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What Makes Your Cringe At Drop Offs?

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  • #16
    kid 1 comes in with mini muffins, kid 2 wants one. kid2 throws his cereal on the floor and starts smashing it. Kid 1's mom says, oh junior, give your friend a muffin! (AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!)

    hey, too bad we cant have a kid valet! You drive up, drop the kid, and leave! like a drive thru!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Solandia View Post
      "you are going to have a great day! I am sure Miss Sola will take you to the park/library/playdoh/paint, if you ask!"
      OMG, this is probably my biggest peeve!!!! I have a girl who comes at 11:30 - dad ALWAYS tells her we will go to the park. Ummmm.... how many times do I have to show him the daily schedule posted 2 feet away that shows our outside time ENDS before she arrives (i have her coming in at 11:30, another who leaves at 12:15 - then its lunch and nap - how on earth am I expected to squeeze a trip to the park in there????).


      • #18
        Parents that carry little angel in and sniff around the house like it still isn't good enough for them even though they have come for 6 months.

        Parents that ask the same questions over and over

        Parents that like to detail EVERYTHING their child did last evening, last night and in the morning....everything they ate, every poo they had

        Parents that start the morning out with a complaint and nothing to say whatsoever about the crafts or goodies sent home the day before.


        • #19
          My biggest is when a child shows up everyday with his blankie and a toy.... the kid is almost 3 pretty sure he dont need a blankie or toy and then cries immediately when i take it away and the mom says after she saw me take it away why dont you go ask kayla for your blankie, toy etc.... rediculous!!!


          • #20
            All of the above!!

            Plus.....Little ***** vomitted last night. Oh, he's okay. It was just something he ate."


            • #21
              forgot to add... dirty kids, kids that reak of ciggarrett smoke..( these parents swear they dont smoke in the car or house) but the chid ouldnt smel like a ciggarrett otherwise and he child also tells m the parent smokes in cr and at home so gross... i consider it child abuse i cant wait til its out lawed here... almost 3 year olds in onsies that button in crotch... parents who say they will be there early and show up late...


              • #22
                All of these and:

                Late arrivals (that means johnny is not getting his way & will be crying when he enters my house, little johnny is almost 5) I should also mention that my dh works til 2am so when little j is crying & dcm is talking loud- my dh gets woke up, ughh then I have to deal with a cranky dh.

                DCP who WON'T LEAVE!!! They hang out for 15-20 minutes and their kids are out of control at this time!!! Not to mention I am so far behind in my morning now

                what makes me cringe at PICK UP:

                DCP who WON'T LEAVE!!! I really like all of my families, but when its time to go home- please go

                Then when I have struggled all day long to not let 2 yr old dcb use his binky & even put it in his coat pocket (out of sight out of mind), then when dcm arrives she instantly takes his binky out of his pocket and sticks it in his mouth. AND she wonders why he isn't talking yet!!


                • #23
                  "I know you are closing early tonight but......"

                  "Johnny uses a bottle and paci at home so I have them in his bag. He gets his bottle for nap time and once the bottle is almost gone you need to slip it out of his mouth and hands and put his paci in and hold it for 10 minutes, then he'll fall asleep." <---- NOPPERS I won't do that! Johnny has never had a bottle or pacifier here and it just floors mom and dad!

                  "The only time Johnny was happy this morning was when I was holding him, which is weird because we don't hold him a lot at home."<---ya sure ya don't! Remember I'm your friend, I've been in your house and you DO hold him all the time! The poor kid barely gets put down.


                  • #24
                    When dad can't hang up his cell phone long enough to greet me and say good-bye to his child.

                    When mom goes into the backpack and takes out 9 toys for the child, even when I have asked her not to bring them.

                    When I get handed a sippy cup and half eaten bagel for them to finish.

                    When older siblings come in and start playing with toys.

                    I could go on and on....


                    • #25
                      me too!!!

                      Originally posted by bunnyslippers View Post
                      My neighbor does this ALL THE TIME! And then, he goes home and spends the whole day working in his yard, while his daughter watches him out the window. And then shows up late to pick her up!!!!!!!
                      Nothing like agreeing to take on their 2.5 month old COLIKY infant, when I have an infant 1 week older, only to have them come 45 minutes past closing time. And, the kicker... I can clearly see DCD mowing the freaking lawn from my front window. This prompted a warning... do it again, you're termed =)

                      Happy Friday!


                      • #26
                        I ditto 3-5 year olds being carried in. Then DCP tries to pass the child
                        off to me. No thank you! Walk child!

                        DCP who says how "good" DCK (4.5) was allll weekend and how child didn't have one
                        accident. All the while DCK is being not behaving himself and then pees his
                        pants. I sweetly smile at DCP. .


                        • #27
                          I've only had this once but it about sent me through the roof.

                          DCM drops of 3 yr old DCD, if you are a good girl today at Mrs.B's then I will come get you a little early.

                          For one, hello, if you call me and ask if she was good, I will say yes, regardless if it means an early pick-up.

                          Then of course mom "got caught up on a phone call at work" and was 10 minutes later than normal pick up time. Poor girl who is always good was so bummed that all the other kids were leaving before her.

                          I get lots of those "if you are good, or if you dont hit, or if you eat all your food at Mrs Bs then you get __________" Like a 2 year old in a frustrated fit, because a toy just got taken a way, is gonna think, " I better not hit or else my mom wont buy me ice cream."


                          • #28
                            Parent saying out of the blue at drop off of 2 yo child who was in diapers yesterday and never showed interest in your potty: "Dck is in undies today, he/she is doing sooooo good on the potty! I take his/her diaper off right when he/she gets up and put him/her on the potty and he/she goes! You just have to put him/her on the potty every 30 minutes for 20 minutes and he/she will do great".


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by e.j. View Post
                              All of the above!!

                              Plus.....Little ***** vomitted last night. Oh, he's okay. It was just something he ate."
                              Or dcb is coughing so much he can barely breathe and has green boogs coming out of his nose non-stop. Oh, and he threw up last night and had a few loose poops. But not since 8:30 last night. But he doesn't have a fever, so I think he's fine. Bye....parent says as parent sprints out door as fast as he/she can.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Greenplasticwateringcans View Post
                                I ditto 3-5 year olds being carried in. Then DCP tries to pass the child
                                off to me. No thank you! Walk child!

                                DCP who says how "good" DCK (4.5) was allll weekend and how child didn't have one
                                accident. All the while DCK is being not behaving himself and then pees his
                                pants. I sweetly smile at DCP. .
                                Oh, yes...that one, too!!!! Love when they try to pass a heavy, squirming, fighting child into my arms! One who has been walking for a year or two! Um...didn't I just tell you I stopped watching the "giant baby" who liked to be carried around all day or else he cried because it HURT my back?????

