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Unbelievable Stress!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Ariana View Post
    I'm so frustrated for you right now. You have to put yourself first here. Take deep breaths, get a glass of cold water. Calm down. No one is worth this type of trauma to your system. I know it's a lot of $$ to lose but have faith that you can replace her.

    I agree with youretooloud here, it shouldn't have been your problem since he was at school not at your house. Next time she calls you to pick up a sick kid don't answer the phone. Then SHE has to deal with it...she is the mother afterall. ridiculous.
    I know,and I have been trying to get her to be more responsible but this is going to affect us financially. When my husband had a good job, I just did daycare to earn some extra money to supplement his income but he is disabled and this daycare is our only income..I feel like the weight of the world is on me.
    I think I made a big mistake, I should have just kept him. (isolated in another part of the house)


    • #17
      Originally posted by Michelle View Post
      I know,and I have been trying to get her to be more responsible but this is going to affect us financially. When my husband had a good job, I just did daycare to earn some extra money to supplement his income but he is disabled and this daycare is our only income..I feel like the weight of the world is on me.
      I think I made a big mistake, I should have just kept him. (isolated in another part of the house)
      Don't feel guilty for not bowing to her requests..... You did NOT make a mistake. You followed your licensing rules. I know it is scary with the possibilty of losing a family but you cannot be held hostage financially and allow parents to use and abuse your services simply because of the fear of them pulling out.

      Trust me, this will all look and feel different tomorrow....whether she returns or not. We will be here to support you either way and things sometimes happen for a reason. Karma has a weird way of working out....

      Hang in there...


      • #18
        Oh Michelle, (((HUGS))) what a scary feeling for you.

        I know how it feels to be on tenterhooks, thinking a family will or might leave you and knowing that you can't even possibly afford it if they do. I know how scary and stressful that is.

        Take a deep breath and try to relax tonight. See what tomorrow brings.

        Like the others said, we're here for you.
        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


        • #19
          Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
          Oh Michelle, (((HUGS))) what a scary feeling for you.

          I know how it feels to be on tenterhooks, thinking a family will or might leave you and knowing that you can't even possibly afford it if they do. I know how scary and stressful that is.

          Take a deep breath and try to relax tonight. See what tomorrow brings.

          Like the others said, we're here for you.
          O.k....thank you
          I will try to get some sleep tonight
          You guys are the greatest!


          • #20
            No, you shouldn't have kept him. HES NOT YOUR KID!! Mom must have had a bad day at work, I bet you tommorrow will be a new day and she'll be embarressed that this day ever happened. (secretly hopping that he throws up all over her face)


            • #21
              Originally posted by countrymom View Post
              No, you shouldn't have kept him. HES NOT YOUR KID!! Mom must have had a bad day at work, I bet you tommorrow will be a new day and she'll be embarressed that this day ever happened. (secretly hopping that he throws up all over her face)


              • #22
                I wish I had some words of wisdom. I just wanted to offer some support. I think you did the right thing and I hope that the universe will come through with providing for your family.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by AnneCordelia View Post
                  I wish I had some words of wisdom. I just wanted to offer some support. I think you did the right thing and I hope that the universe will come through with providing for your family.
                  Thank you, I've been praying for a family of 6 well behaved kids, at $150 per week, with respectful, loving parents,
                  Hey, a girl can dream


                  • #24
                    how terrible.....
                    "God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.'"
                    Acts 13:22


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Michelle View Post
                      I think I made a big mistake, I should have just kept him. (isolated in another part of the house)
                      I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time financially. It's got to be scary for you. I hope things turn around for you soon.

                      But no.... you didn't make a mistake. If you had kept him and then caught his stomach virus and had to close for a day or two, would she have pulled her kids anyway? Sounds like she's taking out her own frustrations on you. She's the parent. It's her job to take care of her sick kids; not you.

                      If you had caved to her threats today, she would know that making threats works and she would continue to threaten you every time she needed you to exempt her from your day care rules. Not a good position for you to be in.
                      Hopefully, she just let her emotions get the best of her and she'll apologize once things calm down and she has time to think about her over-reaction. If I were in your situation, I'd take her back temporarily so I could pay my mortgage but I'd also be looking to replace her as soon as possible!


                      • #26
                        I just wanted to add hugs and say that I agreed with everyone else. It's not reasonable for Mom to expect you to keep her vomiting child. There comes a point where the parents need to step up regardless of how sparkly and important their job is.


                        • #27
                          OP. how are things this morning? Were you able to rest? Keep us updated. I hope you get a great group of clients soon!!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Michelle View Post
                            Today, I had a parent call me and ask me to pick up her child from school because he was throwing up. I picked him up and told the mom she needs to pick him up due to our sick policy.
                            She then started to threaten to take her kids out my daycare if she has to leave work. I told her that she has to pick him up due to licensing rules, not just mine.
                            I would not have agreed to pick up the sick child. You risk exposing the other children especially when it is stomach virus related. Where are her emergency contacts?


                            • #29
                              I don't know if anyone already said this, but I'd bet money that she sent him to school knowing he was sick.

                              How are you today? Did Mom apologize? If not, she should!!!!


                              • #30
                                any updates

