in the morning. Two of them bring their kids at 630 AM......10 hours a day?????????
            I have this same thing happen all the time!! Otherwise they always say to me- the kids don't have school, but we have meetings all day!!


            • #51
              When everyone knows that cut-off is 9:30, and you look out the window every morning to see cars careening into the parking lot at 9:31.

              Moms who walk in, go to the trash can and throw away McDonald's and Burger King breakfast wrappers, and then tells their kid to sit down at the breakfast table.

              Kids who are dropped off STARVING at 11:00 after "doctor's appointments" with no warning.

              "He didn't eat" + #1.

              And my favorite from this past week:

              "Hi dcm, we went to put J- on the school bus and he had green poop up his back and a slight fever. We don't want to send him to school like that."

              "Its okay, just clean him up and send him."

              "No, I mean, we're NOT sending him. He needs to be picked up."

              "Oh okay, I'll be there around 12 or 1." Its 9 am at this point.

              "No, he needs to be picked up in the next 30 minutes, please."

              Stumbles in in her regular (non-work) clothes 20 minutes later.


              • #52
                The teacher I used to provide care for did her lesson plans and prep for the next day after school. She was a primary teacher. She needed that hour or 1.5 hours to get sorted and ready for the next morning. She was still here by 4pm and told me about the after school hours at our interview so I didn't mind at all.

