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Is Daycare A Women's World?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Michelle View Post
    how can changing attitudes change statistics?
    If 90 percent of Americans let their hair down and say "Oh, we think men should stay at home and watch our little kids because we don't think our kids will be hurt we are all "open minded now!"
    What do you think will happen?
    All the pedophiles that don't have a criminal record yet will open up their
    "Daddy Daycares" and then what will you say?
    Would you honestly put your little boy or girl in their care?
    I can honestly say that my son had a male daycare provider from the time he was about 6 months old until about 2.


    • #62
      I had a friend that was molested by her dad for 8 years, her life was so messed up, she was very promiscuous and could never stay in a relationship no matter how good the guy was. I am not just worried about touching and other abuse but also inappropriate pictures , these guys can do whatever they want in their own home.
      I know the thought is sickening but who would know?

      I know there are a lot of good men out there that will do great in the childcare industry. I just think they should work in centers where there are a lot of checks and balances, for the kids protection and for the men. (false and true allegations)

      I guess this is just a "hot button" for me because of all I have seen in my life.
      Believe me, I am all for men teaching, My daughters actually prefers male teachers. I just love children and they are so innocent and I have seen the pain and misery that some sicko's have caused.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Michelle View Post
        I had a friend that was molested by her dad for 8 years, her life was so messed up, she was very promiscuous and could never stay in a relationship no matter how good the guy was. I am not just worried about touching and other abuse but also child ****, these guys can do whatever they want in their own home.
        I know the thought is sickening but who would know?

        I know there are a lot of good men out there that will do great in the childcare industry. I just think they should work in centers where there are a lot of checks and balances, for the kids protection and for the men. (false and true allegations)

        I guess this is just a "hot button" for me because of all I have seen in my life.
        Believe me, I am all for men teaching, My daughters actually prefers male teachers. I just love children and they are so innocent and I have seen the pain and misery that some sicko's have caused.
        By her dad!?!? Maybe we should do away with fathers too and never let them be unsupervised with their own children.

        And YES! Absolutely without a doubt, I would put my child in a care with a male caregiver. I would do my background research and get references just as I would with a female caregiver. I have absolutely no qualms about leaving my child with a man ALONE .

        While my children were young, they had only two babysitters and both were teen age boys. Best babysitters I ever had.

        My DH is my substitute and is left with the children alone many times. ALL the parents are ok with it because they know the chances of their child being sexual molested or harmed are no different when left with my husband than they are when left with me.

        I also stand by what I said. IF people stop being so closed minded and assuming ALL men are bad then the stereotype that all men are bad will go away.

        FWIW~ Michelle, None of my feelings about this are directed in any way at you personally. This is also a hot button topic for me as well because of the fact that I have had many many male caregiver experiences in my life and none of them were negative. I also come from a predominantly male family in which the males were just as responsible for caring (alone) for the children than the females. Many of the men in my family are very loving and attentive and I feel sorry that in today's world they cannot share what postive attributes they have without the fear that someone will see it as malicious or harmful.
        Last edited by Blackcat31; 10-16-2011, 02:05 PM.


        • #64
          Perhaps this is why i am getting the DHS permit and the STAR qualifications... it helps to have some level of accountablity... something to say hey other than the fact my own three children are doing great i WILL be period!
          "God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.'"
          Acts 13:22


          • #65
            Originally posted by dave4him View Post
            Perhaps this is why i am getting the DHS permit and the STAR qualifications... it helps to have some level of accountablity... something to say hey other than the fact my own three children are doing great i WILL be period!
            I am not talking about you personally, I am talking about the general subject, I am sorry if I offended you, I am sure you will do well, there are a lot of good men out there, and I am sure you are one of them, and I think you deserve to go nuts like the rest of us! ::::...good luck and be careful to document everything, even when a child comes in sullen, or sad... just right it down.


            • #66
              Originally posted by dave4him View Post
              SO how do men get themselves from getting into those situations where they are accused of doing things they did not do. How do they protect themselves from parents who try to use them as scapegoats
              Women have not even figured that one out.

              We also get blamed for every bruise, illness and scrape. The difference is they assume it is about us not supervising...

              We live in an imperfect world.

              I do believe you are on the right track, Dave, by being active in your community and having people KNOW, LIKE and TRUST you.

              THAT is the biggest hurdle to any profitable business plan and you seem to already have that going for you.
              - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


              • #67
                Of course the other side of the coin would have made me a youth or assit. Pastor's sometimes get the wrong side of the news these days too.... basically there are just too many rotten apples out there. Cant keep us from growing tree's
                "God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.'"
                Acts 13:22

