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What Makes Your Cringe At Drop Offs?

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  • #31
    We have a sunroom of windows that overlooks the parking lot. Parents putting their hands and lips on the outside of the windows! Now I get to clean the inside and the outside of the windows tonight before I can go home. Plus, parents driving "off road" and onto the lawn because they are too busy waving and blowing kisses to keep their eyes on where they are going.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Catherder View Post
      1. Adults talking baby-talk to me.

      2. Any sentence that begins with "I hate to ask, but..."

      3. Any form of "How much do I owe you?"

      4. Any sentence that ends with "He/She doesn't do that at home...."

      BTW....It is not petty.... It is Friday Fun!!! Happy Watercooler day...happyface

      In fairness here is my parents list..

      1. When Mrs. Cat Herder rambles on and on about a new toy/book/shrub or bird that flew by when I need to leave.

      2. Any sentence that begins with "Do you have a minute?"

      3. Any sentence that ends with ".....but we can schedule a conference."

      4. Seeing that blue folder full of forms I have to fill out/sign/update, AGAIN. Ugh, homework. Enough already!! I have been here over two years....
      OMG! Catherder = Cat Herder! THey should have an emoticon of me hitting my head with my hand!


      • #33
        "Oh, shoot, I forgot your check." (Said in a tone like they're shocked at themselves, even though it happens every single payday).


        • #34
          Originally posted by MissAnn View Post
          I have almost all teachers kids......they get out at 2:15 but don't pick up till 4:30 and many times come in with a different hairstyle or clothes than what they had on in the morning. Two of them bring their kids at 630 AM......10 hours a day?????????
          I have the same teachers!!
          If others have off in the district, and she says, oh they have off, but I have meetings all day long- REALLY???


          • #35
            Originally posted by Greenplasticwateringcans View Post
            DCP who says how "good" DCK (4.5) was allll weekend and how child didn't have one
            accident. All the while DCK is being not behaving himself and then pees his
            pants. I sweetly smile at DCP. .
            This reminds me of the little boy I had whose mother insisted he was potty trained. He wasn't and despite trying to work with him, I had cleaned up more than my share of accidents. I had two infants (one who was very fussy) and several other young kids to watch. I couldn't always drop everything to run with him to the bathroom, especially since I couldn't get him to tell me when he needed to go and he resisted any time I tried to take him. I had asked her to put him in pull-ups until he got the hang of it. She didn't want to do this and was holding her son while we discussed the issue one morning at drop-off. Without any warning what-so-ever, he started peeing all over her. She said, "I'll send pull-ups tomorrow." ::


            • #36
              Originally posted by e.j. View Post
              This reminds me of the little boy I had whose mother insisted he was potty trained. He wasn't and despite trying to work with him, I had cleaned up more than my share of accidents. I had two infants (one who was very fussy) and several other young kids to watch. I couldn't always drop everything to run with him to the bathroom, especially since I couldn't get him to tell me when he needed to go and he resisted any time I tried to take him. I had asked her to put him in pull-ups until he got the hang of it. She didn't want to do this and was holding her son while we discussed the issue one morning at drop-off. Without any warning what-so-ever, he started peeing all over her. She said, "I'll send pull-ups tomorrow." ::


              • #37
                1. Rude parents who have important news/info to talk to you about tell it to the kid loud enough for you to hear but refuse to talk to you personally.

                2. Parents who send there kids to DC at 7am with soda, cake, cookies or even ice cream for breakfast.

                3. Parents who throw away everything on their kids clip without even looking at it.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by chellenj View Post
                  kid 1 comes in with mini muffins, kid 2 wants one. kid2 throws his cereal on the floor and starts smashing it. Kid 1's mom says, oh junior, give your friend a muffin! (AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!)

                  hey, too bad we cant have a kid valet! You drive up, drop the kid, and leave! like a drive thru!
                  Goddard School here does that! I thought it was pretty weird when my neighbor told me about it but now I realize they may just have something there. ::


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
                    When the parents arrive clearly not in work clothes, slightly earlier than usual, and you know and their kid knows that they are not going to work...
                    Yes, this exactly!! And the before Friday or Friday at pick-up I have a mom that will say, sorry I will have to pay you next week my pay was short! Um, thanks, just what I needed to hear.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by AfterSchoolMom View Post
                      "Oh, shoot, I forgot your check." (Said in a tone like they're shocked at themselves, even though it happens every single payday).
                      Yeah, funny how they don't forget to pay their utilities right!!!


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by bbo View Post
                        OMG! Catherder = Cat Herder! THey should have an emoticon of me hitting my head with my hand!
                        :::::: I just got Mt. Dew up my nose....
                        - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                        • #42
                          I love reading all these!
                          I've dealt with the binkie one, and also the separation anxiety one too (eventually the mom termed bc of it!
                          Here's mine:
                          The 1/2dayPM infant that fall asleep on the way to my house and then won't take a nap.

                          When the 6 yo Kndgtr I have has a poop accident (ugh) right before pick-up and gets all ADHD on me and won't change his pants, nor wipe. When dad comes in, dad proceeds to bribe child into doing what child needs to do (unsuccessfully). 15 minutes later, they leave with promises of candy and other fun things.
                          I also have a 5yo DCG that talks like a baby and insists on being carried out to the car by her dad (who complies). She tried crap like that with me, but she learned pretty quick that she is not the princess at my house!


                          • #43
                            1. Moms that claim ex dh/childs dad is the devil incarnate and fight custody and hold child over dads head for a tank of gas/pack of smokes/rent money. "pay me more or you can't pick our kid up today." Yet that mom will take weeks off work and bring child in EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. while "evil" dad always picks child up early, keeps child home when he's off work, teaches child to snowboard, does park outings, and pays through the nose for the daycare mom utilizes so thoroughally.

                            2. Carrying 3 years olds in to daycare with a baby bottle of juice and rotting teeth or soother. GAH.

                            3. "I'll be here early." Which means the odds are 50/50 for a late pick up.

                            I confess. I'm the blinkie mom. Seriously I'm not trying to wreck things, and I don't let him have it constantly at home.... but I just want to FRICKEN LEAVE. I want out the door and to go home. We've been at the daycare since 8 am... it's now 5;30. If I let my screaming 2 year old have his soother both my kids and I will happily walk out the daycare door in 2 minutes.. then I'll take the soother away at home... where the screaming just feels less shrill. If I don't give him the soother we will have a full on meltdown in the classroom... and delay our departure by 10 minutes at least.
                            ECE and Mother to a 4 year old girl and 21 month old boy


                            • #44
                              Lets add

                              4. Immaculately groomed parents dropping off their constantly greasy haired, dirty, rag dressed child.

                              4. Seeing Immaculately groomed parents bringing in their child wearing my daughters clothing that went missing from daycare a month earlier.
                              ECE and Mother to a 4 year old girl and 21 month old boy


                              • #45
                                1. Poopy diapers. Our policy is that every child MUST come dressed AND with a clean diaper. It seems daily there are at least two that come in poopy and the parents find it to be adorable. "Johnny has a little surprise for you." Yeah. That's super cute.

                                2. No shoes or coat when we plan to play outside. "Oops. Must have forgot Davies shoes at home." REALLY???

                                3. Pajamas. Ashley didn't want to get dressed this morning so we let her wear her pajamas.

                                4. Valentine's Day and the child comes in without cards for their friends, yet they go home with a huge bag of goodies from everyone else. :confused:

