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  • That’s annoying. The supervisor didn’t even bother to try to answer your question or let you know when your licensor will return to work? Hopefully your question isn’t urgent and you can wait for a reply.
    Last edited by Alwaysgreener; 10-11-2023, 04:28 PM.


    • Alwaysgreener
      Alwaysgreener commented
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      I thought she was his chaperone during the inspection but she said she wasn't present. I know he introduced the chaperone as a manager.

      Anyways he said one thing during the tour as more of a suggestion, then on the email he said you will do ... So I asked if he was going to cite me if didn't do it, since he changed his words. She won't answer that question but did say that the new system will make it for him to write it down before he leaves next year.

      The thing is, she knows he had a chaperone and she could ask the chaperone but she doesn't.

      Plus why did she say leave and not vacation? What does leave mean?

  • When I send out closure list for the year, I write subject to change.

    I took off October 31 because the school has a half day and I planned on going to my son's Halloween party at school. But since he didn't end up attending public school, I no longer wanted to take off Halloween.

    I resent out the list with Halloween removed a month in advance and an email was sent cancelling it from my online calendar.

    Dcm contacted me and asked if I was closed Halloween because it was no longer on the list.

    This is the second time this year I cancelled and at least one dcm questioned it. I have canceled in the past and had no issues with parents asking questions.


    • What is with parents who want care because they no longer trust their parents? I get these emails every once in a while.

      We are having our 3rd and my brother just had a baby and we (dcd and dcm) do not think my mom can handle 4 kids (two preschools and 2 babies) So we are looking for care for when our baby is born.

      Wait there is more, they also use a nanny one day a week and the nanny has a child that comes with her but they do not think that she can handle three preschools and a baby.

      I got news for them, I have my own two kids being homeschooled and 2-3 kids on the day that she needs care, giving me 7- 8 kids a day.

      Someone that loves her kids can not handle them and someone who knows her kids can not handle them, what does that mean for me?

      Anyway, as much as I would love to deal with a family that doesn't trust these women, I politely respond offering to schedule a phone call with them and give them two days and a time window to choose from (530-7pm). They replied back with a date but not a time, I let it go because I figured that they did not care and I would just call as soon as possible. I responded back, great look forward to talking to you on Tuesday.

      DCM responds with "That's the plan once the kids are in bed!" Wait! What? when do you put your kids to bed or how late do you expect that I am calling?


      • girlmomma
        girlmomma commented
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        There are likely underlying reasons as to why they don’t want Grandma/the nanny watching the kids. Grandma may be overstepping boundaries and now they have a way out (without hurting Grandma’s feelings) since her brother is having a baby.

        Personally, if I had a nanny, I wouldn’t want the nanny’s child around. I hired a nanny for one-on-one care for a reason. I wouldn’t read too much into the excuses.

        Some parents do put their children to bed at 7/7:30, but I would clarify that you’ll be calling at a specific time.

    • All the kids woke up on the wrong side of the bed.


      • CeriBear
        CeriBear commented
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        That happened to me yesterday. From the minute they walked into the classroom at 8:00 in the morning they were all cranky and seemed to have left listening ears at home. Just one of those days when I had to go home, pour me a large glass of Pinot Grigio and start thinking about my vacation. I love my job and the kids but yesterday was just one of those days.

    • Okay, This is the baby's (6 months) last week, (third week) Normally she does not take a bottle well, does not poop every day, and according to DCM takes 20 min nap.

      She ate an hour earlier than expected, took the bottle without fussing, cried while going number 2 (x3), and took a 2-hour am nap, at the second bottle with no issues. DCD picked up 4 hours early. (note that she has been taking a 1-hour nap here)

      At pick up he tells me that baby spent the whole weekend with grandma. Let me rephrase that, an exclusively breastfed baby, not bottle-trained spent the whole weekend with Grandma is now bottle-trained.

      Now with that said, Where is DCM? DCD did not say but with DCM having postpartum depression and EBFing, how did she handle a whole weekend without the baby?


      • Alwaysgreener
        Alwaysgreener commented
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        So as the day went on yesterday, I couldn't shake the feeling that I needed to do something but felt CPS was not the right call. So I referred the baby (7months tomorrow) to the local school district for an evaluation. She isn't where she should be developmentally Hopefully Dcm will be open to it.

        It is also bugging me that she cried and did not grunt when she pooped on Monday.

        She's just going to be one of those kids that make me wonder if I could have done more.

      • sahm1225
        sahm1225 commented
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        I’m confused as to what is your concern? Could dcm have been in the hospital? The crying when pooping could be from a tummy ache since it’s coming from a bottle versus a boob.

      • Alwaysgreener
        Alwaysgreener commented
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        Sorry I am partial over concerned, dcd admitted they went on a vacation, so mom was okay.

        The poop however was not breastmilk only poop, it was thick, smooth (not seedy) and ranked like a dead skunk. Her butt was beat red and she cried the whole time she pooped.

        I suggested it was a tummy ache, that she was fed a solid that she reacted to because bad breastmilk would still be seedy. They were shocked because Grandma was told not to feed her any solids. I also suggested they talk to the doctor.

        But at this point it doesn't matter because this was her last

    • Now for the 4-year-old, who is in Kinship care, she was terribly mean to DS and he retaliated. DCGma tells me at pick up that DCG saw her mom for the first time over the weekend. People tell me these things at or before drop-off, this info helps me with caring for your child.


      • Really how hard is this?

        I created a template email for enrollment that I just copied and pasted into my email. I attach any forms that are not linkable. Lately, I have not gotten all the forms completed and I have to remind/ ask them to complete everything.


        • e.j.
          e.j. commented
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          I give parents a folder with all of the forms printed out for them and put post-it notes on everything with specific instructions on what to do. For example, on my Parent Handbook, the post-it note reads. "Please read and initial each page to indicate you've read, understood and agree to follow the policies outlined in the handbook. Return the handbook with your child's enrollment forms." I always have to ask for the handbook and half the time, the parent hasn't initialed the pages. It's frustrating.

        • Alwaysgreener
          Alwaysgreener commented
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          Yeah, I used to do the folder thing or have them schedule a time to come complete the forms but most want me to send the documents via email. I have since created forms on jotform for about me, kidkare, and permission slips but the 2 state forms I have to send them as attachments.

      • Tuesdays are my busiest day and I'm always glad when it's over


        • Annalee
          Annalee commented
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          I've had a full-house yesterday and today and tomorrow as well....not the norm for me so I'm famished already! I was famished just thinking about it happening!!!!

      • I have to stop being so nice. I did not want to meet with the family for a few reasons but partly because they wanted 50 hours a week when DCM was not working. But I agreed to talk with them, then they forgot and I only talked to DCM while she was parked in a random parking lot. She then asked for a virtual tour of my place because she did not want to drive out to my home. Okay fine, I will do it but not for a few days, I have a full schedule so I squeezed them in.

        Yep, when I logged in they did not log in, so I had to text again, to find out that they found someplace else. I swear, sometimes I wish I could charge a no-show fee like doctors' offices. How hard is it to message and cancel?


        • Alwaysgreener
          Alwaysgreener commented
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          Lol so you know they needed to cancel?

          I have sent out reminders via email but I didn't have time to send one yesterday. I just recently started getting phone numbers and texting to schedule phone calls and tours.

        • girlmomma
          girlmomma commented
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          Yep! SIL and I discussed it

          They didn’t cancel it until I sent that text.

        • Alwaysgreener
          Alwaysgreener commented
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          I had a man contact me about my one opening. A few minutes later his sister contacted me for the same spot. She told me that they were siblings and she told him about me.

          (She had contacted every time she had a baby x4, but never followed through with meeting with me, I would always be nice and answer her questions)

          I explained to them both that I only had one opening , not sure why she felt she needed to compete for the one opening. He asked for a tour but never responded, of course never heard from her again. I guess she hasn't had another baby.

      • I'm not feeling Halloween today. I have a headache, I didn't sleep good, and I don't feel like doing anything. I'm glad I'm closing early today.


        • Annalee
          Annalee commented
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          SAME!!!! Had my FALL party last week; told dh to bring home candy just in case but most trick-or-treaters go to my mom's next door; she's nicer than me LOL I'm just 'kidded' out by 4:30 each day.....but I deal with the business aspect of my job, too, but my mom does the cooking and consoling/playing/fun part. SO.....I'm raady to CHILL the minute daycare is OVER plus I have a dentist appt late this evening too. OUCH!

        • Alwaysgreener
          Alwaysgreener commented
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          I wish I had closed early. I did last year, but this year my son was supposed to start K and they had a half day today so I had scheduled to be closed, ( so I could attend his class party). But when he didn't get busing I canceled the day but forgot to change it to a close early instead like I had it last year.
          Went to my online calendar and added a close early for next time.

        • Alwaysgreener
          Alwaysgreener commented
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          On the positive note I only had two yesterday and my last pick up left half an hour early at 5:00. So we were able to go trunk or treating right away and back home by 6:30. I had planned ahead to and had dh pick up dinner after his dentist appointment. So everybody ate before we left.

      • My bi polar sister is doing it again. I have told her repeatedly that I do not want updates on my previous foster kids from her.The other day she sent me few screenshots of their Facebook pages.
        Last edited by Alwaysgreener; 11-01-2023, 06:01 AM.


        • How funny...the parent who always made a big deal that it was hard for her to get off work early and an inconvenience to leave is the parent who has left work early several times to pick up her KG (former dck) from school and left work early to go to her Halloween party at school yesterday I guess it was only when *I* wanted to do things with my kids it was a problem for her


          • I don't allow car seats to be left for various reasons including not having a spot to keep them.

            Dcm: What do parents do with the car seat when they alternate pick ups?

            Me: I don't know, I don't ever think it has been brought up.

            Dcm: well I work in the opposite direction as dcd. It is open enrollment and I am working 15 hours.

            Me: well when my da hit six months we bought an upright car seat and stopped using the carrier.

            Dcm: it is a $400 car seat, I am not going to do that. (It is a car seat stroller in one)

            Me: 🤔 (you live around the corner, less than a mile away, just drop it off on the way to the expressway, your headed that way)

            Hmm I am wondering if having a spare seat wouldn't be a bad idea.


            • girlmomma
              girlmomma commented
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              I don’t know why parents feel the need to buy the car seat/stroller thingy.

              I had a 16MO still in an infant seat before they left. Drove me crazy because they’d leave it here or they’d be late to pick up because they “forgot” to get the seat from the other parent.

          • I do not own a personal printer and I am having to print things that are personal on our daycare printer however one particular day, I printed something personal and another employee was in there and happen to see it and they commented what it was to me and it made me feel like it was none of their business what it was and that they had no business Knowing what it was. This particular employee also has a tendency of getting into other people's business and voicing their opinion


            • I am so tired of all the phone calls and emails I get for care currently. For the first 8 months of the year, I was getting very few calls/emails, maybe one a month. But now, I get 3-4 a week for the past 2 months.
              I know it is an odd vent but I just want one week off from calling or video chatting with a family after work or during naptime, it is causing burnout on my end and I forgot to call one family right away. (we did not have a set time, just after 530 but it was after 6 when I called.)

              I currently just got another family to contact me tonight and a tour next Tuesday. (I do have another space to fill but I am just tired and need a break.)


              • Alwaysgreener
                Alwaysgreener commented
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                sahm1225 I will see red flags, but they will ask for a call or tour and I always feel obligated especially when they responded to my advertisement saying I have openings.

                Currently I am getting a bunch of expecting parents that are being told to shop around now and they don't understand why I have no idea if I will have a spot on six months. Not to mention that it feels like a waste of my time to tour them now vs next spring.

                So how do I tell the red flags and expecting parents No?

              • girlmomma
                girlmomma commented
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                I get irritated when they’re just shopping rates.

                Thankfully, all of my spots are filled except for one. I haven’t advertised for anything, I am just trusting God. I take a lot of time off for the holidays so I don’t think I’ll be advertising anytime soon. Just going to wait it out.

              • Alwaysgreener
                Alwaysgreener commented
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                girlmomma I can understand parents to be to shop rates, that they know how much it will cost. But it is the to be parents that want to interview when I say I don't offer to hold spots for that far away. We are talking 3 or more months.